实战编写 wireshark 插件解析私有协议

admin 2021年5月10日01:30:46评论97 views字数 10105阅读33分41秒阅读模式





Synology Assistant是群晖提供的一个用于在局域网中发现和管理其设备的工具,其通过9999/udp端口来和NAS设备进行交互,在Wireshark捕获到的部分数据包示例如下。可以看到,由于该协议为私有协议,Wireshark中缺少对应的解析插件,故无法对其进行解析。


实战编写 wireshark 插件解析私有协议


# define MAGIC "x12x34x56x78x53x59x4ex4f"struct tlv{    uint8 type;    uint8 length;    uint8 value[length];}





"帮助 -> 关于 Wireshark -> 文件夹"中可以看到Lua插件的保存路径,将插件放到对应的路径中即可,然后通过Ctrl+Shift+L快捷键来重新加载插件使其生效。

至于调试Lua脚本,一般采用print()的方式就足够了,在"工具 -> Lua" 中打开Console窗口可查看打印的内容。另一种方式是在"编辑 -> 首选项 -> 高级"中设置gui.console_openAlways,同时设置console.log.level255,这样在启动Wireshark时会自动打开debug窗口,以便查看打印的内容。





  • buffer:类型为Tvb,包含对应数据包的内容

  • pinfo:类型为Pinfo,包含数据包列表中的列信息

  • tree:类型为TreeItem,包含数据包详情面板中的相关信息

-- create a Proto objectlocal synoFinderProtocol = Proto("SynoFinder", "Synology Finder Protocol")local protoName = "syno_finder"-- create ProtoField Objectslocal magic = ProtoField.bytes(protoName .. ".magic", "Magic", base.SPACE)-- (1) register fieldssynoFinderProtocol.fields = {magic}function synoFinderProtocol.dissector(buffer, pinfo, tree)    local buffer_length = buffer:len()    if buffer_length == 0 then return end      -- set the name of protocol column    pinfo.cols.protocol = synoFinderProtocol.name        -- create a sub tree representing the synology finder protocol data    local subtree = tree:add(synoFinderProtocol, buffer(), "Synology Finder Protocol")    -- (2) add fields    subtree:add_le(magic, buffer(0, 8))   endlocal udp_port = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")-- bind port to protocoludp_port:add(9999, synoFinderProtocol)


实战编写 wireshark 插件解析私有协议


local magic = ProtoField.bytes(protoName .. ".magic", "Magic", base.SPACE)local type = ProtoField.uint8(protoName .. ".type", "Type", base.HEX)local length = ProtoField.uint8(protoName .. ".length", "Length")local value = ProtoField.bytes(protoName .. ".value", "Value")synoFinderProtocol.fields = {magic, type, length, value}function synoFinderProtocol.dissector(buffer, pinfo, tree)    -- ...    local subtree = tree:add(synoFinderProtocol, buffer(), "Synology Finder Protocol")    subtree:add_le(magic, buffer(0, 8))    local offset = 0    local payloadStart = 8    while payloadStart + offset < buffer_length do        local tlvLength = buffer(payloadStart + offset + 1, 1):uint()        subtree:add_le(type, buffer(payloadStart + offset, 1))        subtree:add_le(length, buffer(payloadStart + offset + 1, 1))        subtree:add_le(value, buffer(payloadStart + offset + 2, tlvLength))        offset = offset + 2 + tlvLength    endend

实战编写 wireshark 插件解析私有协议


  • 将每个tlv进行聚合,同时根据type类型的不同显示不同的名称;

  • 根据value对应的类型以不同的方式呈现其值,比如ip地址、mac地址等,同时考虑对应的字节序。


实战编写 wireshark 插件解析私有协议

local synoFinderProtocol = Proto("SynoFinder", "Synology Finder Protocol")local protoName = "syno_finder"local typeNames = {    [0x1] = "Packet Type",    [0x11] = "Server Name",    [0x12] = "IP",    [0x13] = "Subnet Mask",    [0x14] = "DNS",    [0x15] = "DNS",    [0x19] = "Mac Address",    [0x1e] = "Gateway",    [0x20] = "Packet Subtype",    [0x21] = "Server Name",    [0x29] = "Mac Address",    [0x2a] = "Password",    [0x4a] = "Username",    [0x4b] = "Share Folder",    [0x70] = "Arch",    [0x73] = "Serial Num",    [0x77] = "Version",    [0x78] = "Model",    [0x7c] = "Mac Address",    [0xc0] = "Serial Num",    [0xc1] = "Category"}local magic = ProtoField.bytes(protoName .. ".magic", "Magic", base.SPACE)local type = ProtoField.uint8(protoName .. ".type", "Type", base.HEX, typeNames)local length = ProtoField.uint8(protoName .. ".length", "Length")local value = ProtoField.bytes(protoName .. ".value", "Value")-- specific value fieldlocal packetType = ProtoField.uint32(protoName .. ".packet_type", "Packet Type", base.HEX)local serverName = ProtoField.string(protoName .. ".username", "Server Name")local ipAddress = ProtoField.ipv4(protoName .. ".ip_address", "IP")local ipMask = ProtoField.ipv4(protoName .. ".subnet_mask", "Subnet Mask")local dns = ProtoField.ipv4(protoName .. ".dns", "DNS")local macAddress = ProtoField.string(protoName .. ".mac_address", "Mac Address")local ipGateway = ProtoField.ipv4(protoName .. ".gateway", "Gateway")local packetSubtype = ProtoField.uint32(protoName .. ".packet_subtype", "Packet Subtype", base.HEX)local password = ProtoField.string(protoName .. ".password", "Password")local arch = ProtoField.string(protoName .. ".arch", "Arch")local username = ProtoField.string(protoName .. ".username", "Username")local shareFolder = ProtoField.string(protoName .. ".share_folder", "Share Folder")local version = ProtoField.string(protoName .. ".version", "Version")local model = ProtoField.string(protoName .. ".model", "Model")local serialNum = ProtoField.string(protoName .. ".serial_num", "Serial Num")local category = ProtoField.string(protoName .. ".category", "Category")local value8 = ProtoField.uint8(protoName .. ".value", "Value", base.HEX)local value16 = ProtoField.uint16(protoName .. ".value", "Value", base.HEX)local value32 = ProtoField.uint32(protoName .. ".value", "Value", base.HEX)local typeFields = {    [0x1] = packetType,    [0x11] = serverName,    [0x12] = ipAddress,    [0x13] = ipMask,    [0x14] = dns,    [0x15] = dns,    [0x19] = macAddress,    [0x1e] = ipGateway,    [0x20] = packetSubtype,    [0x21] = serverName,    [0x29] = macAddress,    [0x2a] = password,    [0x4a] = username,    [0x4b] = shareFolder,    [0x70] = arch,    [0x73] = serialNum,    [0x77] = version,    [0x78] = model,    [0x7c] = macAddress,    [0xc0] = serialNum,    [0xc1] = category}-- display in subtree header-- reference: https://gist.github.com/FreeBirdLjj/6303864local typeFormats = {    [0x1] = function (value)        return string.format("0x%x", value:le_uint())    end,    [0x11] = function (value)        return value:string()    end,    [0x12] = function (value)        return value:ipv4()     -- Address object    end,    [0x13] = function (value)        return value:ipv4()    end,    [0x14] = function (value)        return value:ipv4()    end,    [0x15] = function (value)        return value:ipv4()    end,    [0x19] = function (value)        return value:string()    end,    [0x1e] = function (value)        return value:ipv4()    end,    [0x20] = function (value)        return string.format("0x%x", value:le_uint())    end,    [0x21] = function (value)        return value:string()    end,    [0x29] = function (value)        return value:string()    end,    [0x2a] = function (value)        return value:string()    end,    [0x4a] = function (value)        return value:string()    end,    [0x4b] = function (value)        return value:string()    end,    [0x70] = function (value)        return value:string()    end,    [0x73] = function (value)        return value:string()    end,    [0x77] = function (value)        return value:string()    end,    [0x78] = function (value)        return value:string()    end,    [0x7c] = function (value)        return value:string()    end,    [0xc0] = function (value)        return value:string()    end,    [0xc1] = function (value)        return value:string()    end}-- register fieldssynoFinderProtocol.fields = {    magic,    type, length, value,     -- tlv    packetType, serverName, ipAddress, ipMask, ipGateway, macAddress, dns,  packetSubtype, password, arch, username, shareFolder, version, model, serialNum, category,       -- specific value field    value8, value16, value32}-- reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52012229/how-do-you-access-name-of-a-protofield-after-declarationfunction getFieldName(field)    local fieldString = tostring(field)    local i, j = string.find(fieldString, ": .* " .. protoName)    return string.sub(fieldString, i + 2, j - (1 + string.len(protoName)))endfunction getFieldType(field)    local fieldString = tostring(field)    local i, j = string.find(fieldString, "ftypes.* " .. "base")    return string.sub(fieldString, i + 7, j - (1 + string.len("base")))endfunction getFieldByType(type, length)    local tmp_field = typeFields[type]    if(tmp_field) then        return tmp_field    -- specific value filed    else        if length == 4 then     -- common value field            return value32        elseif length == 2 then            return value16        elseif length == 1 then            return value8        else            return value        end    endendfunction formatValue(type, value)    local tmp_func = typeFormats[type]    if(tmp_func) then        return tmp_func(value)    else        return ""    endendfunction synoFinderProtocol.dissector(buffer, pinfo, tree)    -- (buffer: type Tvb, pinfo: type Pinfo, tree: type TreeItem)    local buffer_length = buffer:len()    if buffer_length == 0 then return end    pinfo.cols.protocol = synoFinderProtocol.name    local subtree = tree:add(synoFinderProtocol, buffer(), "Synology Finder Protocol")    subtree:add_le(magic, buffer(0, 8))    local offset = 0    local payloadStart = 8    while payloadStart + offset < buffer_length do        local tlvType = buffer(payloadStart + offset, 1):uint()        local tlvLength = buffer(payloadStart + offset + 1, 1):uint()        local valueContent = buffer(payloadStart + offset + 2, tlvLength)        local tlvField = getFieldByType(tlvType, tlvLength)        local fieldName = getFieldName(tlvField)        local description        if fieldName == "Value" then            description = "TLV (type" .. ":" .. string.format("0x%x", tlvType) .. ")"        else            description = fieldName .. ": " .. tostring(formatValue(tlvType, valueContent))        end        local tlvSubtree = subtree:add(synoFinderProtocol, buffer(payloadStart+offset, tlvLength+2), description)        tlvSubtree:add_le(type, buffer(payloadStart + offset, 1))        tlvSubtree:add_le(length, buffer(payloadStart + offset + 1, 1))        if tlvLength > 0 then            local fieldType = getFieldType(tlvField)            if string.find(fieldType, "^IP") == 1 then                -- start with "IP"                tlvSubtree:add(tlvField, buffer(payloadStart + offset + 2, tlvLength))            else                tlvSubtree:add_le(tlvField, buffer(payloadStart + offset + 2, tlvLength))            end        end        offset = offset + 2 + tlvLength    end    if payloadStart + offset ~= buffer_length then        -- fallback dissector that just shows the raw data        Dissector.get("data"):call(buffer(payloadStart+offset):tvb(), pinfo, tree)    endendlocal udp_port = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")udp_port:add(9999, synoFinderProtocol)




示例 pcap 文件及协议解析插件:



Creating a Wireshark dissector in Lua 系列:


Wireshark dissector packet-cdp:


Example: Dissector written in Lua:


Wireshark’s Lua API Reference Manual:


实战编写 wireshark 插件解析私有协议

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