新攻击技术Sleepy Pickle瞄准机器学习模型

admin 2024年6月15日11:09:27评论3 views字数 3930阅读13分6秒阅读模式

新攻击技术Sleepy Pickle瞄准机器学习模型

The security risks posed by the Pickle format have once again come to the fore with the discovery of a new "hybrid machine learning (ML) model exploitation technique" dubbed Sleepy Pickle.


The attack method, per Trail of Bits, weaponizes the ubiquitous format used to package and distribute machine learning (ML) models to corrupt the model itself, posing a severe supply chain risk to an organization's downstream customers.

根据Trail of Bits,这种攻击方法利用了被用于打包和分发机器学习(ML)模型的通用格式,以破坏模型本身,给组织的下游客户带来严重的供应链风险。

"Sleepy Pickle is a stealthy and novel attack technique that targets the ML model itself rather than the underlying system," security researcher Boyan Milanov said.

安全研究人员Boyan Milanov表示:“‘沉睡Pickle’是一种隐秘而新颖的攻击技术,它针对的是ML模型本身,而不是底层系统。”

While pickle is a widely used serialization format by ML libraries like PyTorch, it can be used to carry out arbitrary code execution attacks simply by loading a pickle file (i.e., during deserialization).


"We suggest loading models from users and organizations you trust, relying on signed commits, and/or loading models from [TensorFlow] or Jax formats with the from_tf=True auto-conversion mechanism," Hugging Face points out in its documentation.

Hugging Face在其文档中指出:“我们建议从信任的用户和组织加载模型,依赖签名提交,和/或使用from_tf=True自动转换机制从[TensorFlow]或Jax格式加载模型。”

Sleepy Pickle works by inserting a payload into a pickle file using open-source tools like Fickling, and then delivering it to a target host by using one of the four techniques such as an adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) attack, phishing, supply chain compromise, or the exploitation of a system weakness.


新攻击技术Sleepy Pickle瞄准机器学习模型

"When the file is deserialized on the victim's system, the payload is executed and modifies the contained model in-place to insert backdoors, control outputs, or tamper with processed data before returning it to the user," Milanov said.


Put differently, the payload injected into the pickle file containing the serialized ML model can be abused to alter model behavior by tampering with the model weights, or tampering with the input and output data processed by the model.


In a hypothetical attack scenario, the approach could be used to generate harmful outputs or misinformation that can have disastrous consequences to user safety (e.g., drink bleach to cure flu), steal user data when certain conditions are met, and attack users indirectly by generating manipulated summaries of news articles with links pointing to a phishing page.


Trail of Bits said that Sleepy Pickle can be weaponized by threat actors to maintain surreptitious access on ML systems in a manner that evades detection, given that the model is compromised when the pickle file is loaded in the Python process.

Trail of Bits表示,沉睡Pickle可以被威胁行为者武器化,以在ML系统上保持秘密访问,从而规避检测,因为当pickle文件在Python进程中加载时,模型被破坏。

This is also more effective than directly uploading a malicious model to Hugging Face, as it can modify model behavior or output dynamically without having to entice their targets into downloading and running them.

这比直接上传恶意模型到Hugging Face更有效,因为它可以动态修改模型行为或输出,而无需诱使目标下载和运行它们。

"With Sleepy Pickle attackers can create pickle files that aren't ML models but can still corrupt local models if loaded together," Milanov said. "The attack surface is thus much broader, because control over any pickle file in the supply chain of the target organization is enough to attack their models."


"Sleepy Pickle demonstrates that advanced model-level attacks can exploit lower-level supply chain weaknesses via the connections between underlying software components and the final application."






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  • 本文由 发表于 2024年6月15日11:09:27
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