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系统采用   流量–>传感器<–>服务端<–>客户端  的架构方式





  1. 内置静态列表(从各种恶意软件报告、学生论文以及个人研究文档中获取的恶意样本),包含以下恶意软件实体:
aboc, adylkuzz, agaadex, alienspy, almalocker, alureon, android_acecard,android_adrd, android_alienspy, android_arspam, android_backflash,android_basebridge, android_boxer, android_chuli, android_claco,android_coolreaper, android_counterclank, android_cyberwurx,android_dendoroid, android_dougalek, android_droidjack,android_droidkungfu, android_enesoluty, android_ewalls, android_ewind,android_exprespam, android_fakebanco, android_fakedown, android_fakeinst,android_fakelog, android_fakemart, android_fakemrat, android_fakeneflic,android_fakesecsuit, android_feabme, android_flexispy, android_frogonal,android_geinimi, android_ghostpush, android_ginmaster, android_gmaster,android_godwon, android_golddream, android_gonesixty, android_ibanking,android_kemoge, android_lockdroid, android_lovetrap, android_maistealer,android_maxit, android_oneclickfraud, android_opfake,android_ozotshielder, android_pikspam, android_pjapps, android_qdplugin,android_repane, android_roidsec, android_samsapo, android_sandorat,android_selfmite, android_simplocker, android_skullkey, android_sndapps,android_spytekcell, android_stealer, android_stels, android_teelog,android_tetus, android_tonclank, android_torec, android_uracto,android_usbcleaver, android_walkinwat, android_windseeker, android_wirex,android_xavirad, android_zertsecurity, andromem, androm, angler, anuna,apt_adwind, apt_aridviper, apt_babar, apt_bisonal, apt_blackenergy,apt_blackvine, apt_bookworm, apt_carbanak, apt_careto, apt_casper,apt_chches, apt_cleaver, apt_copykittens, apt_cosmicduke, apt_darkhotel,apt_darkhydrus, apt_desertfalcon, apt_dragonok, apt_dukes,apt_equationgroup, apt_fin4, apt_finfisher, apt_gamaredon, apt_gaza,apt_gref, apt_groundbait, apt_htran, apt_ke3chang, apt_lazarus,apt_lotusblossom, apt_magichound, apt_menupass, apt_miniduke, apt_naikon,apt_nettraveler, apt_newsbeef, apt_oceanlotus, apt_pegasus, apt_potao,apt_quasar, apt_redoctober, apt_russiandoll, apt_sauron, apt_scarletmimic,apt_scieron, apt_shamoon, apt_snake, apt_snowman, apt_sobaken, apt_sofacy,apt_stealthfalcon, apt_stonedrill, apt_stuxnet, apt_tibet, apt_turla,apt_tvrms, apt_volatilecedar, apt_waterbug, apt_weakestlink, apt_xagent,arec, artro, autoit, avalanche, avrecon, axpergle, azorult, bachosens,badblock, balamid, bamital, bankapol, bankpatch, banloa, banprox, bayrob,bedep, blackshades, blockbuster, bredolab, bubnix, bucriv, buterat,calfbot, camerashy, carbanak, carberp, cerber, changeup, chanitor, chekua,cheshire, chewbacca, chisbur, cloudatlas, cobalt, conficker, contopee,corebot, couponarific, criakl, cridex, crilock, cryakl, cryptinfinite,cryptodefense, cryptolocker, cryptowall, ctblocker, cutwail, defru,destory, dircrypt, dmalocker, dnsbirthday, dnschanger, dnsmessenger,dnstrojan, dorifel, dorkbot, dragonok, drapion, dridex, dropnak, dursg,dyreza, elf_aidra, elf_billgates, elf_darlloz, elf_ekoms, elf_groundhog,elf_hacked_mint, elf_mayhem, elf_mokes, elf_pinscan, elf_rekoobe,elf_shelldos, elf_slexec, elf_sshscan, elf_themoon, elf_turla, elf_xnote,elf_xorddos, elpman, emogen, emotet, evilbunny, expiro, fakben, fakeav,fakeran, fantom, fareit, fbi_ransomware, fiexp, fignotok, filespider,findpos, fireball, fraudload, fynloski, fysna, gamarue, gandcrab, gauss,gbot, generic, glupteba, goldfin, golroted, gozi, hacking_team, harnig,hawkeye, helompy, hiloti, hinired, immortal, injecto, invisimole,ios_keyraider, ios_muda, ios_oneclickfraud, ios_specter, ios_xcodeghost,iron, ismdoor, jenxcus, kegotip, kingslayer, kolab, koobface, korgo,korplug, kovter, kradellsh, kronos, kulekmoko, locky, lollipop, luckycat,majikpos,, marsjoke, matsnu, mdrop, mebroot,mestep, misogow, miuref, modpos, morto, nanocor, nbot, necurs, nemeot,neshuta, netwire, neurevt, nexlogger, nigelthorn, nivdort, njrat,nonbolqu, notpetya, nuclear, nuqel, nwt, nymaim, odcodc, oficla, onkods,optima, osx_keranger, osx_keydnap, osx_mami, osx_mughthesec, osx_salgorea,osx_wirelurker, padcrypt, palevo, parasite, paycrypt, pdfjsc, pepperat,pghost, phytob, picgoo, pift, plagent, plugx, ponmocup, poshcoder,powelike, proslikefan, pushdo, pykspa, qakbot, rajump, ramnit, ransirac,reactorbot, redsip, remcos, renocide, reveton, revetrat, rincux, rovnix,runforestrun, rustock, sage, sakurel, sality, satana, sathurbot, satori,scarcruft, seaduke, sefnit, selfdel, shifu, shimrat, shylock, siesta,silentbrute, silly, simda, sinkhole_abuse, sinkhole_anubis,sinkhole_arbor, sinkhole_bitdefender, sinkhole_blacklab,sinkhole_botnethunter, sinkhole_certgovau, sinkhole_certpl,sinkhole_checkpoint, sinkhole_cirtdk, sinkhole_conficker,sinkhole_cryptolocker, sinkhole_drweb, sinkhole_dynadot, sinkhole_dyre,sinkhole_farsight, sinkhole_fbizeus, sinkhole_fitsec, sinkhole_fnord,sinkhole_gameoverzeus, sinkhole_georgiatech, sinkhole_gladtech,sinkhole_honeybot, sinkhole_kaspersky, sinkhole_microsoft, sinkhole_rsa,sinkhole_secureworks, sinkhole_shadowserver, sinkhole_sidnlabs,sinkhole_sinkdns, sinkhole_sugarbucket, sinkhole_supportintel,sinkhole_tech, sinkhole_tsway, sinkhole_unknown, sinkhole_virustracker,sinkhole_wapacklabs, sinkhole_xaayda, sinkhole_yourtrap,sinkhole_zinkhole, skeeyah, skynet, skyper, smokeloader, smsfakesky,snifula,, sockrat, sohanad, spyeye, stabuniq, synolocker,tdss, teamspy, teerac, teslacrypt, themida, tinba, torpig, torrentlocker,troldesh, tupym, unruy, upatre, utoti, vawtrak, vbcheman, vinderuf,virtum, virut, vittalia, vobfus, vundo, waledac, wannacry, waprox, wecorl,wecoym, wndred, xadupi, xpay, xtrat, yenibot, yimfoca, zaletelly, zcrypt,zemot, zeroaccess, zeus, zherotee, zlader, zlob, zombrari, zxshell,zyklon, etc.


360chinad, 360conficker, 360cryptolocker, 360gameover, 360locky,360necurs, 360tofsee, 360virut, alienvault, atmos, badips,bambenekconsultingc2dns, bambenekconsultingc2ip, bambenekconsultingdga,bitcoinnodes, blackbook, blocklist, botscout, bruteforceblocker, ciarmy,cruzit, cybercrimetracker, dataplane, dshielddns, dshieldip, emergingthreatsbot,emergingthreatscip, emergingthreatsdns, feodotrackerdns, feodotrackerip,greensnow, loki, malc0de, malwaredomainlistdns, malwaredomainlistip,malwaredomains, malwarepatrol, maxmind, myip, nothink, openphish,palevotracker, policeman, pony, proxylists, proxyrss, proxyspy,ransomwaretrackerdns, ransomwaretrackerip, ransomwaretrackerurl,riproxies, rutgers, sblam, socksproxy, sslipbl, sslproxies,talosintelligence, torproject, torstatus, turris, urlvir, voipbl, vxvault,zeustrackerdns, zeustrackerip, zeustrackermonitor, zeustrackerurl, etc.


  1. 下载及安装Maltrail(由于需要抓取pcap包,所以先安装其依赖模块python-pcapy)

sudo apt-get install git python-pcapygit clone


cd maltrailsudo python




cd maltrailpython

启动成功后即可访问http://,登录Web服务器,登录默认账号密码 admin:changeme!






  #!/usr/bin/env python
"""Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Maltrail developers ( the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission"""
import re
from core.common import retrieve_content
__url__ = ""__check__ = "netlab 360"__info__ = "chinad dga (malware)"__reference__ = ""
def fetch(): retval = {} content = retrieve_content(__url__)
if __check__ in content: for match in re.finditer(r"(?m)^([w.]+)s+2d{3}-", content): retval[] = (__info__, __reference__)
    return retval

__url__  待订阅的网站
   __check__ 内容匹配字符串
    __info__ 样本信息
    __reference__ 网站域名
  content = retrieve_cotent(__url__)通过urllib获取网站恶意样本内容
  if __check__ in content使用内容匹配字符串来验证网站内容,若匹配失败则放弃订阅





主要关注update.py中的 update_trails()方法,代码如下:

def update_trails(server=None, force=False, offline=False):    """    Update trails from feeds    """
success = False trails = {} duplicates = {}
try: if not os.path.isdir(USERS_DIR): os.makedirs(USERS_DIR, 0755) except Exception, ex: exit("[!] something went wrong during creation of directory '%s' ('%s')" % (USERS_DIR, ex))
if server: print "[i] retrieving trails from provided 'UPDATE_SERVER' server..." content = retrieve_content(server) if not content: exit("[!] unable to retrieve data from '%s'" % server) else: with _fopen(TRAILS_FILE, "w+b") as f: f.write(content) trails = load_trails()
trail_files = set() for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "trails"))) : for filename in filenames: trail_files.add(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, filename)))
if config.CUSTOM_TRAILS_DIR: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, os.path.expanduser(config.CUSTOM_TRAILS_DIR)))) : for filename in filenames: trail_files.add(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, filename)))
if not trails and (force or not os.path.isfile(TRAILS_FILE) or (time.time() - os.stat(TRAILS_FILE).st_mtime) >= config.UPDATE_PERIOD or os.stat(TRAILS_FILE).st_size == 0 or any(os.stat(_).st_mtime > os.stat(TRAILS_FILE).st_mtime for _ in trail_files)): print "[i] updating trails (this might take a while)..."
if not offline and (force or config.USE_FEED_UPDATES): _ = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "trails", "feeds")) if _ not in sys.path: sys.path.append(_)
filenames = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(_, "*.py"))) else: filenames = []
_ = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "trails")) if _ not in sys.path: sys.path.append(_)
filenames += [os.path.join(_, "static")] filenames += [os.path.join(_, "custom")]
filenames = [_ for _ in filenames if "" not in _]
if config.DISABLED_FEEDS: filenames = [filename for filename in filenames if os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filename)[-1])[0] not in re.split(r"[^w]+", config.DISABLED_FEEDS)]
for i in xrange(len(filenames)): filename = filenames[i]
try: module = __import__(os.path.basename(filename).split(".py")[0]) except (ImportError, SyntaxError), ex: print "[x] something went wrong during import of feed file '%s' ('%s')" % (filename, ex) continue
for name, function in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isfunction): if name == "fetch": print(" [o] '%s'%s" % (module.__url__, " " * 20 if len(module.__url__) < 20 else "")) sys.stdout.write("[?] progress: %d/%d (%d%%)r" % (i, len(filenames), i * 100 / len(filenames))) sys.stdout.flush()
if config.DISABLED_TRAILS_INFO_REGEX and, getattr(module, "__info__", "")): continue
try: results = function() for item in results.items(): if item[0].startswith("www.") and '/' not in item[0]: item = [item[0][len("www."):], item[1]] if item[0] in trails: if item[0] not in duplicates: duplicates[item[0]] = set((trails[item[0]][1],)) duplicates[item[0]].add(item[1][1]) if not (item[0] in trails and (any(_ in item[1][0] for _ in LOW_PRIORITY_INFO_KEYWORDS) or trails[item[0]][1] in HIGH_PRIORITY_REFERENCES)) or (item[1][1] in HIGH_PRIORITY_REFERENCES and "history" not in item[1][0]) or any(_ in item[1][0] for _ in HIGH_PRIORITY_INFO_KEYWORDS): trails[item[0]] = item[1] if not results and "" not in module.__url__: print "[x] something went wrong during remote data retrieval ('%s')" % module.__url__ except Exception, ex: print "[x] something went wrong during processing of feed file '%s' ('%s')" % (filename, ex)
try: sys.modules.pop(module.__name__) del module except Exception: pass
# custom trails from remote location if config.CUSTOM_TRAILS_URL: print(" [o] '(remote custom)'%s" % (" " * 20)) for url in re.split(r"[;,]", config.CUSTOM_TRAILS_URL): url = url.strip() if not url: continue
url = ("http://%s" % url) if not "//" in url else url content = retrieve_content(url)
if not content: print "[x] unable to retrieve data (or empty response) from '%s'" % url else: __info__ = "blacklisted" __reference__ = "(remote custom)" # urlparse.urlsplit(url).netloc for line in content.split('n'): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue line = re.sub(r"s*#.*", "", line) if '://' in line: line ="://(.*)", line).group(1) line = line.rstrip('/')
if line in trails and any(_ in trails
[1] for _ in ("custom", "static")):
if '/' in line: trails
= (__info__, __reference__)
line = line.split('/')[0] elif"Ad+.d+.d+.d+Z", line): trails
= (__info__, __reference__)
else: trails
= (__info__, __reference__)

for match in re.finditer(r"(d+.d+.d+.d+)/(d+)", content): prefix, mask = match.groups() mask = int(mask) if mask > 32: continue start_int = addr_to_int(prefix) & make_mask(mask) end_int = start_int | ((1 << 32 - mask) - 1) if 0 <= end_int - start_int <= 1024: address = start_int while start_int <= address <= end_int: trails[int_to_addr(address)] = (__info__, __reference__) address += 1
# basic cleanup for key in trails.keys(): if key not in trails: continue if config.DISABLED_TRAILS_INFO_REGEX: if, trails[key][0]): del trails[key] continue if not key or"A(?i).?[a-z]+Z", key) and not any(_ in trails[key][1] for _ in ("custom", "static")): del trails[key] continue if"Ad+.d+.d+.d+Z", key): if any(_ in trails[key][0] for _ in ("parking site", "sinkhole")) and key in duplicates: del duplicates[key] if trails[key][0] == "malware": trails[key] = ("potential malware site", trails[key][1]) if trails[key][0] == "ransomware": trails[key] = ("ransomware (malware)", trails[key][1]) if key.startswith("www.") and '/' not in key: _ = trails[key] del trails[key] key = key[len("www."):] if key: trails[key] = _ if '?' in key: _ = trails[key] del trails[key] key = key.split('?')[0] if key: trails[key] = _ if '//' in key: _ = trails[key] del trails[key] key = key.replace('//', '/') trails[key] = _ if key != key.lower(): _ = trails[key] del trails[key] key = key.lower() trails[key] = _ if key in duplicates: _ = trails[key] others = sorted(duplicates[key] - set((_[1],))) if others and " (+" not in _[1]: trails[key] = (_[0], "%s (+%s)" % (_[1], ','.join(others)))
for key in trails.keys(): if check_whitelisted(key) or any(key.startswith(_) for _ in BAD_TRAIL_PREFIXES): del trails[key] elif"Ad+.d+.d+.d+Z", key) and (bogon_ip(key) or cdn_ip(key)): del trails[key] else: try: key.decode("utf8") trails[key][0].decode("utf8") trails[key][1].decode("utf8") except UnicodeDecodeError: del trails[key]
try: if trails: with _fopen(TRAILS_FILE, "w+b") as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for trail in trails: writer.writerow((trail, trails[trail][0], trails[trail][1]))
success = True except Exception, ex: print "[x] something went wrong during trails file write '%s' ('%s')" % (TRAILS_FILE, ex)
print "[i] update finished%s" % (40 * " ")
if success: print "[i] trails stored to '%s'" % TRAILS_FILE
    return trails

update_trails(server=None, force=False, offline=False)该方法用于更新所有订阅源,并生成trails.csv文件。

server    默认为None,输入为网络中的开源样本集url地址,则会将该url中的数据更新到trails.csv文件。

force    默认为False,当设为True时,则更新全量恶意样本的数据(即内置静态列表和实时订阅源)到trails.csv文件中。
offline    默认为False,当设为True时,进行离线更新,将内置静态列表更新到trails.csv文件中


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  • 本文由 发表于 2021年7月7日17:19:25
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