Countermeasure Selection and Implementation

admin 2024年2月16日00:04:01评论8 views字数 4515阅读15分3秒阅读模式
Countermeasure Selection and Implementation

Selecting a countermeasure, safeguard, or control (short for security control) within the realm of risk management relies heavily on the cost/benefit analysis results. However, you should consider several other factors when assessing the value or pertinence of a security control:


  • The cost of the countermeasure should be less than the value of the asset.


  • The cost of the countermeasure should be less than the benefit of the countermeasure.


  • The result of the applied countermeasure should make the cost of an attack greater for the perpetrator than the derived benefit from an attack.


  • The countermeasure should provide a solution to a real and identified problem. (Don’t install countermeasures just because they are available, are advertised, or sound appealing.)


  • The benefit of the countermeasure should not be dependent on its secrecy. Any viable countermeasure can withstand public disclosure and scrutiny and thus maintain protection even when known.


  •  The benefit of the countermeasure should be testable and verifiable.


  • The countermeasure should provide consistent and uniform protection across all users, systems, protocols, and so on.


  •  The countermeasure should have few or no dependencies to reduce cascade failures.


  • The countermeasure should require minimal human intervention after initial deployment and configuration.


  • The countermeasure should be tamper proof.


  • The countermeasure should have overrides accessible to privileged operators only.


  • The countermeasure should provide fail-safe and/or fail-secure options.


Keep in mind that security should be designed to support and enable business tasks and functions. Thus, countermeasures and safeguards need to be evaluated in the context of a business process. If there is no clear business case for a safeguard, it is probably not an effective security option.


Security controls, countermeasures, and safeguards can be implemented administratively,logically/technically, or physically. These three categories of security mechanisms should be implemented in a conceptual layered defense-in-depth manner in order to provide maximum benefit (Figure 2.4). This idea is based on the concept that policies (part of administrative controls) drive all aspects of security and thus form the initial protection layer around assets. Next, logical and technical controls provide protection against logical attacks and exploits.Then, the physical controls provide protection against real-world physical attacks against the facility and devices.

安全控制、应对措施和保障措施可以通过行政、逻辑/技术或物理方式实施。这三类安全机制应以概念性的分层深度防御方式实施,以提供最大效益(图 2.4)。这一理念基于这样一个概念,即政策(行政控制的一部分)驱动着安全的方方面面,从而形成围绕资产的初始保护层。其次,逻辑和技术控制可防范逻辑攻击和漏洞利用。然后,物理控制可防范现实世界中针对设施和设备的物理攻击。

Countermeasure Selection and Implementation


The category of administrative controls are the policies and procedures defined by an organization’s security policy and other regulations or requirements. They are sometimes referred to as management controls, managerial controls, or procedural controls. These controls focus on personnel oversight and business practices. Examples of administrative controls include policies, procedures, hiring practices, background checks, data classifications and labeling, security awareness and training efforts, reports and reviews, work supervision, personnel controls, and testing.


Technical or Logical(技术/逻辑的)

The category of technical controls or logical controls involves the hardware or software mechanisms used to manage access and provide protection for IT resources and systems. Examples of logical or technical controls include authentication methods (such as passwords, smartcards, and biometrics), encryption, constrained interfaces, access control lists, protocols, firewalls, routers, intrusion detection systems (IDSs), and clipping levels.

技术控制或逻辑控制类别涉及用于管理访问并为 IT 资源和系统提供保护的硬件或软件机制。逻辑控制或技术控制的例子包括认证方法(如密码、智能卡和生物识别)、加密、受限接口、访问控制列表、协议、防火墙、路由器、入侵检测系统(IDS)和 clipping Levels


Physical controls are security mechanisms focused on providing protection to the facility and real-world objects. Examples of physical controls include guards, fences, motion detectors, locked doors, sealed windows, lights, cable protection, laptop locks, badges, swipe cards, guard dogs, video cameras, access control vestibules, and alarms.


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