Python软件包潜藏Sliver C2框架

admin 2024年5月14日18:59:33评论11 views字数 3199阅读10分39秒阅读模式

Python软件包潜藏Sliver C2框架

Cybersecurity researchers have identified a malicious Python package that purports to be an offshoot of the popular requests library and has been found concealing a Golang-version of the Sliver command-and-control (C2) framework within a PNG image of the project's logo.


The package employing this steganographic trickery is requests-darwin-lite, which has been downloaded 417 times prior to it being taken down from the Python Package Index (PyPI) registry.


Requests-darwin-lite "appeared to be a fork of the ever-popular requests package with a few key differences, most notably the inclusion of a malicious Go binary packed into a large version of the actual requests side-bar PNG logo," software supply chain security firm Phylum said.

Requests-darwin-lite“似乎是一个ever-popular requests包的分支,有一些关键的区别,尤其是包含了一个恶意的Go二进制文件,它被打包在实际requests侧边栏PNG标志的一个大版本中,”软件供应链安全公司Phylum表示。

The changes have been introduced in the package's file, which has been configured to decode and execute a Base64-encoded command to gather the system's Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).


In what's an interesting twist, the infection chain proceeds only if the identifier matches a particular value, implying that the author(s) behind the package is looking to breach a specific machine to which they are already in possession of the identifier obtained through some other means.


This raises two possibilities: Either it's a highly targeted attack or it's some sort of a testing process ahead of a broader campaign.


Should the UUID match, the requests-darwin-lite proceeds to read data from a PNG file named "requests-sidebar-large.png," which bears similarities with the legitimate requests package that ships with a similar file called "requests-sidebar.png."


What's different here is that while the real logo embedded within requests has a file size of 300 kB, the one contained inside requests-darwin-lite is around 17 MB.

这里的不同之处在于,虽然嵌入在requests中的真实标志具有300 kB的文件大小,但包含在requests-darwin-lite中的标志约为17 MB。

The binary data concealed in the PNG image is the Golang-based Sliver, an open-source C2 framework that's designed to be used by security professionals in their red team operations.


The exact end goal of the package is currently unclear, but the development is once again a sign that open-source ecosystems continue to be an attractive vector to distribute malware.


With a vast majority of codebases relying on open-source code, the steady influx of malware into npm, PyPI, and other package registries, not to mention the recent XZ Utils episode, has highlighted the need for addressing issues in a systematic manner that otherwise can "derail large swaths of the web."

由于绝大多数代码库依赖于开源代码,恶意软件持续涌入npm、PyPI和其他包注册表,更不用说最近的XZ Utils事件,凸显了以系统化方式解决问题的必要性,否则可能“使网络的大片区域陷入混乱”。





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