BSD 4.2 - 'fingerd' Remote Buffer Overflow

admin 2021年4月8日22:33:24BSD 4.2 - 'fingerd' Remote Buffer Overflow已关闭评论26 views字数 1008阅读3分21秒阅读模式

BSD 4.2 - 'fingerd' Remote Buffer Overflow

漏洞ID 1053339 漏洞类型
发布时间 1988-10-01 更新时间 1988-10-01
BSD 4.2 - 'fingerd' Remote Buffer Overflow CVE编号 N/A
BSD 4.2 - 'fingerd' Remote Buffer Overflow CNNVD-ID N/A
漏洞平台 BSD CVSS评分 N/A

fingerd is a remote user information server that implements
the protocol defined in RFC742. There exists a buffer
overflow in finderd that allows a remote attacker to execute
any local binaries. 

finderd reads input from its socket using the gets()
standard C library call passing it a 512-byte automatic
buffer allocated in main(). gets() reads the input and 
stores it into the buffer without performing any bounds 
checking. This results in a standard stack buffer 
overflow when main() return.

The Internet Worm used a string of 536 bytes to
overflow the input buffer of fingerd on the VAX. The
VAX machine code it used was:

pushl $68732f 'sh'
pushl $6e69622f '/bin'
movl sp, r10
pushl $0
pushl $0
pushl r10
pushl $3
movl sp, ap
chmk $3b

This code executed execve("/bin/sh", 0, 0).

相关推荐: UDP数据包恶意选项设置漏洞

UDP数据包恶意选项设置漏洞 漏洞ID 1207616 漏洞类型 未知 发布时间 1997-01-01 更新时间 1997-01-01 CVE编号 CVE-1999-0217 CNNVD-ID CNNVD-199701-002 漏洞平台 N/A CVSS评分 …

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                   BSD 4.2 - 'fingerd' Remote Buffer Overflow