
admin 2023年6月24日00:33:15评论15 views字数 2371阅读7分54秒阅读模式

        一、何为APT (what is APT?)

        APT攻击,即高级可持续威胁攻击,也称为定向威胁攻击,指某组织对特定对象展开的持续有效的攻击活动。这种攻击活动具有极强的隐蔽性和针对性,通常会运用受感染的各种介质、供应链和社会工程学等多种手段实施先进的、持久的且有效的威胁和攻击。(APT, which stands for Advanced Persistent Threat, also known as Directed Threat Attack, refers to a sustained and effective attack activity launched by an organization against specific targets. This type of attack activity is highly covert and targeted, often utilizing various infected mediums, supply chains, and social engineering techniques to execute advanced, persistent, and successful threats and attacks.)

         普遍认可的定义是,利用各种先进的攻击手段,对高价值目标进行的有组织、长期持续性网络攻击行为。因此难以确定是否为APT攻击,只能从已发生过的APT攻击事件,分析其特点,进而与上述解释性概念相关联,得出APT攻击的一般规律。(The widely accepted definition of APT is the organized and long-term network attack behavior against high-value targets using various advanced attack techniques. Therefore, it is difficult to determine whether an attack is an APT attack or not. The general patterns of APT attacks can only be derived by analyzing the characteristics of previous APT attack incidents and associating them with the explanatory concepts mentioned above.

        二、APT攻击有何规律(What are the patterns of APT attacks?

        截至目前,APT攻击的一般规律大致有以下五点:(So far, the general patterns of APT attacks can be summarized as follows:

1.高度目的性(High-level purposefulness

2.高度隐蔽性(High-level concealment

3.高度危害性(High-level harmfulness

4.目标实体化(Target objectification

5.极强的持续性(Strong persistence

        三、如何防范(How to prevent APT attacks?

APT难以完全防范,事实上,面对APT组织的攻击,企业、政府机构并不能说100%能够发现和防御,只能尽可能去完善防御体系。以下是一些可以采取的措施:(It is difficult to completely prevent APT attacks. In fact, when facing attacks from APT organizations, enterprises and government organizations cannot guarantee 100% discovery and defense. They can only strive to improve their defense systems as much as possible. Here are some measures that can be taken:
1.需要定期对设施进行补丁、升级及安全测试,尽可能减少弱点;(Regularly patch, upgrade, and security test facilities to minimize vulnerabilities.
2.在攻击面的各个环节部署监测设备,并建立立体化的纵深防御体系,及时掌握威胁情报,提前做出预防和决策(亦可使用蜜罐诱捕攻击者以分析其攻击手段);(Deploy monitoring devices at various levels of the attack surface and establish a comprehensive defense system. Stay updated on threat intelligence and make proactive decisions (honeypot techniques can also be used to trap attackers and analyze their attack methods).
3.对未知文件进行检测分析:如通过沙箱技术对恶意程序进行模拟执行,通过对程序的行为分析和评估来判断未知文件是否存在恶意威胁;(Analyze and detect unknown files, such as simulating the execution of malicious programs through sandbox technology, judging the existence of malicious threats based on behavioral analysis and evaluation of programs.

原文始发于微信公众号(Eonian Sharp):【译安】APT介绍及部分防范手段

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  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月24日00:33:15
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