Risk Reporting and Documentation

admin 2023年12月4日14:07:09评论10 views字数 1937阅读6分27秒阅读模式

Risk Reporting and Documentation


Risk reporting is a key task to perform at the conclusion of a risk analysis. Risk reporting involves the production of a risk report and a presentation of that report to the interested/relevant parties. For many organizations, risk reporting is an internal concern only, whereas other organizations may have regulations that mandate third-party or public reporting of their risk findings. A risk report should be accurate, timely, comprehensive of the entire oganization, clear and precise to support decision making, and updated on a regular basis.


A risk register or risk log is a document that inventories all the identified risks to an organization or system or within an individual project. A risk register is used to record and track the activities of risk management, including the following:


 ■ Identifying risks 识别风险
 ■ Evaluating the severity of and prioritizing those risks
 ■ Prescribing responses to reduce or eliminate the risks
 ■ Tracking the progress of risk mitigation

A risk register can serve as a project management document to track completion of risk response activities as well as a historical record of risk management over time. The contents of a risk register could be shared with others to facilitate a more realistic evaluation of real-world threats and risks through the amalgamation of risk management activities by other organizations.


A risk matrix or risk heat map is a form of risk assessment that is performed on a basic graph or chart. It is sometimes labeled as a qualitative risk assessment. The simplest form of a risk matrix is a 3×3 grid comparing probability and damage potential. This was covered in Chapter 1.

风险矩阵或风险热图是在基本图表上进行风险评估的一种形式。有时也被称为定性风险评估。风险矩阵的最简单形式是一个 3×3 的网格,比较概率和损害可能性。第 1 章对此进行了介绍。

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  • 本文由 发表于 2023年12月4日14:07:09
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                   Risk Reporting and Documentationhttp://cn-sec.com/archives/2265109.html


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