Social Engineering社会工程学

admin 2023年12月22日10:55:57评论12 views字数 5817阅读19分23秒阅读模式

Social Engineering


Social engineering is a form of attack that exploits human nature and human behavior. People are a weak link in security because they can make mistakes, be fooled into causing harm, or intentionally violate company security. Social engineering attacks exploit human characteristics such as a basic trust in others, a desire to provide assistance, or a propensity to show off. It is important to consider the risks that personnel represent to your organiza-tion and implement security strategies to minimize and handle those risks.


Social engineering attacks take two primary forms: convincing someone to perform an unauthorized operation or convincing someone to reveal confidential information. In just about every case, in social engineering the attacker tries to convince the victim to perform some activity or reveal a piece of information that they shouldn’t. The result of a successful attack is information leakage or the attacker being granted logical or physical access to a secure environment.


Here are some example scenarios of common social engineering attacks:


  •  A website claims to offer free temporary access to its products and services, but it requires web browser and/or firewall alterations in order to download the access software. These alterations may reduce the security protections or encourage the victim to install malicious browser helper objects (BHOs) (also known as plug-ins, extensions, add-ons).


  • The help desk receives a call from someone claiming to be a department manager who is currently involved in a sales meeting in another city. The caller claims to have forgotten their password and needs it to be reset so that they can log in remotely to download an essential presentation.

  • 服务台接到一个自称是部门经理的电话,他目前正在另一个城市参加销售会议。来电者声称忘记了密码,需要重新设置密码,以便远程登录下载重要的演示文稿。

  • Someone who looks like a repair technician claims a service call was received for a malfunctioning device in the building. The “technician” is sure the unit can be accessed from inside your office work area and asks to be given access to repair the system.

    有一个看起来像维修技术人员的人声称接到了关于大楼内设备故障的服务电话。该 "技术人员 "确信可以从您的办公区内进入该设备,并要求获准进入维修系统。

  • If a worker receives a communication from someone asking to talk with a coworker by name, and there is no such person currently or previously working for the organization,this could be a ruse to either reveal the names of actual employees or convince you to“provide assistance” because the caller has incorrect information.

    如果员工收到某人的来信,要求与同事通话,但对方目前或以前并不在公司工作,这可能是一个诡计,目的是暴露实际员工的姓名,或说服你 "提供帮助",因为来电者所知道的信息是错误的。

  • When a contact on a discussion forum asks personal questions, such as your education,history, and interests, they could be focused on learning the answers to password reset questions.


Some of these examples may also be legitimate and benign occurrences, but you can see how they could mask the motives and purposes of an attacker. Social engineers attempt to mask and hide their true intentions by crafting their attack to seem as normal and typical as possible.


Whenever a security breach occurs, an investigation should be performed to determine what was affected and whether the attack is ongoing. Personnel should be retrained to detect and avoid similar social engineering attacks in the future. Although social engineering attacks primarily focus on people, the results of an attack can be disclosure of private or confidential materials, physical damage to a facility, or remote access to an IT environment. Therefore, any attempted or successful social engineering breach should be thoroughly investigated and responded to. Methods to protect against social engineering include the following:

每当发生安全漏洞时,都应进行调查,以确定受影响的内容以及攻击是否仍在继续。应对员工进行再培训,以检测和避免今后发生类似的社会工程学攻击。虽然社会工程学攻击主要针对人,但攻击的结果可能是个人或机密材料的泄露、设施的物理损坏或 IT 环境的远程访问。因此,应彻底调查和应对任何企图或成功的社会工程入侵。防范社会工程学的方法包括以下几种:

  • Training personnel about social engineering attacks and how to recognize common signs


  • Requiring authentication when performing activities for personnel over the phone


  • Defining restricted information that is never communicated over the phone or through plaintext communications such as standard email


  • always verifying the credentials of a repair person and verifying that a real service call was placed by authorized personnel


  •  Never following the instructions of an email without verifying the information with at least two independent and trusted sources


  • Always erring on the side of caution when dealing with anyone you don’t know or recognize, whether in person, over the phone, or over the internet/network


If several workers report the same odd event, such as a call or email, an investigation should look into what the contact was about, who initiated it, and what the intention or purpose was.


The most important defense against social engineering attacks is user education and awareness training. A healthy dose of paranoia and suspicion will help users detect or notice more social engineering attack attempts than without such preparation. Training should include role playing and walking through numerous examples of the various forms of social engineering attacks. However, keep in mind that attackers are constantly altering their approaches and improving their means of attack. So, keeping current with newly discovered means of social engineering attack is also necessary to defend against this human focused threat.


Users should receive training when they first enter an organization, and they should receive periodic refresher training, even if it’s just an email from the administrator or training officer reminding them of the threats.


原文始发于微信公众号(网络安全等保测评):Social Engineering社会工程学

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  • weinxin
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  • 微信扫一扫
  • weinxin
  • 本文由 发表于 2023年12月22日10:55:57
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                   Social Engineering社会工程学


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