根据 https://github.com/celery/kombu/blob/master/kombu/utils/limits.py , 我简单改写了一下,可以很直观的看出来流量控制结果。
# coding=utf-8
import time
class TokenBucket(object):
def __init__(self, fill_rate, capacity):
self.capacity = float(capacity)
self._left_tokens = capacity
self.fill_rate = float(fill_rate)
self.timestamp = time.time()
def consume(self, tokens=1):
"""Return :const:`True` if the number of tokens can be consumed
from the bucket. If they can be consumed, a call will also consume the
requested number of tokens from the bucket. Calls will only consume
`tokens` (the number requested) or zero tokens -- it will never consume
a partial number of tokens."""
if tokens <= self.tokens:
self._left_tokens -= tokens
return True
return False
def expected_time(self, tokens=1):
"""Return the time (in seconds) when a new token is expected
to be available. This will not consume any tokens from the bucket."""
_tokens = self.tokens
tokens = max(tokens, _tokens)
return (tokens - _tokens) / self.fill_rate
def tokens(self):
if self._left_tokens < self.capacity:
now = time.time()
delta = self.fill_rate * (now - self.timestamp)
self._left_tokens = min(self.capacity, self._left_tokens + delta)
self.timestamp = now
return self._left_tokens
true = false = 0
# 每秒往桶里面添加5个令牌,桶的大小是50
bucket = TokenBucket(fill_rate=5, capacity=50)
for i in range(300):
if bucket.consume():
true += 1
print "Accepted", i
false += 1
print "Dropped, time left ", bucket.expected_time()
print true, false
- source:strcpy.me
- 左青龙
- 微信扫一扫
- 右白虎
- 微信扫一扫