⊙一. 什么是jcestruct
⊙二. jcestruct在某浏览器的应用
⊙三. 010editor手动还原jcestruct协议
⊙四. js实现的jcestruct
客户端和服务器端要通讯,如果正常的json请求,客户端发送的是 {"客户端小杜":我要下单3070显卡},服务端回复的{"老黄的回复": 早卖给矿老板了},这时完成了一次请求的发送。
struct 小杜{
String message;
小杜.message = "我要下单3070显卡"
struct 老黄{
String message;
老黄.message = "早卖给矿老板了"
这时候 客户端发送给服务器的为bin("我要下单3070显卡"),服务器则直接返回bin("早卖给矿老板了") ,这时其实已经节省了传输中很大的占用空间了。
类型值 | 数据类型 |
0 | byte或者bool |
1 | short |
2 | int |
3 | long |
4 | float |
5 | double |
6 |
string:先存一字节长度 后续存字符 |
7 |
string:先存4字节长度 后续 存字符 |
8 | map |
9 |
list |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
读者朋友们这时又说了 你骗人,前面不是说不用传key的吗?
node HeadData {
int tag;
unsigned char type;
key的数据解析的规则是:低4位为类型,高四位为tag 如果 tag 为0xF 则下一个字节为tag.
其实不然 255个序列确实是线性排布的,但是TYPE_SIMPLE_LIST类型存储的是字节数组,而且jcestruct这个序列传输的时候确实是字节数组,那么在这种情况下,就可以把A的jcestruct转为字节集的结构存放在B的结构体中,可以形象的称谓套娃,通过这种操作其实jcestruct可以结构可以存储的数据容量是非常大的(我也不知道有多大 很大就是了)
1.3 多语言可实现兼容多种客户端
jcestruct广泛运用于多个产品(多是腾旭的),在腾讯qq 的内部传输实现,包括马总其他app也是广泛运用这个协议,目前作者已知的在c语言、c#、go、python、java、js、易语言中均已经有实现的api调用。那么在这种情况下,在使用该语言的服务端上面和使用如上语言实现的客户端上面均可建立通信,只要遵从这个协议就可非常完美的进行通信了。
1.4 安全性
def decode_content(key = "3B73D4C094BB98234508E97E1037FD1C", iv = "706c65b5016ccb24"):
key = bytes.fromhex(key)
f = open(r"C:UsersAdministratorDesktop浏览器pac", "rb").read()
aes_decrpyt_data = utils().aesDecrypt(key, iv, f)
uncompress_data = utils().zlibDeCompress(aes_decrpyt_data)
with open("encodedata","wb") as f:
10 :高位为1,低位为0,那么tag=1,0代表后面有一个字节 为 02
56:tag=5 类型为6,字符串后加一个字符串的长度(0A),之后跟的是数据(红色方块中的AdsGateWay)
66:tag=6 类型为6,长度(0F),getBatchAdsData
7D:tag=7 类型为D,相当于是个字节字节数组 ,00为死数没有含义,01表示数组的类型为short,0x6e3=1763;那么 0x6e3+0x26 =0x709
8c: tag =8,类型为c zero
98:tag=9 ,类型为map 长度为0
a8:tag=10,类型为map 长度为0
大体上已经手动解析完了,但是tag =7的时候包含的为TYPE_SIMPLE_LIST,其实也是jcestruct结构被转为二进制之后的数据,想分析的读者,也可按照上方的方法来进行推算。
很多读者其实看到这里会说,你怎么知道每个类型后面跟的是长度还是数据,当然了 我也是看了源码后才知道的
0 byte bool
如果是0 直接走的是type12类型(ZERO_TAG) 写一个头就完事了,其他的情况下还得写入一个头 后面直接存储一个字节的内容
public void write(byte b, int i) {
if (b == (byte) 0) {
writeHead((byte) 12, i);
writeHead((byte) 0, i);
public void write(boolean z, int i) {
write((byte) (z ? 1 : 0), i);
1 short
超过一个字节的会以short的类型进行存储,如果一个字节的情况下直接转为 0的方式存储了 这样可以节省内存空间
public void write(short s, int i) {
if (s < (short) -128 || s > (short) 127) {
writeHead((byte) 1, i);
write((byte) s, i);
2 int
public void write(int i, int i2) {
if (i < -32768 || i > 32767) {
writeHead((byte) 2, i2);
write((short) i, i2);
3 long
public void write(long j, int i) {
if (j < -2147483648L || j > 2147483647L) {
writeHead((byte) 3, i);
write((int) j, i);
对 0 1 2 3 的归纳
byte short int long这四种发现jcestruct对他们的处理是能省则省,就是能用小的存储空间代替就不用大的,特别是byte 表示零的情况下直接用zerotag来表示。
4 float
float不会向前面那四个类型一样进行节省空间而转换为其他的类型, float占用四个字节
public void write(float f, int i) {
writeHead((byte) 4, i);
5 double
double也不会像前面那四个类型一样进行节省空间而转换为其他的类型 double 占用的也为 8个字节
public void write(double d, int i) {
writeHead((byte) 5, i);
6.7 string
type6存储额短符串如果字符串的长度小于等于255(这个255正好是一个字节 2^8)
type7存储长字符串 当字符串长度大于255(一个字节装不下的时候)就用四个字节来装长度了,然后再押入字符串
public void write(String str, int i) {
byte[] bytes;
try {
bytes = str.getBytes(this.sServerEncoding);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
bytes = str.getBytes();
reserve(bytes.length + 10);
if (bytes.length > 255) {
writeHead((byte) 7, i);
writeHead((byte) 6, i);
this.bs.put((byte) bytes.length);
8 map
maptype +maptag +(lenghtype + tag0),然后将键值依次排列后面 key的tag统一为0 value的tag统一为1
public <K, V> void write(Map<K, V> map, int i) {
writeHead((byte) 8, i);
write(map == null ? 0 : map.size(), 0);
if (map != null) {
for (Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
write(entry.getKey(), 0);
write(entry.getValue(), 1);
9 list
list顾名思义可以存放任意类型的,同样用 byte short int long 来表示长度,同时list每个元素的tag都为0 ,从这套代码的设计来看,都可以进行循环嵌套进行赋值
public <T> void write(Collection<T> collection, int i) {
writeHead((byte) 9, i);
write(collection == null ? 0 : collection.size(), 0);
if (collection != null) {
for (T write : collection) {
write((Object) write, 0);
public void write(Object obj, int i) {
if (obj instanceof Byte) {
write(((Byte) obj).byteValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof Boolean) {
write(((Boolean) obj).booleanValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof Short) {
write(((Short) obj).shortValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof Integer) {
write(((Integer) obj).intValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof Long) {
write(((Long) obj).longValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof Float) {
write(((Float) obj).floatValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof Double) {
write(((Double) obj).doubleValue(), i);
} else if (obj instanceof String) {
write((String) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof Map) {
write((Map) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof List) {
write((List) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof JceStruct) {
write((JceStruct) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof byte[]) {
write((byte[]) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof boolean[]) {
write((boolean[]) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof short[]) {
write((short[]) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof int[]) {
write((int[]) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof long[]) {
write((long[]) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof float[]) {
write((float[]) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof double[]) {
write((double[]) obj, i);
} else if (obj.getClass().isArray()) {
writeArray((Object[]) obj, i);
} else if (obj instanceof Collection) {
write((Collection) obj, i);
} else {
throw new JceEncodeException("write object error: unsupport type. " + obj.getClass());
public void write(JceStruct jceStruct, int i) {
writeHead((byte) 10, i);
writeHead((byte) 11, 0);
12 zero_tag
writeHead((byte) 12, i);
public void write(byte[] bArr, int i) {
reserve(bArr.length + 8);
writeHead((byte) 13, i);
writeHead((byte) 0, 0);
write(bArr.length, 0);
import execjs
def get_js():
f = open(r"jcestruct.js", 'r', encoding="utf-8")
line = f.readline()
htmlstr = ''
while line:
htmlstr = htmlstr + line
line = f.readline()
ctx = execjs.compile(htmlstr)
content = bytes.fromhex(ctx.call('main'))
return ctx.call('main')
const Taf = {};
Taf.INT8 = function () {
this._clone = function () {
return 0
this._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeInt8(e, i)
this._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readInt8(e, true, i)
this._className = function () {
return Taf.CHAR
Taf.INT16 = function () {
this._clone = function () {
return 0
this._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeInt16(e, i)
this._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readInt16(e, true, i)
this._className = function () {
return Taf.SHORT
Taf.INT32 = function () {
this._clone = function () {
return 0
this._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeInt32(e, i)
this._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readInt32(e, true, i)
this._className = function () {
return Taf.INT32
Taf.INT64 = function () {
this._clone = function () {
return 0
this._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeInt64(e, i)
this._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readInt64(e, true, i)
this._className = function () {
return Taf.INT64
Taf.UINT8 = function () {
this._clone = function () {
return 0
this._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeInt16(e, i)
this._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readInt16(e, true, i)
this._className = function () {
return Taf.SHORT
Taf.UInt16 = function () {
this._clone = function () {
return 0
this._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeInt32(e, i)
this._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readInt32(e, true, i)
this._className = function () {
return Taf.INT32
Taf.UInt32 = function () {
this._clone = function () {
return 0
this._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeInt64(e, i)
this._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readInt64(e, true, i)
this._className = function () {
return Taf.INT64
Taf.Float = function () {
this._clone = function () {
return 0
this._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeFloat(e, i)
this._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readFloat(e, true, i)
this._className = function () {
return Taf.FLOAT
Taf.Double = function () {
this._clone = function () {
return 0
this._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeDouble(e, i)
this._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readDouble(e, true, i)
this._className = function () {
return Taf.DOUBLE
Taf.STRING = function () {
this._clone = function () {
return 0
this._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeString(e, i)
this._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readString(e, true, i)
this._className = function () {
return Taf.STRING
Taf.BOOLEAN = function () {
this._clone = function () {
return false
this._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeBoolean(e, i)
this._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readBoolean(e, true, i)
this._className = function () {
return Taf.BOOLEAN
Taf.ENUM = function () {
this._clone = function () {
return 0
this._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeInt32(e, i)
this._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readInt32(e, true, i)
Taf.Vector = function (t) {
this.proto = t
this.value = new Array
Taf.Vector.prototype._clone = function () {
return new Taf.Vector(this.proto)
Taf.Vector.prototype._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeVector(e, i)
Taf.Vector.prototype._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readVector(e, true, i)
Taf.Vector.prototype._className = function () {
return Taf.TypeHelp.VECTOR.replace("$t", this.proto._className())
Taf.Map = function (t, e) {
this.kproto = t
this.vproto = e
this.value = new Object
Taf.Map.prototype._clone = function () {
return new Taf.Map(this.kproto, this.vproto)
Taf.Map.prototype._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeMap(e, i)
Taf.Map.prototype._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readMap(e, true, i)
Taf.Map.prototype.put = function (t, e) {
this.value[t] = e
Taf.Map.prototype.get = function (t) {
return this.value[t]
Taf.Map.prototype.remove = function (t) {
delete this.value[t]
Taf.Map.prototype.clear = function () {
this.value = new Object
Taf.Map.prototype.size = function () {
var t = 0
for (var e in this.value) {
return t
Taf.Vector.prototype._className = function () {
return Taf.TypeHelp.Map.replace("$k", this.kproto._className()).replace("$v", this.vproto._className())
Taf.DataHelp = {
EN_INT8: 0,
EN_INT16: 1,
EN_INT32: 2,
EN_INT64: 3,
EN_MAP: 8,
EN_ZERO: 12,
Taf.TypeHelp = {
BOOLEAN: "bool",
CHAR: "char",
SHORT: "short",
INT32: "int32",
INT64: "int64",
FLOAT: "float",
DOUBLE: "double",
STRING: "string",
VECTOR: "list<$t>",
MAP: "map<$k, $v>"
Taf.BinBuffer = function (t) {
this.buf = null
this.vew = null
this.len = 0
this.position = 0
if (t != null && t != undefined && t instanceof Taf.BinBuffer) {
this.buf = t.buf
this.vew = new DataView(this.buf)
this.len = t.length
this.position = t.position
if (t != null && t != undefined && t instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
this.buf = t
this.vew = new DataView(this.buf)
this.len = this.vew.byteLength
this.position = 0
this.__defineGetter__("length", function () {
return this.len
this.__defineGetter__("buffer", function () {
return this.buf
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype._write = function (t, e, i) {
return t.writeBytes(e, i)
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype._read = function (t, e, i) {
return t.readBytes(e, true, i)
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype._clone = function () {
return new Taf.BinBuffer
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.allocate = function (t) {
t = this.position + t
if (this.buf != null && this.buf.length > t) {
var e = new ArrayBuffer(Math.max(256, t * 2))
if (this.buf != null) {
new Uint8Array(e).set(new Uint8Array(this.buf))
this.buf = undefined
this.buf = e
this.vew = undefined
this.vew = new DataView(this.buf)
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.getBuffer = function () {
var t = new ArrayBuffer(this.len)
new Uint8Array(t).set(new Uint8Array(this.buf, 0, this.len))
return t
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.memset = function (t, e, i) {
new Uint8Array(this.buf).set(new Uint8Array(t, e, i), this.position)
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function (t) {
this.vew.setInt8(this.position, t)
this.position += 1
this.len = this.position
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function (t) {
this.vew.setUint8(this.position++, t)
this.len = this.position
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.writeInt16 = function (t) {
this.vew.setInt16(this.position, t)
this.position += 2
this.len = this.position
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16 = function (t) {
this.vew.setUint16(this.position, t)
this.position += 2
this.len = this.position
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.writeInt32 = function (t) {
this.vew.setInt32(this.position, t)
this.position += 4
this.len = this.position
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32 = function (t) {
this.vew.setUint32(this.position, t)
this.position += 4
this.len = this.position
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.writeInt64 = function (t) {
this.vew.setUint32(this.position, parseInt(t / 4294967296))
this.vew.setUint32(this.position + 4, t % 4294967296)
this.position += 8
this.len = this.position
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.writeFloat = function (t) {
this.vew.setFloat32(this.position, t)
this.position += 4
this.len = this.position
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.writeDouble = function (t) {
this.vew.setFloat64(this.position, t)
this.position += 8
this.len = this.position
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.writeString = function (t) {
for (var e = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
e.push(t.charCodeAt(i) & 255)
new Uint8Array(this.buf).set(new Uint8Array(e), this.position)
this.position += e.length
this.len = this.position
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.writeBytes = function (t) {
if (t.length == 0 || t.buf == null)
new Uint8Array(this.buf).set(new Uint8Array(t.buf, 0, t.length), this.position)
this.position += t.length
this.len = this.position
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.readInt8 = function () {
return this.vew.getInt8(this.position++)
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.readInt16 = function () {
this.position += 2
return this.vew.getInt16(this.position - 2)
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.readInt32 = function () {
this.position += 4
return this.vew.getInt32(this.position - 4)
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function () {
this.position += 1
return this.vew.getUint8(this.position - 1)
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.readUInt16 = function () {
this.position += 2
return this.vew.getUint16(this.position - 2)
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.readUInt32 = function () {
this.position += 4
return this.vew.getUint32(this.position - 4)
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.readInt64 = function () {
var t = this.vew.getUint32(this.position)
var e = this.vew.getUint32(this.position + 4)
this.position += 8
return t * 4294967296 + e
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.readFloat = function () {
var t = this.vew.getFloat32(this.position)
this.position += 4
return t
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.readDouble = function () {
var t = this.vew.getFloat64(this.position)
this.position += 8
return t
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.readString = function (t) {
for (var e = [], i = 0; i < t; i++) {
var r = e.join("")
try {
r = decodeURIComponent(escape(r))
} catch (t) {
return r
Taf.BinBuffer.prototype.readBytes = function (t) {
var e = new Taf.BinBuffer
e.memset(this.buf, this.position, t)
e.position = 0
e.len = t
this.position = this.position + t
return e
Taf.JceOutputStream = function () {
this.buf = new Taf.BinBuffer
this.getBinBuffer = function () {
return this.buf
this.getBuffer = function () {
return this.buf.getBuffer()
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeTo = function (t, e) {
if (t < 15) {
this.buf.writeUInt8(t << 4 & 240 | e)
} else {
this.buf.writeUInt16((240 | e) << 8 | t)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeBoolean = function (t, e) {
this.writeInt8(t, e == true ? 1 : 0)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeInt8 = function (t, e) {
if (e == 0) {
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_ZERO)
} else {
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT8)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeInt16 = function (t, e) {
if (e >= -128 && e <= 127) {
this.writeInt8(t, e)
} else {
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT16)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeInt32 = function (t, e) {
if (e >= -32768 && e <= 32767) {
this.writeInt16(t, e)
} else {
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT32)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeInt64 = function (t, e) {
if (e >= -2147483648 && e <= 2147483647) {
this.writeInt32(t, e)
} else {
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT64)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeUInt8 = function (t, e) {
this.writeInt16(t, e)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeUInt16 = function (t, e) {
this.writeInt32(t, e)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeUInt32 = function (t, e) {
this.writeInt64(t, e)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeFloat = function (t, e) {
if (e == 0) {
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_ZERO)
} else {
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_FLOAT)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeDouble = function (t, e) {
if (e == 0) {
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_ZERO)
} else {
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_DOUBLE)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeStruct = function (t, e) {
if (e.writeTo == undefined) {
throw Error("not defined writeTo Function")
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRUCTBEGIN)
this.writeTo(0, Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRUCTEND)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeString = function (t, e) {
var i = e
try {
i = unescape(encodeURIComponent(i))
} catch (t) {
if (i.length > 255) {
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRING4)
} else {
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRING1)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeBytes = function (t, e) {
if (!(e instanceof Taf.BinBuffer)) {
throw Error("value not instanceof Taf.BinBuffer")
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_SIMPLELIST)
this.writeTo(0, Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT8)
this.writeInt32(0, e.length)
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeVector = function (t, e) {
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_LIST)
this.writeInt32(0, e.value.length)
for (var i = 0; i < e.value.length; i++) {
e.proto._write(this, 0, e.value[i])
Taf.JceOutputStream.prototype.writeMap = function (t, e) {
this.writeTo(t, Taf.DataHelp.EN_MAP)
this.writeInt32(0, e.size())
for (var i in e.value) {
e.kproto._write(this, 0, i)
e.vproto._write(this, 1, e.value[i])
Taf.JceInputStream = function (t) {
this.buf = new Taf.BinBuffer(t)
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readFrom = function () {
var t = this.buf.readUInt8()
var e = (t & 240) >> 4
var i = t & 15
if (e >= 15)
e = this.buf.readUInt8()
return {
tag: e,
type: i
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.peekFrom = function () {
var t = this.buf.position
var e = this.readFrom()
this.buf.position = t
return {
tag: e.tag,
type: e.type,
size: e.tag >= 15 ? 2 : 1
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.skipField = function (t) {
switch (t) {
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT8:
this.buf.position += 1
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT16:
this.buf.position += 2
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT32:
this.buf.position += 4
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT64:
this.buf.position += 8
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRING1:
var e = this.buf.readUInt8()
this.buf.position += e
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRING4:
var i = this.buf.readInt32()
this.buf.position += i
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRUCTBEGIN:
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRUCTEND:
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_ZERO:
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_MAP: {
var r = this.readInt32(0, true)
for (var n = 0; n < r * 2; ++n) {
var s = this.readFrom()
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_SIMPLELIST: {
var s = this.readFrom()
if (s.type != Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT8) {
throw Error("skipField with invalid type, type value: " + t + "," + s.type)
var e = this.readInt32(0, true)
this.buf.position += e
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_LIST: {
var r = this.readInt32(0, true)
for (var n = 0; n < r; ++n) {
var s = this.readFrom()
throw new Error("skipField with invalid type, type value: " + t)
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.skipToStructEnd = function () {
for (; ;) {
var t = this.readFrom()
if (t.type == Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRUCTEND) {
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.skipToTag = function (t, e) {
while (this.buf.position < this.buf.length) {
var i = this.peekFrom()
if (t <= i.tag || i.type == Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRUCTEND) {
return i.type == Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRUCTEND ? false : t == i.tag
this.buf.position += i.size
if (e)
throw Error("require field not exist, tag:" + t)
return false
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readBoolean = function (t, e, i) {
return this.readInt8(t, e, i) == 1 ? true : false
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readInt8 = function (t, e, i) {
if (this.skipToTag(t, e) == false) {
return i
var r = this.readFrom()
switch (r.type) {
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_ZERO:
return 0
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT8:
return this.buf.readInt8()
throw Error("read int8 type mismatch, tag:" + t + ", get type:" + r.type)
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readInt16 = function (t, e, i) {
if (this.skipToTag(t, e) == false) {
return i
var r = this.readFrom()
switch (r.type) {
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_ZERO:
return 0
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT8:
return this.buf.readInt8()
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT16:
return this.buf.readInt16()
throw Error("read int8 type mismatch, tag:" + t + ", get type:" + r.type)
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readInt32 = function (t, e, i) {
if (this.skipToTag(t, e) == false) {
return i
var r = this.readFrom()
switch (r.type) {
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_ZERO:
return 0
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT8:
return this.buf.readInt8()
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT16:
return this.buf.readInt16()
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT32:
return this.buf.readInt32()
throw Error("read int8 type mismatch, tag:" + t + ", get type:" + r.type)
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readInt64 = function (t, e, i) {
if (this.skipToTag(t, e) == false) {
return i
var r = this.readFrom()
switch (r.type) {
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_ZERO:
return 0
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT8:
return this.buf.readInt8()
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT16:
return this.buf.readInt16()
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT32:
return this.buf.readInt32()
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT64:
return this.buf.readInt64()
throw Error("read int64 type mismatch, tag:" + t + ", get type:" + h.type)
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readFloat = function (t, e, i) {
if (this.skipToTag(t, e) == false) {
return i
var r = this.readFrom()
switch (r.type) {
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_ZERO:
return 0
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_FLOAT:
return this.buf.readFloat()
throw Error("read float type mismatch, tag:" + t + ", get type:" + h.type)
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readDouble = function (t, e, i) {
if (this.skipToTag(t, e) == false) {
return i
var r = this.readFrom()
switch (r.type) {
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_ZERO:
return 0
case Taf.DataHelp.EN_DOUBLE:
return this.buf.readDouble()
throw Error("read double type mismatch, tag:" + t + ", get type:" + h.type)
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readUInt8 = function (t, e, i) {
return this.readInt16(t, e, i)
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readUInt16 = function (t, e, i) {
return this.readInt32(t, e, i)
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readUInt32 = function (t, e, i) {
return this.readInt64(t, e, i)
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readStruct = function (t, e, i) {
if (this.skipToTag(t, e) == false) {
return i
var r = this.readFrom()
if (r.type != Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRUCTBEGIN) {
// i.readFrom(this)
// this.skipToStructEnd()
// return i
var new_instance = i.readFrom(this)
return new_instance
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readString = function (t, e, i) {
if (this.skipToTag(t, e) == false) {
return i
var r = this.readFrom()
if (r.type == Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRING1) {
return this.buf.readString(this.buf.readUInt8())
if (r.type == Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRING4) {
return this.buf.readString(this.buf.readUInt32())
throw Error("read 'string' type mismatch, tag: " + t + ", get type: " + r.type + ".")
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readString2 = function (t, e, i) {
if (this.skipToTag(t, e) == false) {
return i
var r = this.readFrom()
if (r.type == Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRING1) {
return this.buf.readBytes(this.buf.readUInt8())
if (r.type == Taf.DataHelp.EN_STRING4) {
return this.buf.readBytes(this.buf.readUInt32())
throw Error("read 'string' type mismatch, tag: " + t + ", get type: " + r.type + ".")
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readBytes = function (t, e, i) {
if (this.skipToTag(t, e) == false) {
return i
var r = this.readFrom()
if (r.type == Taf.DataHelp.EN_SIMPLELIST) {
var n = this.readFrom()
if (n.type != Taf.DataHelp.EN_INT8) {
throw Error("type mismatch, tag:" + t + ",type:" + r.type + "," + n.type)
var s = this.readInt32(0, true)
if (s < 0) {
throw Error("invalid size, tag:" + t + ",type:" + r.type + "," + n.type)
return this.buf.readBytes(s)
if (r.type == Taf.DataHelp.EN_LIST) {
var s = this.readInt32(0, true)
return this.buf.readBytes(s)
throw Error("type mismatch, tag:" + t + ",type:" + r.type)
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readVector = function (t, e, i) {
if (this.skipToTag(t, e) == false) {
return i
var r = this.readFrom()
if (r.type != Taf.DataHelp.EN_LIST) {
throw Error("read 'vector' type mismatch, tag: " + t + ", get type: " + r.type)
var n = this.readInt32(0, true)
if (n < 0) {
throw Error("invalid size, tag: " + t + ", type: " + r.type + ", size: " + n)
for (var s = 0; s < n; ++s) {
i.value.push(i.proto._read(this, 0, i.proto._clone()))
return i
Taf.JceInputStream.prototype.readMap = function (t, e, i) {
if (this.skipToTag(t, e) == false) {
return i
var r = this.readFrom()
if (r.type != Taf.DataHelp.EN_MAP) {
throw Error("read 'map' type mismatch, tag: " + t + ", get type: " + r.type)
var n = this.readInt32(0, true)
if (n < 0) {
throw Error("invalid map, tag: " + t + ", size: " + n)
for (var s = 0; s < n; s++) {
var a = i.kproto._read(this, 0, i.kproto._clone())
var o = i.vproto._read(this, 1, i.vproto._clone())
i.put(a, o)
return i
Taf.Wup = function () {
this.iVersion = 3
this.cPacketType = 0
this.iMessageType = 0
this.iRequestId = 0
this.sServantName = ""
this.sFuncName = ""
this.sBuffer = new Taf.BinBuffer
this.iTimeout = 0
this.context = new Taf.Map(new Taf.STRING, new Taf.STRING)
this.status = new Taf.Map(new Taf.STRING, new Taf.STRING)
this.data = new Taf.Map(new Taf.STRING, new Taf.Map(new Taf.STRING, new Taf.BinBuffer))
this.newdata = new Taf.Map(new Taf.STRING, new Taf.BinBuffer)
Taf.Wup.prototype.setVersion = function (t) {
this.iVersion = t
Taf.Wup.prototype.getVersion = function (t) {
return this.iVersion
Taf.Wup.prototype.setServant = function (t) {
this.sServantName = t
Taf.Wup.prototype.setFunc = function (t) {
this.sFuncName = t
Taf.Wup.prototype.setRequestId = function (t) {
this.iRequestId = t ? t : ++this.iRequestId
Taf.Wup.prototype.getRequestId = function () {
return this.iRequestId
Taf.Wup.prototype.setTimeOut = function (t) {
this.iTimeout = t
Taf.Wup.prototype.getTimeOut = function () {
return this.iTimeout
Taf.Wup.prototype.writeTo = function () {
var t = new Taf.JceOutputStream
t.writeInt16(1, this.iVersion)
t.writeInt8(2, this.cPacketType)
t.writeInt32(3, this.iMessageType)
t.writeInt32(4, this.iRequestId)
t.writeString(5, this.sServantName)
t.writeString(6, this.sFuncName)
t.writeBytes(7, this.sBuffer)
t.writeInt32(8, this.iTimeout)
t.writeMap(9, this.context)
t.writeMap(10, this.status)
return new Taf.BinBuffer(t.getBuffer())
Taf.Wup.prototype.encode = function () {
var t = new Taf.JceOutputStream
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
t.writeMap(0, this.newdata)
} else {
t.writeMap(0, this.data)
this.sBuffer = t.getBinBuffer()
var e = new Taf.BinBuffer
e = this.writeTo()
var i = new Taf.BinBuffer
i.writeInt32(4 + e.len)
return i
Taf.Wup.prototype.writeBoolean = function (t, e) {
var i = new Taf.JceOutputStream
i.writeBoolean(0, e)
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
this.newdata.put(t, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBuffer()))
} else {
var r = this.data.get(t)
var n = TAF.TypeHelp.BOOLEAN
if (r == undefined) {
var s = new Taf.Map(Taf.STRING, Taf.STRING)
r = s
r.put(n, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBuffer()))
this.data.put(t, r)
Taf.Wup.prototype.writeInt8 = function (t, e) {
var i = new Taf.JceOutputStream
i.writeInt8(0, e)
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
this.newdata.put(t, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBuffer()))
} else {
var r = this.data.get(t)
var n = TAF.TypeHelp.CHAR
if (r == undefined) {
var s = new Taf.Map(Taf.STRING, Taf.STRING)
r = s
r.put(n, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBuffer()))
this.data.put(t, r)
Taf.Wup.prototype.writeInt16 = function (t, e) {
var i = new Taf.JceOutputStream
i.writeInt16(0, e)
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
this.newdata.put(t, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBuffer()))
} else {
var r = this.data.get(t)
var n = TAF.TypeHelp.SHORT
if (r == undefined) {
var s = new Taf.Map(Taf.STRING, Taf.STRING)
r = s
r.put(n, new Uint8Array(i.getBuffer()))
this.data.put(t, r)
Taf.Wup.prototype.writeInt32 = function (t, e) {
var i = new Taf.JceOutputStream
i.writeInt32(0, e)
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
this.newdata.put(t, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBuffer()))
} else {
var r = this.data.get(t)
var n = TAF.TypeHelp.INT32
if (r == undefined) {
var s = new Taf.Map(Taf.STRING, Taf.STRING)
r = s
r.put(n, new Uint8Array(i.getBuffer()))
this.data.put(t, r)
Taf.Wup.prototype.writeInt64 = function (t, e) {
var i = new Taf.JceOutputStream
i.writeInt64(0, e)
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
this.newdata.put(t, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBuffer()))
} else {
var r = this.data.get(t)
var n = TAF.TypeHelp.INT64
if (r == undefined) {
var s = new Taf.Map(Taf.STRING, Taf.STRING)
r = s
r.put(n, new Uint8Array(i.getBuffer()))
this.data.put(t, r)
Taf.Wup.prototype.writeFloat = function (t, e) {
var i = new Taf.JceOutputStream
i.writeFloat(0, e)
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
this.newdata.put(t, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBuffer()))
} else {
var r = this.data.get(t)
var n = TAF.TypeHelp.FLOAT
if (r == undefined) {
var s = new Taf.Map(Taf.STRING, Taf.STRING)
r = s
r.put(n, new Uint8Array(i.getBuffer()))
this.data.put(t, r)
Taf.Wup.prototype.writeDouble = function (t, e) {
var i = new Taf.JceOutputStream
i.writeDouble(0, e)
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
this.newdata.put(t, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBuffer()))
} else {
var r = this.data.get(t)
var n = TAF.TypeHelp.DOUBLE
if (r == undefined) {
var s = new Taf.Map(Taf.STRING, Taf.STRING)
r = s
r.put(n, new Uint8Array(i.getBuffer()))
this.data.put(t, r)
Taf.Wup.prototype.writeString = function (t, e) {
var i = new Taf.JceOutputStream
i.writeString(0, e)
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
this.newdata.put(t, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBuffer()))
} else {
var r = this.data.get(t)
var n = Taf.TypeHelp.STRING
if (r == undefined) {
var s = new Taf.Map(Taf.STRING, Taf.STRING)
r = s
r.put(n, new Uint8Array(i.getBuffer()))
this.data.put(t, r)
Taf.Wup.prototype.writeVector = function (t, e) {
var i = new Taf.JceOutputStream
i.writeVector(0, e)
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
this.newdata.put(t, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBinBuffer()))
} else {
var r = this.data.get(t)
var n = e._className()
if (r == undefined) {
var s = new Taf.Map(Taf.STRING, Taf.STRING)
r = s
r.put(n, new Uint8Array(i.getBuffer()))
this.data.put(t, r)
Taf.Wup.prototype.writeStruct = function (t, e) {
var i = new Taf.JceOutputStream
i.writeStruct(0, e)
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
this.newdata.put(t, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBuffer()))
} else {
var r = this.data.get(t)
var n = " "
if (r == undefined) {
var s = new Taf.Map(Taf.STRING, Taf.STRING)
r = s
r.put(n, new Uint8Array(i.getBuffer()))
this.data.put(t, r)
Taf.Wup.prototype.writeBytes = function (t, e) {
var i = new Taf.JceOutputStream
i.writeBytes(0, e)
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
this.newdata.put(t, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBuffer()))
} else {
var r = this.data.get(t)
var n = "vec"
if (r == undefined) {
var s = new Taf.Map(Taf.STRING, Taf.STRING)
r = s
r.put(n, new Uint8Array(i.getBuffer()))
this.data.put(t, r)
Taf.Wup.prototype.writeMap = function (t, e) {
var i = new Taf.JceOutputStream
i.writeMap(0, e)
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
this.newdata.put(t, new Taf.BinBuffer(i.getBuffer()))
} else {
var r = this.data.get(t)
var n = Taf.Util.getClassType(e)
if (r == undefined) {
var s = new Taf.Map(Taf.STRING, Taf.STRING)
r = s
r.put(n, new Uint8Array(i.getBuffer()))
this.data.put(t, r)
Taf.Wup.prototype.readFrom = function (t) {
this.iVersion = t.readInt16(1, true)
this.cPacketType = t.readInt8(2, true)
this.iMessageType = t.readInt32(3, true)
this.iRequestId = t.readInt32(4, true)
this.sServantName = t.readString(5, true)
this.sFuncName = t.readString(6, true)
if (localStorage.__wup) {
console.info("%c@@@ " + this.sServantName + "." + this.sFuncName, "color:whitebackground:black;", this)
this.sBuffer = t.readBytes(7, true)
this.iTimeout = t.readInt32(8, true)
this.context = t.readMap(9, true)
this.status = t.readMap(10, true)
Taf.Wup.prototype.decode = function (t) {
var e = new Taf.JceInputStream(t)
var i = e.buf.vew.getInt32(e.buf.position)
if (i < 4) {
throw Error("packet length too short")
e.buf.position += 4
e = new Taf.JceInputStream(this.sBuffer.getBuffer())
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
e.readMap(0, true, this.newdata)
} else {
e.readMap(0, true, this.newdata)
Taf.Wup.prototype.readBoolean = function (t) {
var e, i
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var r = new Taf.JceInputStream(e.buffer)
i = r.readBoolean(0, true, i)
} else {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var n = Taf.TypeHelp.BOOLEAN
var s = e.get(n)
if (s == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found type:" + n)
var r = new Taf.JceInputStream(s)
i = r.readBoolean(0, true, i)
return i
Taf.Wup.prototype.readInt8 = function (t) {
var e, i
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var r = new Taf.JceInputStream(e.buffer)
i = r.readInt8(0, true, i)
} else {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var n = Taf.TypeHelp.CHAR
var s = e.get(n)
if (s == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found type:" + n)
var r = new Taf.JceInputStream(s)
i = r.readInt8(0, true, i)
return i
Taf.Wup.prototype.readInt16 = function (t) {
var e, i
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var r = new Taf.JceInputStream(e.buffer)
i = r.readInt16(0, true, i)
} else {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var n = Taf.TypeHelp.SHORT
var s = e.get(n)
var r = new Taf.JceInputStream(s)
if (s == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found type:" + n)
i = r.readInt16(0, true, i)
return i
Taf.Wup.prototype.readInt32 = function (t) {
var e, i
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var r = new Taf.JceInputStream(e.buffer)
i = r.readInt32(0, true, i)
} else {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var n = Taf.TypeHelp.INT32
var s = e.get(n)
if (s == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found type:" + n)
var r = new Taf.JceInputStream(s)
i = r.readInt32(0, true, i)
return i
Taf.Wup.prototype.readInt64 = function (t) {
var e, i
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var r = new Taf.JceInputStream(e.buffer)
i = r.readInt64(0, true, i)
} else {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var n = Taf.TypeHelp.INT64
var s = e.get(n)
if (s == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found type:" + n)
var r = new Taf.JceInputStream(s)
i = r.readInt64(0, true, i)
return i
Taf.Wup.prototype.readFloat = function (t) {
var e, i
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var r = new Taf.JceInputStream(e.buffer)
i = r.readFloat(0, true, i)
} else {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var n = Taf.TypeHelp.FLOAT
var s = e.get(n)
if (s == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found type:" + n)
var r = new Taf.JceInputStream(s)
i = r.readFloat(0, true, i)
return i
Taf.Wup.prototype.readDouble = function (t) {
let def;
var e
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var i = new Taf.JceInputStream(e.buffer)
def = i.readDouble(0, true, def)
} else {
e = this.newdata.get(t)
if (e == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var r = Taf.TypeHelp.DOUBLE
var n = e.get(r)
if (n == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found type:" + r)
var i = new Taf.JceInputStream(n)
def = i.readDouble(0, true, def)
return def
Taf.Wup.prototype.readVector = function (t, e, i) {
var r
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
r = this.newdata.get(t)
if (r == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var n = new Taf.JceInputStream(r.buffer)
e = n.readVector(0, true, e)
} else {
r = this.newdata.get(t)
if (r == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var s = r.get(i)
if (s == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found type:" + i)
var n = new Taf.JceInputStream(s)
e = n.readVector(0, true, e)
return e
Taf.Wup.prototype.readStruct = function (t, e, i) {
var r
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
r = this.newdata.get(t)
if (r == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var n = new Taf.JceInputStream(r.buffer)
e = n.readStruct(0, true, e)
} else {
r = this.newdata.get(t)
if (r == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var s = r.get(i)
if (s == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found type:" + i)
var n = new Taf.JceInputStream(s)
e = n.readStruct(0, true, e)
return e
Taf.Wup.prototype.readMap = function (t, e, i) {
var r
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
r = this.newdata.get(t)
if (r == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var n = new Taf.JceInputStream(r.buffer)
e = n.readMap(0, true, e)
} else {
r = this.newdata.get(t)
if (r == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var s = r.get(i)
if (s == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found type:" + i)
var n = new Taf.JceInputStream(s)
e = n.readMap(0, true, e)
return e
Taf.Wup.prototype.readBytes = function (t, e, i) {
var r
if (this.iVersion == 3) {
r = this.newdata.get(t)
if (r == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var n = new Taf.JceInputStream(r.buffer)
e = n.readBytes(0, true, e)
} else {
r = this.newdata.get(t)
if (r == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found key:" + t)
var s = r.get(i)
if (s == undefined) {
throw Error("UniAttribute not found type:" + i)
var n = new Taf.JceInputStream(s)
e = n.readBytes(0, true, e)
return e
Taf.Util = Taf.Util || {}
Taf.Util.jcestream = function (t, e) {
if (t == null || t == undefined) {
console.log("Taf.Util.jcestream::value is null or undefined")
if (!(t instanceof ArrayBuffer)) {
console.log("Taf.Util.jcestream::value is not ArrayBuffer")
e = e || 16
var i = new Uint8Array(t)
var r = ""
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
if (n != 0 && n % e == 0) {
r += "n"
} else if (n != 0) {
r += " "
r += (i[n] > 15 ? "" : "0") + i[n].toString(16)
Taf.Util.str2ab = function (t) {
var e, i = t.length, r = new Array(i)
for (e = 0; e < i; ++e) {
r[e] = t.charCodeAt(e)
return new Uint8Array(r).buffer
Taf.Util.ajax = function (t, e, i, r) {
var n = new XMLHttpRequest
n.overrideMimeType("text/plain charset=x-user-defined");
var s = function () {
if (n.readyState === 4) {
if (n.status === 200 || n.status === 304) {
} else {
n.removeEventListener("readystatechange", s)
n = undefined
n.addEventListener("readystatechange", s)
n.open("post", t)
ab2hex = function (buffer) {
const hexArr = Array.prototype.map.call(
new Uint8Array(buffer),
function (bit) {
return ('00' + bit.toString(16)).slice(-2)
return hexArr.join('')
function hex2ab(value) {
var typedArray = new Uint8Array(value.match(/[da-f]{2}/gi).map(function (h) {
return parseInt(h, 16);
return typedArray.buffer;
function main() {
var s = {};
//定义 HomepageFeedsIconLabel1结构
s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel1 = function () {
this.sText = "ddd", this.iColor = 123456, this.usIconId = 0, this._classname = "MTT.HomepageFeedsIconLabel"
s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel1._classname = "MTT.HomepageFeedsIconLabel1"
s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel1.write = function (e, t, i) {
e.writeStruct(t, i)
s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel1.read = function (e, t, i) {
return e.readStruct(t, !0, i)
s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel1.readFrom = function (e) {
var t = new s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel1;
t.sText = e.readString(0, !0, "");
t.iColor = e.readInt32(1, !0, 1);
t.usIconId = e.readUInt16(2, !1, 0);
return t
s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel1.prototype.writeTo = function (e) {
e.writeString(0, this.sText), e.writeInt32(1, this.iColor), e.writeUInt16(2, this.usIconId)
//定义 HomepageFeedsIconLabel1结构
s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel = function () {
this.sText = "ddd", this.iColor = 123456, this.usIconId = 0, this._classname = "MTT.HomepageFeedsIconLabel", this.demo = new s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel1()
s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel._classname = "MTT.HomepageFeedsIconLabel"
s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel.write = function (e, t, i) {
e.writeStruct(t, i)
s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel.read = function (e, t, i) {
return e.readStruct(t, !0, i)
s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel.readFrom = function (e) {
var t = new s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel;
t.sText = e.readString(0, !0, "");
t.iColor = e.readInt32(1, !0, 1);
t.usIconId = e.readUInt16(2, !1, 0);
t.stIcon = e.readStruct(3, !1, s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel1);
return t
s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel.prototype.writeTo = function (e) {
e.writeString(0, this.sText), e.writeInt32(1, this.iColor), e.writeUInt16(2, this.usIconId), e.writeStruct(3, this.demo);
s.HomepageBookInfo = function () {
this.sPicUrl = "aaaaa", this.stIcon = new s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel, this._classname = "MTT.HomepageBookInfo"
}, s.HomepageBookInfo._classname = "MTT.HomepageBookInfo", s.HomepageBookInfo._write = function (e, t, i) {
e.writeStruct(t, i)
}, s.HomepageBookInfo.read = function (e, t, i) {
return e.readStruct(t, !0, i)
}, s.HomepageBookInfo.readFrom = function (e) {
var t = new s.HomepageBookInfo;
t.sPicUrl = e.readString(0, !1, "");
t.stIcon = e.readStruct(5, !1, s.HomepageFeedsIconLabel);
return t
}, s.HomepageBookInfo.prototype.writeTo = function (e) {
e.writeString(0, this.sPicUrl);
e.writeStruct(5, this.stIcon);
const jceOutputStream1 = new Taf.JceOutputStream;
var c = new s.HomepageBookInfo
const jce = new Taf.JceInputStream(jceOutputStream1.getBuffer())
t = s.HomepageBookInfo.readFrom(jce);
return ab2hex(jceOutputStream1.getBuffer());
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