Qualitative Risk Analysis定性风险分析

admin 2022年8月28日20:32:16评论50 views字数 3963阅读13分12秒阅读模式

Qualitative Risk Analysis


Qualitative risk analysis is more scenario based than it is calculator based. Rather than assigning exact dollar figures to possible losses, you rank threats on a relative scale to evaluate their risks, costs, and effects. Since a purely quantitative risk assessment is not possible, balancing the results of a quantitative analysis is essential. The method of combining quantitative and qualitative analysis into a final assessment of organizational risk is known as hybrid assessment or hybrid analysis. The process of performing qualitative risk analysis involves judgment, intuition, and experience. You can use many techniques to perform qualitative risk analysis:

  • Brainstorming|脑力风暴

  • Storyboarding|故事板

  • Focus groups|焦点小组

  • Surveys | 调查

  • Questionnaires|问卷调查

  • Checklists | 核对表

  • One-on-one meetings| 一对一会议

  • Interviews |访谈

  • Scenarios|情景模拟

  • Delphi technique|德尔菲技术


  • Brainstorming|脑力风暴

  • Storyboarding|故事板

  • Focus groups|焦点小组

  • Surveys | 调查

  • Questionnaires|问卷调查

  • Checklists | 核对表

  • One-on-one meetings| 一对一会议

  • Interviews |访谈

  • Scenarios|情景模拟

  • Delphi technique|德尔菲技术



The basic process for all these mechanisms involves the creation of scenarios. A scenario is a written description of a single major threat. The description focuses on how a threat would be instigated and what effects its occurrence could have on the organization, the IT infrastructure, and specific assets. Generally, the scenarios are limited to one page of text to keep them manageable. For each scenario, several safeguards are described that would completely or partially protect against the major threat discussed in the scenario. The analysis participants then assign to the scenario a threat level, a loss potential, and the advantages of each safeguard. These assignments can be simple—such as High, Medium, and Low, or a basic number scale of 1 to 10—or they can be detailed essay responses. The responses from all participants are then compiled into a single report that is presented to upper management. For examples of reference ratings and levels, please see Tables D-3, D-4, D-5, D-6, and E-4 in NIST SP 800-30 Rev.1:


所有这些机制的基本过程涉及到情景的创建。情景是对单一主要威胁的书面描述。描述的重点是威胁是如何被煽动的,它的发生会对组织、IT基础设施和特定资产产生什么影响。一般来说,情景描述的篇幅限制在一页之内,以使其易于管理。对于每一个情景,都描述了一些保障措施,这些措施可以完全或部分地防止该情景中讨论的主要威胁。然后,分析参与者为该情景指定一个威胁等级、一个损失潜力以及每个保障措施的优势。这些分配可以是简单的,如高、中、低,或1至10的基本数字等级,也可以是详细的论文答复。然后将所有参与者的答复汇编成一份报告,提交给上层管理人员。关于参考评级和等级的例子,请参见NIST SP 800-30 Rev.1的表D-3、D-4、D-5、D-6和E-4。

The usefulness and validity of a qualitative risk analysis improves as the number and diversity of the participants in the evaluation increases. Whenever possible, include one or more people from each level of the organizational hierarchy, from upper management to end user. It is also important to include a cross-section from each major department, division, office, or branch.


Delphi Technique

The Delphi technique is probably the primary mechanism on the previous list that is not immediately recognizable and understood. The Delphi technique is simply an anonymous feedback-and-response process used to enable a group to reach an anonymous consensus. Its primary purpose is to elicit honest and uninfluenced responses from all participants. The participants are usually gathered into a single meeting room. To each request for feedback, each participant writes down their response on paper or through digital messaging services anonymously. The results are compiled and presented to the group for evaluation. The process is repeated until a consensus is reached. The goal or purpose of the Delphi technique is to facilitate the evaluation of ideas, concepts, and solutions on their own merit without the discrimination that often occurs based on who the idea comes from.



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