
admin 2024年4月18日07:54:56评论15 views字数 2644阅读8分48秒阅读模式


A security flaw impacting the Lighttpd web server used in baseboard management controllers (BMCs) has remained unpatched by device vendors like Intel and Lenovo, new findings from Binarly reveal.

一项影响基板管理控制器(BMCs)中使用的Lighttpd Web服务器的安全漏洞仍未被像英特尔和联想这样的设备供应商修补,Binarly的新发现显示。

While the original shortcoming was discovered and patched by the Lighttpd maintainers way back in August 2018 with version 1.4.51, the lack of a CVE identifier or an advisory meant that it was overlooked by developers of AMI MegaRAC BMC, ultimately ending up in products made by Intel and Lenovo.

尽管原始缺陷于2018年8月由Lighttpd维护者发现并修补,版本为1.4.51,但缺乏CVE标识符或公告意味着AMI MegaRAC BMC的开发人员忽视了它,最终出现在由英特尔和联想制造的产品中。

Lighttpd (pronounced "Lighty") is an open-source high-performance web server software designed for speed, security, and flexibility, while optimized for high-performance environments without consuming a lot of system resources.


The silent fix for Lighttpd concerns an out-of-bounds read vulnerability that could be exploited to exfiltrate sensitive data, such as process memory addresses, thereby allowing threat actors to bypass crucial security mechanisms like address space layout randomization (ASLR).


"The absence of prompt and important information about security fixes prevents proper handling of these fixes down both the firmware and software supply chains," the firmware security company said.


The flaws are described below -

以下是描述的缺陷 -

  • Out-of-bounds read in Lighttpd 1.4.45 used in Intel M70KLP series firmware

    Intel M70KLP系列固件中使用的Lighttpd 1.4.45中的越界读

  • Out-of-bounds read in Lighttpd 1.4.35 used in Lenovo BMC firmware

    联想BMC固件中使用的Lighttpd 1.4.35中的越界读

  • Out-of-bounds read in Lighttpd before 1.4.51

    Lighttpd 1.4.51之前的越界读

Intel and Lenovo have opted not to address the issue as the products incorporating the susceptible version of Lighttpd have hit end-of-life (EoL) status and are no longer eligible for security updates, effectively turning it into a forever-day bug.



The disclosure highlights how the presence of outdated third-party components in the latest version of firmware can traverse the supply chain and pose unintended security risks for end users.


"This is yet another vulnerability that will remain unfixed forever in some products and will present high-impact risk to the industry for a very long time," Binarly added.







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