
admin 2024年7月5日20:12:05评论3 views字数 2843阅读9分28秒阅读模式

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new botnet called Zergeca that's capable of conducting distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.


Written in Golang, the botnet is so named for its reference to a string named "ootheca" present in the command-and-control (C2) servers ("ootheca[.]pw" and "ootheca[.]top").


"Functionally, Zergeca is not just a typical DDoS botnet; besides supporting six different attack methods, it also has capabilities for proxying, scanning, self-upgrading, persistence, file transfer, reverse shell, and collecting sensitive device information," the QiAnXin XLab team said in a report.


Zergeca is also notable for using DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) to perform Domain Name System (DNS) resolution of the C2 server and using a lesser-known library known as Smux for C2 communications.


There is evidence to suggest that the malware is actively developing and updating the malware to support new commands. What's more, the C2 IP address 84.54.51[.]82 is said to have been previously used to distribute the Mirai botnet around September 2023.

有证据表明,该恶意软件正在积极开发和更新以支持新命令。此外,据说C2 IP地址84.54.51[.]82曾在2023年9月左右用于分发Mirai僵尸网络。

As of April 29, 2025, the same IP address began to be used as a C2 server for the new botnet, raising the possibility that the threat actors "accumulated experience operating the Mirai botnets before creating Zergeca."


Attacks mounted by the botnet, primarily ACK flood DDoS attacks, have targeted Canada, Germany, and the U.S. between early and mid-June 2024.


Zergeca's features span four distinct modules, namely persistence, proxy, silivaccine, and zombie, to set up persistence by adding a system service, implementing proxying, removing competing miner and backdoor malware and gaining exclusive control over devices running the x86-64 CPU architecture, and handle the main botnet functionality.

Zergeca的功能涵盖了四个不同的模块,即持久性、代理、silivaccine和僵尸,通过添加系统服务建立持久性、实现代理、删除竞争矿工和后门恶意软件、获得对运行x86-64 CPU架构设备的独家控制,并处理主要僵尸网络功能。

The zombie module is responsible for reporting sensitive information from the compromised device to the C2 and awaits commands from the server, supporting six types of DDoS attacks, scanning, reverse shell, and other functions.


"The built-in competitor list shows familiarity with common Linux threats," XLab said. "Techniques like modified UPX packing, XOR encryption for sensitive strings, and using DoH to hide C2 resolution demonstrate a strong understanding of evasion tactics."





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