[YA-09] APT攻击之木马系列—木马的种类

admin 2024年10月24日22:38:10评论28 views字数 4296阅读14分19秒阅读模式

译安 · 09




The full name of the horse is Trojan Horse, which comes from ancient Greek mythology. Trojan horses are installed by deception or deception, and hidden in the user's computer to achieve the purpose of controlling the user's computer. It is a malicious code with remote control, information theft, destruction and other functions.

  • 欺骗性
  • 隐藏性
  • 非授权性
  • 交互性
  • deceptive:Trojan horses are very deceptive, and the execution is usually performed by the attacker himself

  • concealment:Not easy to spot

  • Non-delegation:The user is not authorized to perform the malicious action

  • Interactivity:An attacker outside the host can interact with the host in some way

[YA-09] APT攻击之木马系列—木马的种类



Fine granularity, such as the classification standard of Kaspersky SafeStream virus library. As shown in the figure below, it is Kaspersky's entire taxonomy of malicious code. At the top are worms and viruses, followed by backdoors and Trojans, and then Trojans are divided into many classes according to their behavior, and finally Rootkits and exploits. From bottom to top, it is sorted according to the degree of harm, with the highest degree of harm and the lowest degree of harm.


下面这张图是卡巴斯基木马的具体分类,木马分为Backdoor、Trojan、Rootkit、Exploit。 按道理说,将Exploit放到木马范畴是不合适的,接着Trojan又分为Trojan-Downloader(下载)、Trojan-Dropper(释放)、Trojan-Spy(间D软件)Trojan-DDoS(拒绝服务)、Trojan-Ransom(磁盘数据加密勒索用户)等。同时,它在命名的时候会根据其行为进行分类。对于卡巴斯基来首,Backdoor包括远程控制型程序,就是这篇文章的远控型木马。

The following picture is the specific classification of Kaspersky Trojans, Trojans are divided into Backdoor, Trojan, Rootkit, Exploit. Logically, it is not appropriate to put Exploit in the category of Trojan horses. Then the Trojan is divided into Trojan-downloader, Trojan-Dropper, Trojan-Spy, Trojan-ddos, Trojan-Ransom, and so on. At the same time, it is classified according to its behavior when named. For Kaspersky, Backdoor includes the remote control type program, which is the remote control type Trojan of this article.

[YA-09] APT攻击之木马系列—木马的种类


Including remote control type, information acquisition type, destruction type and so on.



The remote control can have interactive access to the target computer (real-time or non-real-time), can issue corresponding instructions to trigger the function of the malware, and can also obtain various data of the target. The interaction is bidirectional (attacker-controlled). Typical cases include backdoors such as Trojans under the Kaspersky classification standard, and some actual cases, including Ice River, network god TOU, Guangwai goddess, network bull, black hole, Shangxing, Rainbow Bridge, PCShare, grey pigeon, etc. The following figure shows the grey pigeon code, and the specific test method is recommended.

[YA-09] APT攻击之木马系列—木马的种类



The function of information acquisition Trojan is information acquisition, which can obtain valuable information from keyboard input, memory, files, databases, browser Cookies, etc. The interaction is one-way. The controlled side sends data to the attacker, such as to the attacker's third-party space, file server, designated mailbox, etc., or directly opens the FTP service program, and the attacker directly accesses and downloads the data. The following figure shows the BPK software interface, including screen capture, information recording and other functions, and sending data to the attacker. Typical cases include Trojan-Bank, Trojan-GameThief, Trojan-IM, Trojan-Spy, Trojan-PSW and Trojan-Mailfinder under the Kaspersky classification standard.

[YA-09] APT攻击之木马系列—木马的种类



Its functions are data corruption, resource consumption, etc., to the local or remote host system. The interaction is also unidirectional: the attacker can send commands to the controlled party, and in some cases there is no interaction at all. Typical cases include Trojan-DDoS, Trojan-Ransom, Trojan-ArcBomb, Trojan-Downloader, Trojan-Dropper and so on.

原文始发于微信公众号(Eonian Sharp):[YA-09] APT攻击之木马系列—木马的种类

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  • 本文由 发表于 2024年10月24日22:38:10
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