报告|A Road Towards an Interaction between Cyber Security and AIGC

admin 2024年12月6日17:07:45评论10 views字数 1798阅读5分59秒阅读模式




学 术 报 告

报告|A Road Towards an Interaction between Cyber Security and AIGC

刘  杨
新加坡南洋理工大学 校长讲席教授

A Road Towards an Interaction between Cyber Security and AIGC




AIGC and cyber security entails the syste matic integration of security testing throughout all phases of the software development process. The objective is to automate the security expertise of human professionals by employing tools, thereby enabling early identification and resolution of security concerns during the early phase of the development life cycle. However, its effectiveness greatly relies on the capabilities of intelligent tools to simulate or potentially replace security experts. With the emergence of LLM, a new means to accomplish this objective is now available. In this presentation, I will discuss recent endeavors in utilizing LLM within the realm of application security, to cover the complete life cycle of the vulnerability analysis: vulnerability detection, diagnosis, POC generation and repair.

On the other hand, LLM's security is equally important to make sure the successful deployment of the Al applications. In this direction, we will demonstrate the latest research works regarding the attack surface of LLM, blackbox/whitebox attack generation for prompt injection, attacks for multi-modality models, backdoor attacks, and possible defense mechanism.

Finally, we are looking at the integration of the two aspects to develop an Al-enabled platform for application security analysis.


刘杨博士现任新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)计算机学院教授,NTU 网络安全研究中心主任,新加坡网络安全研究办公室主任,并于2019年荣获大学领袖论坛讲席教授,在2024年荣获校长讲席教授。

刘杨博士专攻软件工程,网络安全和人工智能,其研究填补了软件分析中理论和实际应用之间的空白,研发了多款高效的软件质量和安全检测平台并成功商业化。到目前为止,他已经在顶级会议和顶级期刊上发表了超过500篇文章,并在顶级软件工程会议上获得28项最佳论文奖以及最具影响力软件奖。他还同时负责多个重要研究中心,包括新加坡网络安全研究办公室(CRPO)、南洋理工大学可信AI研究中心 (TAICeN) 以及与ICL 合作的医疗设备安全CREATE中心。他还获得多项著名奖项,包括MSRA fellowshipTRF Fellowship南洋助理教授,Tan Chin Tuan FellowshipNanyang Research Award 2019,ACM杰出演讲人,新加坡杰青和NTU 创新者(创业)奖。

报告|A Road Towards an Interaction between Cyber Security and AIGC



报告|A Road Towards an Interaction between Cyber Security and AIGC

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