
admin 2023年12月21日13:43:46评论15 views字数 3716阅读12分23秒阅读模式


Ransomware groups are increasingly switching to remote encryption in their attacks, marking a new escalation in tactics adopted by financially motivated actors to ensure the success of their campaigns.


"Companies can have thousands of computers connected to their network, and with remote ransomware, all it takes is one underprotected device to compromise the entire network," Mark Loman, vice president of threat research at Sophos, said.

Sophos的威胁研究副总裁Mark Loman表示:“公司可能有数千台连接到其网络的计算机,而使用远程勒索软件,只需一个防护不力的设备就可以 compromised整个网络。”

"Attackers know this, so they hunt for that one' weak spot' — and most companies have at least one. Remote encryption is going to stay a perennial problem for defenders."


Remote encryption (aka remote ransomware), as the name implies, occurs when a compromised endpoint is used to encrypt data on other devices on the same network.


In October 2023, Microsoft revealed that around 60% of ransomware attacks now involve malicious remote encryption in an effort to minimize their footprint, with more than 80% of all compromises originating from unmanaged devices.


"Ransomware families known to support remote encryption include Akira, ALPHV/BlackCat, BlackMatter, LockBit, and Royal, and it's a technique that's been around for some time – as far back as 2013, CryptoLocker was targeting network shares," Sophos said.


A significant advantage to this approach is that it renders process-based remediation measures ineffective and the managed machines cannot detect the malicious activity since it is only present in an unmanaged device.


The development comes amid broader shifts in the ransomware landscape, with the threat actors adopting atypical programming languages, targeting beyond Windows systems, auctioning stolen data, and launching attacks after business hours and at weekends to thwart detection and incident response efforts.



Sophos, in a report published last week, highlighted the "symbiotic – but often uneasy – relationship" between ransomware gangs and the media, as a way to not only attract attention, but also to control the narrative and dispute what they view as inaccurate coverage.


This also extends to publishing FAQs and press releases on their data leak sites, even including direct quotes from the operators, and correcting mistakes made by journalists. Another tactic is the use of catchy names and slick graphics, indicating an evolution of the professionalization of cyber crime.


"The RansomHouse group, for example, has a message on its leak site specifically aimed at journalists, in which it offers to share information on a 'PR Telegram channel' before it is officially published," Sophos noted.

例如,RansomHouse团队在其泄露网站上专门针对记者发布了一条消息,在该消息中,它提供在“PR Telegram channel”上分享信息的机会,然后才正式发布。

While ransomware groups like Conti and Pysa are known for adopting an organizational hierarchy comprising senior executives, system admins, developers, recruiters, HR, and legal teams, there is evidence to suggest that some have advertised opportunities for English writers and speakers on criminal forums.


"Media engagement provides ransomware gangs with both tactical and strategic advantages; it allows them to apply pressure to their victims, while also enabling them to shape the narrative, inflate their own notoriety and egos, and further 'mythologize' themselves," the company said.



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