Microsoft Windows Cursor and Icon Format Remote Code Execution (0day) 's

admin 2017年5月2日00:32:27评论311 views字数 1332阅读4分26秒阅读模式

鬼仔注:昨天发的那个IE 0day,现在有细节了,生成器也有人放出来了。文章尾部附生成器下载
微软官方的公告:Microsoft Security Advisory (935423): Vulnerability in Windows Animated Cursor Handling

鬼仔注:昨天发的那个IE 0day,现在有细节了,生成器也有人放出来了。文章尾部附生成器下载
微软官方的公告:Microsoft Security Advisory (935423): Vulnerability in Windows Animated Cursor Handling

来源:Ph4nt0m Security Team

就是最新那个ie 0day了,实际上利用方法不止是ie,用winhex等打开都会中,问题似乎是出在

user32.dll 的 loadcursorxxxxxxx ,函数返回时crash。

用资源管理器打开那个目录也可以触发,和以前的ms06-001 wmf漏洞有些相象,危害非常大。


A vulnerability has been identified in Microsoft Windows, which could be exploited by remote attackers to take complete control of an affected system. This issue is due to a memory corruption error when rendering malformed cursors, animated cursors or icons, which could be exploited by remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands by tricking a user into visiting a malicious web page or viewing an email message containing a specially crafted ANI file.

Note : This zero-day vulnerability is currently being exploited in the wild.



Affected Products

Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2
Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition ersion 2003 (Itanium)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (Itanium)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1 (Itanium)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition
Microsoft Windows Vista

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7

Microsoft Windows Cursor and Icon Format Remote Code Execution (0day)  's

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  • 本文由 发表于 2017年5月2日00:32:27
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                   Microsoft Windows Cursor and Icon Format Remote Code Execution (0day) 's


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