APT28黑客利用NTLM Relay攻击针对高价值组织

admin 2024年2月4日12:28:17评论24 views字数 5642阅读18分48秒阅读模式

APT28黑客利用NTLM Relay攻击针对高价值组织

Russian state-sponsored actors have staged NT LAN Manager (NTLM) v2 hash relay attacks through various methods from April 2022 to November 2023, targeting high-value targets worldwide.

俄罗斯国家支持的行动者从2022年4月到2023年11月通过各种方法进行了NT LAN Manager(NTLM)v2散列传递攻击,目标是全球价值高的目标。

The attacks, attributed to an "aggressive" hacking crew called APT28, have set their eyes on organizations dealing with foreign affairs, energy, defense, and transportation, as well as those involved with labor, social welfare, finance, parenthood, and local city councils.


Cybersecurity firm Trend Micro assessed these intrusions as a "cost-efficient method of automating attempts to brute-force its way into the networks" of its targets, noting the adversary may have compromised thousands of email accounts over time.


APT28 is also tracked by the broader cybersecurity community under the names Blue Athena, BlueDelta, Fancy Bear, Fighting Ursa, Forest Blizzard (formerly Strontium), FROZENLAKE, Iron Twilight, ITG05, Pawn Storm, Sednit, Sofacy, and TA422.

APT28还被更广泛的网络安全界追踪,使用的名称包括Blue Athena、BlueDelta、Fancy Bear、Fighting Ursa、Forest Blizzard(以前是Strontium)、FROZENLAKE、Iron Twilight、ITG05、Pawn Storm、Sednit、Sofacy和TA422。

The group, believed to be active since at least 2009, is operated by Russia's GRU military intelligence service and has a track record of orchestrating spear-phishing containing malicious attachments or strategic web compromises to activate the infection chains.


In April 2023, APT28 was implicated in attacks leveraging now-patched flaws in networking equipment from Cisco to conduct reconnaissance and deploy malware against select targets.


The nation-state actor, in December, came under the spotlight for exploiting a privilege escalation flaw in Microsoft Outlook (CVE-2023-23397, CVSS score: 9.8) and WinRAR (CVE-2023-38831, CVSS score: 7.8) to access a user's Net-NTLMv2 hash and use it to stage an NTLM Relay attack against another service to authenticate as the user.

今年12月,这个国家级的行动者因利用Microsoft Outlook(CVE-2023-23397,CVSS评分:9.8)和WinRAR(CVE-2023-38831,CVSS评分:7.8)的提权漏洞来访问用户的Net-NTLMv2散列,并使用它来对另一个服务进行NTLM中继攻击来进行身份验证而受到关注。

An exploit for CVE-2023-23397 is said to have been used to target Ukrainian entities as early as April 2022, according to a March 2023 advisory from CERT-EU.


It has also been observed leveraging lures related to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war to facilitate the delivery of a custom backdoor called HeadLace, alongside striking Ukrainian government entities and Polish organizations with phishing messages designed to deploy backdoors and information stealers like OCEANMAP, MASEPIE, and STEELHOOK.


One of the significant aspects of the threat actor's attacks is the continuous attempt to improve its operational playbook, fine-tuning and tinkering with its approaches to evade detection.


APT28黑客利用NTLM Relay攻击针对高价值组织

This includes the addition of anonymization layers such as VPN services, Tor, data center IP addresses, and compromised EdgeOS routers to carry out scanning and probing activities. Another tactic entails sending spear-phishing messages from compromised email accounts over Tor or VPN.


"Pawn Storm has also been using EdgeOS routers to send spear-phishing emails, perform callbacks of CVE-2023-23397 exploits in Outlook, and proxy credential theft on credential phishing websites," security researchers Feike Hacquebord and Fernando Merces said.

"Pawn Storm还使用EdgeOS路由器发送针对性网络钓鱼邮件,执行CVE-2023-23397在Outlook中的回调漏洞利用,并在凭证钓鱼网站上代理凭证窃取。"安全研究人员Feike Hacquebord和Fernando Merces说。

"Part of the group's post-exploitation activities involve the modification of folder permissions within the victim's mailbox, leading to enhanced persistence," the researchers said. "Using the victim's email accounts, lateral movement is possible by sending additional malicious email messages from within the victim organization."


It's currently not known if the threat actor themselves breached these routers, or if it is using routers that were already compromised by a third-party actor. That said, no less than 100 EdgeOS routers are estimated to have been infected.


Furthermore, recent credential harvesting campaigns against European governments have used bogus login pages mimicking Microsoft Outlook that are hosted on webhook[.]site URLs, a pattern previously attributed to the group.

此外,最近针对欧洲政府的凭证收集活动使用了模仿Microsoft Outlook的伪造登录页面,这些页面托管在webhook[.]site的URL上,这种模式先前被归因于该组织。

An October 2022 phishing campaign, however, singled out embassies and other high-profile entities to deliver a "simple" information stealer via emails that captured files matching specific extensions and exfiltrated them to a free file-sharing service named Keep.sh.


"The loudness of the repetitive, oftentimes crude and aggressive campaigns, drown out the silence, subtlety, and complexity of the initial intrusion, as well as the post-exploitation actions that might occur once Pawn Storm gets an initial foothold in victim organizations," the researchers said.

"这些重复、粗鲁且具有侵略性的活动的声音淹没了最初入侵的沉默、微妙和复杂性,以及Pawn Storm在入侵受害者组织后可能发生的后渗透行动。"研究人员说。

The development comes as Recorded Future News revealed an ongoing hacking campaign undertaken by the Russian threat actor COLDRIVER (aka Calisto, Iron Frontier, or Star Blizzard) that impersonates researchers and academics to redirect prospective victims to credential harvesting pages.

这一发展发生在Recorded Future News披露了俄罗斯威胁行动者COLDRIVER(又称Calisto、Iron Frontier或Star Blizzard)正在进行的网络攻击活动,该活动冒充研究人员和学者,将潜在受害者重定向到凭证收集页面。

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