Hooks redirect to "EDR hooking.dll" >> umppc*****.dll for example umppc16606.dll
>>Hooks in ntdll.dll<<
[-] NtDeviceIoControlFile
[-] NtSetInformationThread
[-] NtAllocateVirtualMemory
[-] NtSetInformationProcess
[-] NtQueryInformationThread
[-] NtMapViewOfSection
[-] NtUnmapViewOfSection
[-] NtWriteVirtualMemory
[-] NtReadVirtualMemory
[-] NtQueueApcThread
[-] NtProtectVirtualMemory
[-] NtResumeThread
[-] NtAllocateVirtualMemoryEx
[-] NtCreateMutant
[-] NtGetContextThread
[-] NtMapViewOfSectionEx
[-] NtQueueApcThreadEx
[-] NtSetContextThread
[-] NtSuspendThread
[-] NtUnmapViewOfSectionEx
>>Hooks in win32u.dll<<
[-] NtUserSetProp
[-] NtUserSetWindowLong
[-] NtUserSetWindowsHookEx
[-] NtUserSetWindowsHookAW
[-] NtGdiAddFontMemResourceEx
[-] NtGdiAddFontResourceW
[-] NtGdiAddRemoteFontToDC
[-] NtUserSetWindowLongPtr
Total: 28 hooks
Hooks redirect to !EDR hooking.dll! >> inprocessclient64.dll
>>Hooks in ntdll.dll<<
[-] LdrLoadDll
[-] RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler
[-] NtSetInformationThread
[-] NtSetInformationProcess
[-] NtFreeVirtualMemory
[-] NtOpenProcess
[-] NtMapViewOfSection
[-] NtUnmapViewOfSection
[-] NtTerminateProcess
[-] NtQuerySystemInformation
[-] NtWriteVirtualMemory
[-] NtReadVirtualMemory
[-] NtQueueApcThread
[-] NtResumeThread
[-] NtCreateThreadEx
[-] NtCreateUserProcess
[-] NtLoadDriver
[-] NtMapUserPhysicalPages
[-] NtQuerySystemInformationEx
[-] NtQueueApcThreadEx
[-] NtSetContextThread
[-] KiUserApcDispatcher
>>Hooks in KernelBase.dll<<
[-] CreateProcessInternalW
[-] CopyFileExW
[-] LoadLibraryA
[-] UnhandledExceptionFilter
>>Hooks in combase.dll<<
[-] CoGetInstanceFromIStorage
>>Hooks in crypt32.dll<<
[-] CryptUnprotectData
>>Hooks in ole32.dll<<
[-] CoGetObject
>>Hooks in samcli.dll<<
[-] NetUserAdd
>>Hooks in shell32.dll<<
[-] Shell_NotifyIconW
>>Hooks in sspicli.dll<<
[-] InitializeSecurityContextW
[-] LsaCallAuthenticationPackage
>>Hooks in user32.dll<<
[-] CreateWindowExA
[-] CreateWindowExW
[-] PeekMessageA
[-] PeekMessageW
[-] SetWindowLongPtrW
[-] SetWindowLongW
[-] GetKeyState
[-] GetMessageW
[-] SystemParametersInfoW
[-] GetAsyncKeyState
[-] GetMessageA
[-] SystemParametersInfoA
[-] SetWindowsHookExW
[-] ExitWindowsEx
[-] SetWindowLongA
[-] SetWindowLongPtrA
[-] SetWindowsHookExA
>>Hooks in win32u.dll<<
[-] NtUserSetProp
[-] NtUserShowWindow
[-] NtUserGetKeyboardState
[-] NtUserAttachThreadInput
[-] NtUserRegisterRawInputDevices
Total: 55 hooks
Hooks redirect to "EDR hooking.dll" tmmon64.dll
>>Hooks in ntdll.dll<<
[-] LdrUnloadDll
[-] LdrLoadDll
[-] NtDeviceIoControlFile
[-] NtSetInformationThread
[-] NtQueryInformationThread
[-] NtMapViewOfSection
[-] NtUnmapViewOfSection
[-] NtTerminateProcess
[-] NtWriteVirtualMemory
[-] NtReadVirtualMemory
[-] NtQueueApcThread
[-] NtCreateThread
[-] NtProtectVirtualMemory
[-] NtCreateMutant
[-] NtCreateThreadEx
[-] NtGetContextThread
[-] NtLoadDriver
[-] NtSetContextThread
[-] NtUnmapViewOfSectionEx
>>Hooks in kernel32.dll<<
[-] CreateMailslotA
[-] CreateMailslotW
[-] MoveFileW
[-] CreateRemoteThread
[-] CreateNamedPipeA
[-] CopyFileA
[-] CopyFileExA
[-] MoveFileA
[-] MoveFileWithProgressA
>>Hooks in KernelBase.dll<<
[-] CreateProcessInternalA
[-] CreateProcessInternalW
[-] CreateRemoteThreadEx
[-] DeleteFileA
[-] DeleteFileW
[-] FindFirstFileW
[-] FindFirstFileExW
[-] CreateFileA
[-] CreateFileW
[-] MoveFileWithProgressW
[-] CopyFileW
[-] CopyFileExW
[-] VirtualAlloc
[-] ImpersonateLoggedOnUser
[-] WriteProcessMemory
[-] FindFirstFileA
[-] VirtualAllocEx
[-] CreateNamedPipeW
[-] FindFirstFileExA
>>Hooks in advapi32.dll<<
[-] OpenEventLogW
[-] CloseEventLog
[-] EncryptFileW
[-] CreateServiceA
[-] CreateServiceW
[-] ClearEventLogA
[-] ClearEventLogW
[-] OpenEventLogA
>>Hooks in samcli.dll<<
[-] NetUserGetLocalGroups
[-] NetUserGetInfo
[-] NetUserEnum
[-] NetUserAdd
[-] NetUserChangePassword
[-] NetUserDel
[-] NetUserGetGroups
[-] NetUserSetGroups
[-] NetUserSetInfo
>>Hooks in sechost.dll<<
[-] !StartServiceW
[-] !OpenServiceW
[-] !OpenServiceA
[-] !StartServiceA
>>Hooks in user32.dll<<
[-] SetWindowsHookExW
[-] SetWindowsHookA
[-] SetWindowsHookExA
[-] SetWindowsHookW
[-] MessageBoxA
[-] MessageBoxExA
[-] MessageBoxExW
[-] MessageBoxW
>>Hooks in wevtapi.dll<<
[-] EvtOpenSession
[-] EvtClose
[-] EvtClearLog
>>Hooks in win32u.dll<<
[-] NtUserShowWindow
>>Hooks in wininet.dll<<
[-] InternetCreateUrlW
[-] InternetConnectW
[-] InternetConnectA
[-] InternetCreateUrlA
[-] InternetOpenUrlA
[-] InternetOpenUrlW
Total: 86 hooks
原文始发于微信公众号(Khan安全攻防实验室):AV/EPP/EDR Windows API hook list
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