
admin 2023年8月21日00:40:26评论56 views字数 6482阅读21分36秒阅读模式

本课程由纽约州立大学布法罗分校教授Shambhu J. Upadhyaya讲授。

4 保护运营技术和知识产权

4.4 监控、入侵检测和网络加固


[MUSIC] Welcome to lesson four. In lesson three, we looked at intrusion prevention and data leak prevention topics and also reviewed some commercial and open source tools.



These tools require continuous monitoring of user operations to perform correctly.Often times, they monitor audit logs and perform their analysis. In this lesson, the deployment of signature waste and anomaly based intrusion detection tools will be described.The lesson will conclude with vulnerability analysis and network handling against security breaches.



Before talking about network monitoring, let us first try to understand who these intruders are and what is their typical behavior? Intruders are the people or organizations, which cause significant issues for networked systems by hostile or unwanted access to intellectual property.There are three classes of intruders, masquerader. These are intruders who hide their identity by impersonating someone else.Misfeasor, these are the users with authenticated access to the system but misuse their privilege for an unethical activities. Clandestine user, this are attackers who access the system privileges and remove ordered logs after the attack to clear their footprints or any other traces of their actions.



There are numerous examples of intrusive activities on the Internet, but they can be categorized into a few distinct classes. These are, remote root compromise of an email server, web server defacement, guessing or cracking passwords, copying or viewing sensitive data or databases, running a packet sniffer. Distributing pirated software, using an unsecured modem to access the Internet, impersonating a user to reset password and using an unattended workstation.It is interesting to know how a typical intruder behaves? Just like it is possible to profile a thief or a burglar, we can characterize an intruder by their distinct behavior.They typically do one or more of the following activities.Act quickly and precisely to make their activities harder to detect. Exploit perimeter via vulnerable ports.



Use Trojan horses, that is hidden software to leave backdoors for re-entry. Use sniffers to capture passwords.Do not stick around until noticed. And make few or no mistakes.Intruders aim to gain access and or increase their privileges on a system.For this, they often use system or software vulnerabilities. The key goal often is to acquire passwords so that they can then exercise access rights of the owner.Their basic attack methodologies consist of target acquisition and information gathering. To gain control over a system, using system vulnerabilities.



Initial access to access basic user controls over a system.Privilege escalation to hack into a system with administrative privilege, to perform any action without restriction.Covering tracks to clear history of any of their actions.Let us see why intrusion detection and monitoring are so important.



No system can be 100% secure and security breaches cannot be prevented completely.The next best thing is to monitor and detect.With appropriate monitoring, a user can get alerts for any suspicious activity on the system, and therefore can take quick, remedial actions to safeguard any sensitive information.Monitoring also helps in collecting information about attacks signatures and system vulnerabilities. Such information is highly useful in improving system security and detecting new kinds of attacks.



Monitoring system for anomalies generates alerts if it detects any actions which are different from the normal user behavior.For creating such alerts, the monitoring system generates a profile of regular user from system audit logs and keeps track of each activity that might lead to a security breach.Once it has the user profile generated, it then looks for any deviation from the normal user activity.If user actions vary too much from the normal, and if those activities are suspicious in terms of system security, then it generates an alert. This is called, anomaly-based intrusion detection systems. This is in short contrast with the other type of intrusion detection system called misuse detection. Where the monitoring system looks for previously seen attack signatures. A combination of misuse detection and anomaly detection works well in detecting attacks in a network or a host of computers.



The final topic of this lesson is network hardening.Let us take a look at how intrusion prevention or detection systems can be used to harden the network and computer systems against security breaches.There are tools that help identify weak points in the network so that appropriate security appliances can be deployed to circumvent the weaknesses, once such tool is that network vulnerability scanning tool called Nessus.



Nessus is a free tool for personally used but can you purchased by ordinations to determine their network's security posture and maintain through a licensing fee.It does a portscan on the target device to discover which ports are open and then performs thorough investigation to determine weaknesses such as weak password usage, misconfigurations, and unpatched vulnerabilities.



Based on the recommendations, the organization's system administrator can then harden the networks and devices by employing corrective actions, including placement of security tools at strategic locations.One can also take advantage of vulnerability repositories such as the National Vulnerability Database or NVD maintained by the US government and the mailing lists such as Bugtraq for vulnerability management and security measurement.





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