
admin 2024年3月18日12:52:37评论5 views字数 4288阅读14分17秒阅读模式


Cybersecurity researchers have found a number of GitHub repositories offering cracked software that are used to deliver an information stealer called RisePro.


The campaign, codenamed gitgub, includes 17 repositories associated with 11 different accounts, according to G DATA. The repositories in question have since been taken down by the Microsoft-owned subsidiary.

该活动代号为gitgub,包括与11个不同账户相关联的17个仓库,据G DATA称。相关的仓库已经被这家微软旗下的子公司撤下了。

"The repositories look similar, featuring a README.md file with the promise of free cracked software," the German cybersecurity company said.


"Green and red circles are commonly used on Github to display the status of automatic builds. Gitgub threat actors added four green Unicode circles to their README.md that pretend to display a status alongside a current date and provide a sense of legitimacy and recency."


The list of repositories is as follows, with each of them pointing to a download link ("digitalxnetwork[.]com") containing a RAR archive file -

仓库列表如下,每个仓库指向一个下载链接("digitalxnetwork[.]com"),包含一个RAR归档文件 -

  • andreastanaj/AVAST

  • andreastanaj/Sound-Booster

  • aymenkort1990/fabfilter

  • BenWebsite/-IObit-Smart-Defrag-Crack

  • Faharnaqvi/VueScan-Crack

  • javisolis123/Voicemod

  • lolusuary/AOMEI-Backupper

  • lolusuary/Daemon-Tools

  • lolusuary/EaseUS-Partition-Master

  • lolusuary/SOOTHE-2

  • mostofakamaljoy/ccleaner

  • rik0v/ManyCam

  • Roccinhu/Tenorshare-Reiboot

  • Roccinhu/Tenorshare-iCareFone

  • True-Oblivion/AOMEI-Partition-Assistant

  • vaibhavshiledar/droidkit

  • vaibhavshiledar/TOON-BOOM-HARMONY

The RAR archive, which requires the victims to supply a password mentioned in the repository's README.md file, contains an installer file, which unpacks the next-stage payload, an executable file that's inflated to 699 MB in an effort to crash analysis tools like IDA Pro.

RAR归档文件需要受害者提供仓库的README.md文件中提到的密码,其中包含一个安装程序文件,解压下一个阶段的有效负载,一个被膨胀到699 MB以阻止IDA Pro等分析工具的可执行文件。

The actual contents of the file – amounting to a mere 3.43 MB – act as a loader to inject RisePro (version 1.6) into either AppLaunch.exe or RegAsm.exe.

文件的实际内容 - 仅为3.43 MB - 作为一个加载器,注入RisePro(版本1.6)到AppLaunch.exe或RegAsm.exe中。

RisePro burst into the spotlight in late 2022 when it was distributed using a pay-per-install (PPI) malware downloader service known as PrivateLoader.


Written in C++, it's designed to gather sensitive information from infected hosts and exfiltrate it to two Telegram channels, which are often used by threat actors to extract victims' data. Interestingly, recent research from Checkmarx showed that it's possible to infiltrate and forward messages from an attacker's bot to another Telegram account.


The development comes as Splunk detailed the tactics and techniques adopted by Snake Keylogger, describing it as a stealer malware that "employs a multifaceted approach to data exfiltration."

Splunk详细介绍了Snake Keylogger采用的策略和技术,将其描述为一种利用多方面方法进行数据外泄的窃取恶意软件

"The use of FTP facilitates the secure transfer of files, while SMTP enables the sending of emails containing sensitive information," Splunk said. "Additionally, integration with Telegram offers a real-time communication platform, allowing for immediate transmission of stolen data."

Splunk表示:“FTP的使用有助于安全传输文件,而SMTP使得发送包含敏感信息的电子邮件成为可能。” 此外,与Telegram的集成提供了一个实时通信平台,允许即时传输被窃取的数据。

Stealer malware have become increasingly popular, often becoming the primary vector for ransomware and other high impact data breaches. According to a report from Specops published this week, RedLine, Vidar, and Raccoon have emerged as the most widely-used stealers, with RedLine alone accounting for the theft of more than 170.3 million passwords in the last six months.


"The current rise of information-stealing malware is a stark reminder of constantly evolving digital threats," Flashpoint noted in January 2024. "While the motivations behind its use is almost always rooted in financial gain, stealers are continually adapting while being more accessible and easier to use."







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