
admin 2023年11月16日14:37:59评论21 views字数 2809阅读9分21秒阅读模式


The U.S. government on Tuesday announced the takedown of the IPStorm botnet proxy network and its infrastructure, as the Russian and Moldovan national behind the operation pleaded guilty.


"The botnet infrastructure had infected Windows systems then further expanded to infect Linux, Mac, and Android devices, victimizing computers and other electronic devices around the world, including in Asia, Europe, North America and South America," the Department of Justice (DoJ) said in a press statement.


Sergei Makinin, who developed and deployed the malicious software to infiltrate thousands of internet-connected devices from June 2019 through December 2022, faces a maximum of 30 years in prison.


The Golang-based botnet malware, prior to its dismantling, turned the infected devices into proxies as part of a for-profit scheme, which was then offered to other customers via proxx[.]io and proxx[.]net.


"IPStorm is a botnet that abuses a legitimate peer-to-peer (p2p) network called InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) as a means to obscure malicious traffic," cybersecurity firm Intezer noted in October 2020.

“IPStorm是一种滥用合法对等网络(称为InterPlanetary File System,IPFS)的僵尸网络,用作掩盖恶意流量的手段,”网络安全公司Intezer在2020年10月指出。

The botnet was first documented by Anomali in May 2019, and, over the years, broadened its focus to target other operating systems such as Linux, macOS, and Android.


Threat actors who wish to hide their malicious activities could purchase illegitimate access to more than 23,000 bots for "hundreds of dollars a month" to route their traffic. Makinin is estimated to have netted at least $550,000 from the scheme.


Pursuant to the plea agreement, Makinin is expected to forfeit cryptocurrency wallets linked to the offense.


"The Interplanetary Storm botnet was complex and used to power various cybercriminal activities by renting it as a proxy as a service system over infected IoT devices," Alexandru Catalin Cosoi, senior director of investigation and forensics unit at Bitdefender, said in a statement shared with The Hacker News.

“Interplanetary Storm僵尸网络非常复杂,被用于通过感染的IoT设备租用其作为代理服务系统,以支持各种网络犯罪活动,”比特缺陷公司调查和取证部门的高级主管亚历山德鲁·卡塔林·科索伊在一份与The Hacker News分享的声明中说。

"Our initial research back in 2020 uncovered valuable clues to the culprit behind its operation, and we are extremely pleased it helped lead to arrests. This investigation is another primary example of law enforcement and the private cybersecurity sector working together to shut down illegal online activities and bring those responsible to justice."



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