漏洞扫描工具 - Afrog

admin 2023年9月23日14:45:54评论46 views字数 2478阅读8分15秒阅读模式

01 项目地址


02 项目介绍

afrog 是一款快速、稳定的高性能漏洞扫描器。支持用户自定义PoC,内置CVE、CNVD、默认密码、信息泄露、指纹识别、越权访问、任意文件读取、命令执行等多种类型。通过afrog,网络安全专业人员可以快速验证和修复漏洞,这有助于增强他们的安全防御能力。

漏洞扫描工具 - Afrog


C:Users>afrog.exe -hafrog
Usage: afrog.exe [flags]
Flags:TARGET: -t, -target string[] target URLs/hosts to scan (comma separated) -T, -target-file string list of target URLs/hosts to scan (one per line)
POCS: -P, -poc-file string PoC file or directory to scan -ap, -append-poc string[] append PoC file or directory to scan (comma separated) -pd, -poc-detail string show a afrog-pocs detail -pl, -poc-list show afrog-pocs list -ep, -exclude-pocs string[] pocs to exclude from the scan (comma-separated) -epf, -exclude-pocs-file string list of pocs to exclude from scan (file)
OUTPUT: -o, -output string write to the HTML file, including all vulnerability results -j, -json string write to the JSON file, but it will not include the request and response content -ja, -json-all string write to the JSON file, including all vulnerability results -doh, -disable-output-html disable the automatic generation of HTML reports (higher priority than the -o command)
FILTER: -s, -search string search PoC by keyword , eg: -s tomcat,phpinfo -S, -severity string pocs to run based on severity. support: info, low, medium, high, critical, unknown
RATE-LIMIT: -rl, -rate-limit int maximum number of requests to send per second (default 150) -c, -concurrency int maximum number of afrog-pocs to be executed in parallel (default 25) -smart intelligent adjustment of concurrency based on changes in the total number of assets being scanned -rrl, -reverse-rate-limit int reverse poc maximum number of requests to send per second (default 50) -rc, -reverse-concurrency int reverse poc maximum number of afrog-pocs to be executed in parallel (default 20)
OPTIMIZATION: -retries int number of times to retry a failed request (default 1) -timeout int time to wait in seconds before timeout (default 10) -mt enable the monitor-target feature during scanning -mhe int max errors for a host before skipping from scan (default 3) -mrbs int max of http response body size (default 2) -silent only results only -pedm This monitor tracks and records the execution time of each POC to identify the POC with the longest execution time. -vsb Once a vulnerability is detected, the scanning program will immediately halt the scan and report the identified vulnerability. -cookie string custom global cookie, only applicable to http(s) protocol, eg: -cookie 'JSESSION=xxx;'
UPDATE: -un, -update update afrog engine to the latest released version -duc, -disable-update-check disable automatic afrog-pocs update check
PROXY: -proxy string list of http/socks5 proxy to use (comma separated or file input)
VERSION: -v, -version afrog version


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  • 本文由 发表于 2023年9月23日14:45:54
  • 转载请保留本文链接(CN-SEC中文网:感谢原作者辛苦付出):
                   漏洞扫描工具 - Afroghttp://cn-sec.com/archives/2062460.html


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