【逆向分析】BUUCTF 逆向题目 reverse3

admin 2023年12月1日08:36:23评论9 views字数 2049阅读6分49秒阅读模式

BUUCTF 逆向题目 reverse3



【逆向分析】BUUCTF 逆向题目 reverse3


【逆向分析】BUUCTF 逆向题目 reverse3


【逆向分析】BUUCTF 逆向题目 reverse3

信息:     文件名: H://BUUCTF/reverse3/reverse_3.exe    大小: 39424(38.50 KiB)    操作系统: Windows(Vista)    架构: I386    模式: 32    类型: 控制台    字节序: LE


【逆向分析】BUUCTF 逆向题目 reverse3

【逆向分析】BUUCTF 逆向题目 reverse3


【逆向分析】BUUCTF 逆向题目 reverse3


【逆向分析】BUUCTF 逆向题目 reverse3

【逆向分析】BUUCTF 逆向题目 reverse3


e3nifIH9b_C@n@dH —> 一个for循环减法 —> base64解密 —> flag

import base64
Str2 = 'e3nifIH9b_C@n@dH'len_str = len(Str2)key = ''for i in range(len_str): key += chr(ord(Str2[i]) - i)print('flag'+str(base64.b64decode(key)))print('flag'+str(base64.b64decode(key))[2:-1:])

【逆向分析】BUUCTF 逆向题目 reverse3

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>
const char base64_chars[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
void base64_decode(const char *input, unsigned char **output, size_t *output_len) { size_t input_len = strlen(input);
if (input_len % 4 != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid base64 input lengthn"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
*output_len = 3 * (input_len / 4); *output = (unsigned char *)malloc(*output_len + 1);
size_t i, j = 0; for (i = 0; i < input_len; i += 4) { unsigned char sextet_a = strchr(base64_chars, input[i]) - base64_chars; unsigned char sextet_b = strchr(base64_chars, input[i + 1]) - base64_chars; unsigned char sextet_c = strchr(base64_chars, input[i + 2]) - base64_chars; unsigned char sextet_d = strchr(base64_chars, input[i + 3]) - base64_chars;
(*output)[j++] = (sextet_a << 2) | (sextet_b >> 4); (*output)[j++] = (sextet_b << 4) | (sextet_c >> 2); (*output)[j++] = (sextet_c << 6) | sextet_d; }
(*output)[j] = '';}
int main(void) { // Input: Base64 decoded string char base64_str[] = "e3nifIH9b_C@n@dH";
// Modify the input string int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { base64_str[i] -= i; }
// Decode the modified base64 string unsigned char *decoded_str; size_t decoded_len; base64_decode(base64_str, &decoded_str, &decoded_len);
// Concatenate the decoded base64 string with the prefix "flag" char result[128]; // Adjust the size accordingly strcpy(result, "flag"); strcat(result, (char *)decoded_str);
// Print the final result printf("Final Result: %sn", result);
// Clean up allocated memory free(decoded_str);
return 0;}

【逆向分析】BUUCTF 逆向题目 reverse3

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  • 本文由 发表于 2023年12月1日08:36:23
  • 转载请保留本文链接(CN-SEC中文网:感谢原作者辛苦付出):
                   【逆向分析】BUUCTF 逆向题目 reverse3https://cn-sec.com/archives/2258165.html


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