Apache RocketMQ漏洞导致Muhstik僵尸网络扩大攻击

admin 2024年6月8日21:03:00评论4 views字数 4647阅读15分29秒阅读模式

Apache RocketMQ漏洞导致Muhstik僵尸网络扩大攻击

The distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) botnet known as Muhstik has been observed leveraging a now-patched security flaw impacting Apache RocketMQ to co-opt susceptible servers and expand its scale.

分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)僵尸网络Muhstik已被观察到利用现在已经修补的影响Apache RocketMQ的安全漏洞来利用易受攻击的服务器并扩大其规模。

"Muhstik is a well-known threat targeting IoT devices and Linux-based servers, notorious for its ability to infect devices and utilize them for cryptocurrency mining and launching Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks," Cloud security firm Aqua said in a report published this week.


First documented in 2018, attack campaigns involving the malware have a history of exploiting known security flaws, specifically those relating to web applications, for propagation.


The latest addition to the list of exploited vulnerabilities is CVE-2023-33246 (CVSS score: 9.8), a critical security flaw affecting Apache RocketMQ that allows a remote and unauthenticated attacker to perform remote code execution by forging the RocketMQ protocol content or using the update configuration function.

所利用漏洞列表的最新补充是CVE-2023-33246(CVSS评分:9.8),一个影响Apache RocketMQ的关键安全漏洞,允许远程和未经身份验证的攻击者通过伪造RocketMQ协议内容或使用更新配置功能执行远程代码执行。

Once the shortcoming is successfully abused to obtain initial access, the threat actor proceeds to execute a shell script hosted on a remote IP address, which is then responsible for retrieving the Muhstik binary ("pty3") from another server.


"After gaining the ability to upload the malicious payload by exploiting the RocketMQ vulnerability, the attacker is able to execute their malicious code, which downloads the Muhstik malware," security researcher Nitzan Yaakov said.

“通过利用RocketMQ漏洞获得上传恶意有效载荷的能力后,攻击者能够执行他们的恶意代码,下载Muhstik恶意软件,”安全研究人员Nitzan Yaakov说。

Persistence on the host is achieved by means of copying the malware binary to multiple directories and editing the /etc/inittab file -- which controls what processes to start during the booting of a Linux server -- to automatically restart the process.


What's more, the naming of the binary as "pty3" is likely an attempt to masquerade as a pseudoterminal ("pty") and evade detection. Another evasion technique is that the malware is copied to directories such as /dev/shm, /var/tmp, /run/lock, and /run during the persistence phase, which allows it to be executed directly from memory and avoid leaving traces on the system.


Apache RocketMQ漏洞导致Muhstik僵尸网络扩大攻击

Muhstik comes equipped with features to gather system metadata, laterally move to other devices over a secure shell (SSH), and ultimately establish contact with a command-and-control (C2) domain to receive further instructions using the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol.


The end goal of the malware is to weaponize the compromised devices to perform different types of flooding attacks against targets of interest, effectively overwhelming their network resources and triggering a denial-of-service condition.


With 5,216 vulnerable instances of Apache RocketMQ still exposed to the internet after more than a year of public disclosure of the flaw, it's essential that organizations take steps to update to the latest version in order to mitigate potential threats.

在公开揭示这个漏洞一年多后,仍有5216个易受攻击的Apache RocketMQ实例暴露在互联网上,组织必须采取措施更新到最新版本以减轻潜在的威胁。

"Moreover, in previous campaigns, cryptomining activity was detected after the execution of the Muhstik malware," Yaakov said. "These objectives go hand in hand, as the attackers strive to spread and infect more machines, which helps them in their mission to mine more cryptocurrency using the electrical power of the compromised machines."


The disclosure comes as the AhnLab Security Intelligence Center (ASEC) revealed that poorly secured MS-SQL servers are being targeted by threat actors to various types of malware, ranging from ransomware and remote access trojans to Proxyware.


"Administrators must use passwords that are difficult to guess for their accounts and change them periodically to protect the database server from brute-force attacks and dictionary attacks," ASEC said. "They must also apply the latest patches to prevent vulnerability attacks."






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