CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge

admin 2023年12月10日02:40:25评论28 views字数 16454阅读54分50秒阅读模式
根据GitHub Security Lab CTF 2: U-Boot Challenge(来学习codeql。官方的那个github机器人好像已经没了,记录下入门的过程。


1.1 codeql-cli & visual studio code & 插件codeql


1.2 clone vscode-codeql-starter

git clone --recursive

如果报错ssl timeout,那就在/etc/hosts里加上github的ip,比如这样:
查询github ip的网址:

1.3 下载u-boot已有数据库

下载:U-Boot CodeQL database


❯ unzip ❯ ll total 1011776 drwxr-xr-x 5 lzx staff 160B 6 6 23:33 attach drwxr-xr-x 38 lzx staff 1.2K 6 5 23:02 codeql drwxr-xr-x@ 22 lzx staff 704B 5 24 18:28 codeql-cli -rw-r--r--@ 1 lzx staff 420M 6 5 23:01 -rw-r--r--@ 1 lzx staff 2.1K 6 7 00:00 -rw-r--r--@ 1 lzx staff 74M 6 5 23:21 drwxr-xr-x@ 9 lzx staff 288B 6 7 00:01 u-boot_u-boot_d0d07ba <-- 解压结果 drwxr-xr-x 21 lzx staff 672B 6 6 22:51 vscode-codeql-starter

1.4 导入vscode-codeql-starter

VSCode:File->Open workspace from file...->选择vscode-codeql-starter.code-workspace
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge

1.5 导入u-boot 数据库

VSCode Extension CODEQL:From a folder(因为我前面解压了)。
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge


proxychains4 git clone cd u-boot git reset --hard d0d07ba86afc8074d79e436b1ba4478fa0f0c1b

1.6 clone 课程仓库


git clone

1.7 把课程仓库添加到前面的starter workspace

File->Add Folder to Workspace...添加完之后长下面这样。

CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge

The goal of this challenge is to find the 13 remote-code-execution vulnerabilitiesthat our security researchers foundin theU-Boot loader. The vulnerabilities can be triggered when U-Boot is configured to use the network for fetching the next stage boot resources. MITRE has issued the following CVEs for the 13 vulnerabilities:CVE-2019-14192,CVE-2019-14193,CVE-2019-14194,CVE-2019-14195,CVE-2019-14196,CVE-2019-14197,CVE-2019-14198,CVE-2019-14199,CVE-2019-14200,CVE-2019-14201,CVE-2019-14202,CVE-2019-14203, andCVE-2019-14204.

Through these vulnerabilities an attacker in the same network (or controlling a malicious NFS server) could gain code execution at the U-Boot powered device. Thefirst twooccurrences of the vulnerability were plainmemcpy overflowswith an attacker-controlled size coming from the network packet without any validation. Thememcpyfunction copiesnbytes from memory areasrcto memory areadest. This can be unsafe when the size being parsed is not appropriately validated, allowing an attacker to fully control the data and length being passed through.

U-Boot contains hundreds of calls tomemcpyandlibcfunctions that read from the network such asntohlandntohs. In this challenge, you will useCodeQLto find those calls. Of course many of those calls are safe, so throughout this challenge you will refine your query to reduce the number of false positives.

Upon completion of the challenge, you will have a query that is able to find many of the vulnerabilities that allow for remote execution of arbitrary code on U-Boot powered devices.

Step 0: Finding the definition of memcpy, ntohl, ntohll, and ntohs

2.1 找到所有名为strlen的函数定义


import cpp from Function f where f.getName() = "strlen" select f, "a function named strlen"

选中3_function_definitions.ql右键->CodeQL: Run Queries in Selected Files。
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
Question 0.0: Can you work out what the above query is doing?
import cpp: 导入 c++ 规则库。
From Function f: 声明一个 Function 类的变量为 f。
where f.getName() = "strlen":f.getName()用于获取此变量的名称,也就是满足条件:和strlen相同的Function会被选出来。
select f,"a function named strlen": select的作用是选择要显示的结果,用逗号分隔。嗯,和sql一样。

2.2 找到所有名为memcpy的函数定义

Question 0.1: Modify the query to find the definition of memcpy.
◆Hint: Queries have a from, where, and select clause. Have a look at thisintroduction to the QL language(
import cpp from Function f where f.getName() = "memcpy" select f, "a function named memcpy"
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge

2.3 找到所有名为ntohlntohllntohs的函数定义或宏定义

Question 0.2:ntohl,ntohll, andntohscan either be functions or macros (depending on the platform where the code is compiled).
As these snapshots for U-Boot were built on Linux, we know they are going to be macros. Write a query to find the definition of these macros.
◆Hint: The CodeQL Query Console has an auto-completion feature. HitCtrl-Spaceafter the from clause to get the list of objects you can query. Wait a second after get the list of methods.
  • hmm...query console?ctrl-space
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
◆Hint: We can use a regular expression to write a query that searches for all three macros at once.

  • 借助正则表达式,一次查询三个宏的定义
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
import cpp from Macro m where m.getName().regexpMatch("ntoh(l|ll|s)") select m, "ntohl, ntohll, and ntohs"
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge

import cpp from Macro m // where m.getName().regexpMatch("ntoh(l|ll|s)") // select m, "ntohl, ntohll, and ntohs" // where <your_variable_name> in [“bar”, “baz”, “quux”] where m.getName() in ["ntohs","ntohl","ntohll"] select m, "ntohl, ntohll, and ntohs 22222"
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
ntoh 族函数通常用来进行网络字节序到主机字节序的转换。

Step 1: Finding the calls to memcpy, ntohl, ntohll, and ntohs

3.1 找到所有memcpy的调用

Question 1.0: Find all the calls tomemcpy.
◆Hint: Use the auto-completion feature on the function call variable to guess how to express the relation between a function call and a function, and how to bind them.
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
import cpp from FunctionCall fc // FunctionCall.getTarget():返回值类型的是Function,功能是获取被这个函数调用fc所调用的函数 where fc.getTarget().getName() = "memcpy" // 如果fc调用的函数的名称是memcpy select fc
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge

3.2 找到所有ntohlntohllntohs的调用

Question 1.1: Find all the calls tontohl,ntohll, andntohs.
◆Hint: calls tontohl,ntohll, andntohsare macro invocations, unlike memcpy which is a function call.

  • MacroInvocation类似上面的FunctionCall
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge

import cpp from MacroInvocation mi where mi.getMacro().getName().regexpMatch("ntoh(l|ll|s)") select mi
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge

3.3 找到所有包含上面宏调用的表达式

Question 1.2: Find the expressions that resulted in these macro invocations.
◆Hint: We need to get the expression of the macro invocation we found in 1.1
找到有Q1.1宏调用的表达式?一开始我不大理解这个问题,上面不是找到宏调用的地方了吗?然后想了想,Q1.1是要找到所有calls,而这里要找到有calls的expressions。那么前面的where限定应该不用改,MacroInvocation应该可以get Expression,那就再用代码补全再看看吧:
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
获取这个宏调用相关的top-level expression,并且如果top-level的expanded元素不是表达式的话,会获取失败。所以,mi.getExpr()的结果应该是mi的子集。果然,执行后,翻了翻结果,数量和内容和Q1.1是一样的。
另外,这个top-level expression是什么?
What is a top-level expression?
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
import cpp from MacroInvocation mi where mi.getMacro().getName().regexpMatch("ntoh(l|ll|s)") select mi.getExpr()


CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge

Step 2: Data flow analysis
For this step, we want to detect cases where some data read from the network will end up being used by a call to memcpy. To do this, we’ll use the CodeQL taint tracking library, and its predicatehasFlowPaththat will tell us when some data coming from asourceflows to asink. Use the boiler plate provided below to complete yourtaint trackingquery.


CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
Question 2.0: Write a QL class( that finds all the top-level expressions associated with the macro invocations to the calls tontohl,ntohll, andntohs.
◆Hint: Querying this class should give you the same results as in question 1.2

◆就是让换种写法来获取Q1.2的结果,要用QL Class。根据它给的链接学一下QL Class,然后重写Q1.2的答案:
import cpp // 定义一个类: // 1. 要有class关键字 // 2. 类名首字母必须大写 // 3. 类的supertypes需要由关键字 extends 或者 instanceof 来声明 // 4. 类的body要闭合 class MyMacroInvocation extends MacroInvocation{ // 这个类继承MacroInvocation MacroInvocation mi;// 声明一个宏调用的变量 MyMacroInvocation(){ // characteristic predicate, 类似构造函数 // mi满足下面的条件,并且this等于mi mi.getMacro().getName().regexpMatch("ntoh(l|ll|s)") and this = mi } } from MyMacroInvocation mmi select mmi.getExpr() // 获取满足上面条件的宏调用的表达式

当然,如果要定义一个extends Expr类的类,方法也是类似的:

// 解法3: import cpp class MyExpr extends Expr { MacroInvocation mi; MyExpr(){ mi.getMacro().getName().regexpMatch("ntoh(l|ll|s)") and this = mi.getExpr() } } from MyExpr me select me, "33333"
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge

import cpp class NetworkByteSwap extends Expr { NetworkByteSwap() { exists(MacroInvocation mi | mi.getMacro().getName().regexpMatch("ntoh.*") | mi.getExpr() = this) } } from NetworkByteSwap n select n, "Network byte swap"

Question 2.1: Create the configuration($Configuration.html) class, by defining the source and sink.
The source should be calls tontohl,ntohll, orntohs. The sink should be the size argument of an unsafe call to memcpy.

ntoh 族函数通常用来进行网络字节序到主机字节序的转换。所以这里的意思应该是noth族函数会将外部传入的数据包中的某些数据转换一个数值,而这个数值可能最终会被传给memcpy作为size参数,使得拷贝的长度被攻击者控制,就可能会产生安全风险。
◆Hint: The source should be an instance of the class you wrote in part 2.0.
◆Hint: The sink should be the size argument of calls to memcpy.
/** * @kind path-problem */ import cpp import semmle.code.cpp.dataflow.TaintTracking import DataFlow::PathGraph class YOUR_CLASS_HERE extends Expr { // 2.0 Todo } class Config extends TaintTracking::Configuration { Config() { this = "NetworkToMemFuncLength" } override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) { // 2.1 Todo } override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) { // 2.1Todo } from Config cfg, DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink where cfg.hasFlowPath(source, sink) select sink, source, sink, "ntoh flows to memcpy"


// 1. 声明3个变量,Config类型的cfg,PathNode类型的source和sink from Config cfg, DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink // 2. 将source 和 sink 作为参数传入hasFlowPath。顾名思义,也就是判断是否有从source到sink的数据流动的path where cfg.hasFlowPath(source, sink) // 3. 打印sink 和source,不过为啥要打印两遍sink? select sink, source, sink, "ntoh flows to memcpy"


/** * Holds if data may flow from `source` to `sink` for this configuration. * * The corresponding paths are generated from the end-points and the graph * included in the module `PathGraph`. */ 相应的path是通过模块PathGraph里的end-points和graph来生成的


class Config extends TaintTracking::Configuration { Config() { this = "NetworkToMemFuncLength" } override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) { // 2.1 Todo } override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) { // 2.1Todo }

2.为了创建一个configuration,需要创建一个继承该类的子类。它的characteristic predicate(可看作构造函数)是一个独一无二的字符串,比如模版中写的NetworkToMemFuncLength。

3.Configuration类的override member predicate(可看作成员函数)中,必须要覆写的有isSourceisSink,其他都是可选的。

4.为了查询是否有从sourcesink的流,写法如下:exists(MyAnalysisConfiguration cfg | cfg.hasFlow(source, sink))

5.多个Configuration可以共存,但是不支持在一个Configuration类的override predicate里去写怎么依赖另一个Configuration。hmm...这个还是得看例子才知道怎么写。
Predicates are used to describe the logical relations that make up a QL program. 谓词用来描述QL程序里的逻辑关系
Strictly speaking, a predicate evaluates to a set of tuples. 严格来讲,谓词的计算结果是一组元组
predicate isCountry(string country) { country = "Germany" or country = "Belgium" or country = "France" }


/** * @kind path-problem */ import cpp import semmle.code.cpp.dataflow.TaintTracking import DataFlow::PathGraph class MyExpr extends Expr { // 2.0 Todo MacroInvocation mi; MyExpr(){ mi.getMacro().getName().regexpMatch("ntoh(l|ll|s)") and this = mi.getExpr() } } class Config extends TaintTracking::Configuration { Config() { this = "NetworkToMemFuncLength" } override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) { // 2.1 Todo source.asExpr() instanceof MyExpr } override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) { // 2.1Todo // 存在memcpy的函数调用,并且该调用的第二个参数是sink.asExpr() exists(FunctionCall fc | fc.getTarget().hasName("memcpy") | sink.asExpr() = fc.getArgument(2)) } } from Config cfg, DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink where cfg.hasFlowPath(source, sink) select sink, source, sink, "ntoh flows to memcpy"
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
Step 3: Find additional vulnerabilities


Question 3.0: There are 13 known vulnerabilities in U-Boot.
The query you completed above probably found 9 of them. See if you can refine your query to find 1 or more additional vulnerabilities.



CVE-2019-14192、 CVE-2019-14193 和 CVE-2019-14199

结果【1】和【2】的source是在函数net_process_received_packet的末尾,此处很明显会发生integer underflow:
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
然后将underflow的整数传递进函数nc_input_packet,但是第149行检测了len的大小,这样我觉得即使传入一个很大的len,这里的memcpy也不会发生越界写。。然而我查了一下,U-Boot NFS RCE Vulnerabilities (CVE-2019-14192)(说这里是会越界写的。但是他就一句话,没懂。
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
然后找了一下patch(,对应的编号有CVE-2019-14192、 CVE-2019-14193 和 CVE-2019-14199。三个?

CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge

CVE-2019-14197、CVE-2019-14200、 CVE-2019-14201、CVE-2019-14202、CVE-2019-14203 和 CVE-2019-14204

CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
不想一个一个审计了,直接看文章U-Boot NFS RCE Vulnerabilities (CVE-2019-14192)(知道漏洞都存在于nfs_handler。那就只审计它。可以看到,该函数仍然未校验len,直接在不同分支里将其分别传递给函数:

static void nfs_handler(uchar *pkt, unsigned dest, struct in_addr sip, unsigned src, unsigned len) { int rlen; int reply; debug("%sn", __func__); if (dest != nfs_our_port) return; switch (nfs_state) { case STATE_PRCLOOKUP_PROG_MOUNT_REQ: if (rpc_lookup_reply(PROG_MOUNT, pkt, len) == -NFS_RPC_DROP) break; ...... break; case STATE_PRCLOOKUP_PROG_NFS_REQ: if (rpc_lookup_reply(PROG_NFS, pkt, len) == -NFS_RPC_DROP) break; ...... break; case STATE_MOUNT_REQ: reply = nfs_mount_reply(pkt, len); ...... break; case STATE_UMOUNT_REQ: reply = nfs_umountall_reply(pkt, len); ...... break; case STATE_LOOKUP_REQ: reply = nfs_lookup_reply(pkt, len); ...... break; case STATE_READLINK_REQ: reply = nfs_readlink_reply(pkt, len); ...... break; case STATE_READ_REQ: rlen = nfs_read_reply(pkt, len); ...... break; } }
rpc_lookup_reply->未检验len,直接memcpy(&[0], pkt, len);-> 存在越界写漏洞
nfs_mount_reply->未检验len,直接memcpy(&[0], pkt, len);-> 存在越界写漏洞
nfs_umountall_reply->未检验len,直接memcpy(&[0], pkt, len);-> 存在越界写漏洞
nfs_lookup_reply->未检验len,直接memcpy(&[0], pkt, len);-> 存在越界写漏洞
nfs_readlink_reply->未检验len,直接memcpy((unsigned char *)&rpc_pkt, pkt, len);-> 存在越界写漏洞
  • memcpy(&[0], pkt, sizeof(rpc_pkt.u.reply));
  • pkt的大小可能没有sizeof(rpc_pkt.u.reply)这么大,存在越界读。
struct rpc_t { union { uint8_t data[NFS_READ_SIZE + (6 + NFS_MAX_ATTRS) * sizeof(uint32_t)]; struct { uint32_t id; uint32_t type; uint32_t rpcvers; uint32_t prog; uint32_t vers; uint32_t proc; uint32_t data[1]; } call; struct { uint32_t id; uint32_t type; uint32_t rstatus; uint32_t verifier; uint32_t v2; uint32_t astatus; uint32_t data[NFS_READ_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t) + NFS_MAX_ATTRS]; } reply; } u; } __attribute__((packed));

所以,这里有6个漏洞,经查询patch(,对应的CVE编号为:CVE-2019-14197、CVE-2019-14200、 CVE-2019-14201、CVE-2019-14202、CVE-2019-14203 和 CVE-2019-14204。

CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge


CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge



CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge

CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge


CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge
Question 3.1: Generalize your query to find other untrusted inputs (not only networking) such as ext4 fs.

菜鸡不懂,ext4 fs的输入有啥类似ntoh*的特征?



  • CVE-2019-14192、 CVE-2019-14193 和 CVE-2019-14199是咋回事?
  • Q3.0说能根据查询结果找到9个漏洞,是哪9个?不该是13减去6个handler的漏洞吗?
  • Q3.1?
  • 对于通过设置handler的情况,怎么查询?


CodeQL入门 - U-Boot Challenge


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