
admin 2024年2月21日10:55:54评论22 views字数 3917阅读13分3秒阅读模式


A novel malware campaign has been observed targeting Redis servers for initial access with the ultimate goal of mining cryptocurrency on compromised Linux hosts.


"This particular campaign involves the use of a number of novel system weakening techniques against the data store itself," Cado security researcher Matt Muir said in a technical report.

“这次特别的攻击涉及对数据存储本身使用一些新颖的系统削弱技术,” Cado安全研究员Matt Muir在一份技术报告中说。

The cryptojacking attack is facilitated by a malware codenamed Migo, a Golang ELF binary that comes fitted with compile-time obfuscation and the ability to persist on Linux machines.

加密货币挖矿攻击是由一种名为Migo的恶意软件执行的,它是一个Golang ELF二进制文件,具有编译时混淆和在Linux机器上持久存在的能力。

The cloud security company said it detected the campaign after it identified an "unusual series of commands" targeting its Redis honeypots that are engineered to lower security defenses by disabling the following configuration options -


  • protected-mode

  • replica-read-only

  • aof-rewrite-incremental-fsync, and

  • rdb-save-incremental-fsync

It's suspected that these options are turned off in order to send additional commands to the Redis server from external networks and facilitate future exploitation without attracting much attention.


This step is then followed by threat actors setting up two Redis keys, one pointing to an attacker-controlled SSH key and the other to a cron job that retrieves the malicious primary payload from a file transfer service named Transfer.sh, a technique previously spotted in early 2023.


The shell script to fetch Migo using Transfer.sh is embedded within a Pastebin file that's, in turn, obtained using a curl or wget command.



The Go-based ELF binary, besides incorporating mechanisms to resist reverse engineering, acts as a downloader for an XMRig installer hosted on GitHub. It's also responsible for performing a series of steps to establish persistence, terminate competing miners, and launch the miner.


On top of that, Migo disables Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) and searches for uninstallation scripts for monitoring agents bundled in compute instances from cloud providers such as Qcloud and Alibaba Cloud. It further deploys a modified version ("libsystemd.so") of a popular user-mode rootkit named libprocesshider to hide processes and on-disk artifacts.

此外,Migo禁用Security-Enhanced Linux(SELinux),并搜索来自云提供商(如Qcloud和阿里巴巴云)计算实例中捆绑的监视代理的卸载脚本。它还部署了一个名为libprocesshider的受欢迎用户模式Rootkit的修改版本("libsystemd.so"),用于隐藏进程和磁盘上的文件。

It's worth pointing out that these actions overlap with tactics adopted by known cryptojacking groups like TeamTNT, WatchDog, Rocke, and threat actors associated with the SkidMap malware.


"Interestingly, Migo appears to recursively iterate through files and directories under /etc," Muir noted. "The malware will simply read files in these locations and not do anything with the contents."

"有趣的是,Migo似乎会递归遍历/ etc目录下的文件和目录,"Muir指出。"恶意软件将简单地读取这些位置的文件,并对内容不进行任何操作。"

"One theory is this could be a (weak) attempt to confuse sandbox and dynamic analysis solutions by performing a large number of benign actions, resulting in a non-malicious classification."


Another hypothesis is that the malware is looking for an artifact that's specific to a target environment, although Cado said it found no evidence to support this line of reasoning.


"Migo demonstrates that cloud-focused attackers are continuing to refine their techniques and improve their ability to exploit web-facing services," Muir said.


"Although libprocesshider is frequently used by cryptojacking campaigns, this particular variant includes the ability to hide on-disk artifacts in addition to the malicious processes themselves."



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