
admin 2024年3月2日19:07:05评论16 views字数 2974阅读9分54秒阅读模式


The Five Eyes (FVEY) intelligence alliance has issued a new cybersecurity advisory warning of cyber threat actors exploiting known security flaws in Ivanti Connect Secure and Ivanti Policy Secure gateways, noting that the Integrity Checker Tool (ICT) can be deceived to provide a false sense of security.

五眼(FVEY)情报联盟发布了一项新的网络安全咨询警告,指出网络威胁行为者正在利用Ivanti Connect Secure和Ivanti Policy Secure网关中已知的安全漏洞,并指出完整性检查工具(ICT)可能被欺骗以提供虚假的安全感。

"Ivanti ICT is not sufficient to detect compromise and that a cyber threat actor may be able to gain root-level persistence despite issuing factory resets," the agencies said.

"Ivanti ICT无法检测妥协,网络威胁行为者可能会获得根级持久性,尽管进行了出厂复位",各机构表示。

To date, Ivanti has disclosed five security vulnerabilities impacting its products since January 10, 2024, out of which four have come under active exploitation by multiple threat actors to deploy malware -


  • CVE-2023-46805 (CVSS score: 8.2) - Authentication bypass vulnerability in web component

    CVE-2023-46805(CVSS评分:8.2)- Web组件中的身份验证绕过漏洞

  • CVE-2024-21887 (CVSS score: 9.1) - Command injection vulnerability in web component

    CVE-2024-21887(CVSS评分:9.1)- Web组件中的命令注入漏洞

  • CVE-2024-21888 (CVSS score: 8.8) - Privilege escalation vulnerability in web component

    CVE-2024-21888(CVSS评分:8.8)- Web组件中的特权提升漏洞

  • CVE-2024-21893 (CVSS score: 8.2) - SSRF vulnerability in the SAML component

    CVE-2024-21893(CVSS评分:8.2)- SAML组件中的SSRF漏洞

  • CVE-2024-22024 (CVSS score: 8.3) - XXE vulnerability in the SAML component

    CVE-2024-22024(CVSS评分:8.3)- SAML组件中的XXE漏洞

Mandiant, in an analysis published this week, described how an encrypted version of a malware known as BUSHWALK is placed in a directory excluded by ICT in /data/runtime/cockpit/diskAnalysis.


The directory exclusions were also previously highlighted by Eclypsium this month, stating the tool skips a dozen directories from being scanned, thus allowing an attacker to leave behind backdoors in one of these paths and still pass the integrity check.


"The safest course of action for network defenders is to assume a sophisticated threat actor may deploy rootkit level persistence on a device that has been reset and lay dormant for an arbitrary amount of time," agencies from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.K., and the U.S. said.



They also urged organizations to "consider the significant risk of adversary access to, and persistence on, Ivanti Connect Secure and Ivanti Policy Secure gateways when determining whether to continue operating these devices in an enterprise environment."

他们还敦促组织在确定是否继续在企业环境中运行这些设备时“考虑对Ivanti Connect Secure和Ivanti Policy Secure网关的对手访问和持久性的重大风险”。

Ivanti, in response to the advisory, said it's not aware of any instances of successful threat actor persistence following the implementation of security updates and factory resets. It's also releasing a new version of ICT that it said "provides additional visibility into a customer's appliance and all files that are present on the system."



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  • 本文由 发表于 2024年3月2日19:07:05
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