What you’ll achieve:As a Regional Information Security and Data Protection Consultant, you will help...
[JobBoard] Data Compliance Specialist
an uncommonly down-to-earth job description, for a multi-disciplinary career, and learning journey a...
[JobBoard] AI Safety/Governance Interns
中国信通院人工智能研究所AI安全治理实习生,各一名。【岗位1:AI风险管理】1、 跟踪梳理国内外人工智能治理等政策法律法规;2、 重点参与人工智能风险管理研究相关工作,参与撰写研究报告;3、 重点参与...
[JobBoard] Privacy Compliance Specialist
【编者按】- Candidates can come from Law, Cybersecurity or any background - the employer is looking for s...