
admin 2024年5月27日15:17:36评论15 views字数 3993阅读13分18秒阅读模式

Threat actors have been observed making use of fake websites masquerading as legitimate antivirus solutions from Avast, Bitdefender, and Malwarebytes to propagate malware capable of stealing sensitive information from Android and Windows devices.


"Hosting malicious software through sites which look legitimate is predatory to general consumers, especially those who look to protect their devices from cyber attacks," Trellix security researcher Gurumoorthi Ramanathan said.

网络安全研究人员Gurumoorthi Ramanathan表示:“通过看起来合法的网站托管恶意软件对普通消费者是有害的,特别是那些希望保护设备免受网络攻击的人。”

The list of websites is below -

以下是网站列表 -

  • avast-securedownload[.]com, which is used to deliver the SpyNote trojan in the form of an Android package file ("Avast.apk") that, once installed, requests for intrusive permissions to read SMS messages and call logs, install and delete apps, take screenshot, track location, and even mine cryptocurrency


  • bitdefender-app[.]com, which is used to deliver a ZIP archive file ("setup-win-x86-x64.exe.zip") that deploys the Lumma information stealer malware


  • malwarebytes[.]pro, which is used to deliver a RAR archive file ("MBSetup.rar") that deploys the StealC information stealer malware


The cybersecurity firm said it also uncovered a rogue Trellix binary named "AMCoreDat.exe" that serves as a conduit to drop a stealer malware capable of harvesting victim information, including browser data, and exfiltrating it to a remote server.


It's currently not clear how these bogus websites are distributed, but similar campaigns in the past have employed techniques such as malvertising and search engine optimization (SEO) poisoning.


Stealer malware have increasingly become a common threat, with cybercriminals advertising numerous custom variants with varying levels of complexity. This includes new stealers like Acrid, SamsStealer, ScarletStealer, and Waltuhium Grabber, as well as updates to existing ones such as SYS01stealer (aka Album Stealer or S1deload Stealer).
窃取恶意软件越来越成为一种常见威胁,网络犯罪分子推广多种定制变体,具有不同复杂程度。这包括新的窃取者,如Acrid、SamsStealer、ScarletStealer和Waltuhium Grabber,以及对现有窃取者的更新,如SYS01stealer(又名Album Stealer或S1deload Stealer)。

"The fact that new stealers appear every now and then, combined with the fact that their functionality and sophistication varies greatly, indicates that there is a criminal market demand for stealers," Kaspersky said in a recent report.


Earlier this week, the Russian cybersecurity firm also detailed a Gipy malware campaign that capitalizes on the popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) tools by advertising a fake AI voice generator via phishing websites.


Once installed, Gipy loads third-party malware hosted on GitHub, ranging from information stealers (Lumma, RedLine, RisePro, and LOLI Stealer) and cryptocurrency miners (Apocalypse ClipBanker) to remote access trojans (DCRat and RADXRat) and backdoors (TrueClient).

安装后,Gipy加载托管在GitHub上的第三方恶意软件,包括信息窃取者(Lumma、RedLine、RisePro和LOLI Stealer)、加密货币挖矿者(Apocalypse ClipBanker)、远程访问特洛伊木马(DCRat和RADXRat)和后门(TrueClient)。

The development comes as researchers have discovered a new Android banking trojan called Antidot that disguises itself as a Google Play update to facilitate information theft by abusing Android's accessibility and MediaProjection APIs.

研究人员发现了一个名为Antidot的新的Android银行木马,它伪装成Google Play更新,通过滥用Android的可访问性和MediaProjection API来促进信息窃取。

"Functionality-wise, Antidot is capable of keylogging, overlay attacks, SMS exfiltration, screen captures, credentials theft, device control, and execution of commands received from the attackers," Broadcom-owned Symantec said in a bulletin.





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  • 本文由 发表于 2024年5月27日15:17:36
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